Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

Translation: I’m fucked if I answer directly, so I’m doing an awkward turtle and backing away
No, you're only fucked if you traffic in innuendo, weasel words, wild unsubstantiated claims arising from the right wing echo chamber. But, given your sig, it appears you are not capable of anything else, so, sure, it appears your only option is to proceed with the reverse turtle move.
No, you're only fucked if you traffic in innuendo, weasel words, wild unsubstantiated claims arising from the right wing echo chamber. But, given your sig, it appears you are not capable of anything else, so, sure, it appears your only option is to proceed with the reverse turtle move.

You really are incapable of understanding the issue and how completely fucked you are.

A Judge is passing off his uninformed opinions as "facts" and accusing someone of fraud. Sure you LOVE it that it's the Bad Orange Man on the receiving end, but under this Stalinists standard EVERYONE CAN BE FOUND GUILTY OF SOMETHING!

Your turn will come eventually. You didn't cry hard enough at a recent State funeral so you have defrauded the Party

So, either dumb or Fascist, no third option
You really are incapable of understanding the issue and how completely fucked you are.

A Judge is passing off his uninformed opinions as "facts" and accusing someone of fraud. Sure you LOVE it that it's the Bad Orange Man on the receiving end, but under this Stalinists standard EVERYONE CAN BE FOUND GUILTY OF SOMETHING!

Your turn will come eventually. You didn't cry hard enough at a recent State funeral so you have defrauded the Party

So, either dumb or Fascist, no third option
Oh yes, when the Trump apologists start bellyaching, they raise the 'Stalin' argument.

I'm going to expose how incredibly stupid you are. You know, your tired, old, 'find me the man, and I'll find you the crime' Stalin-esque argument, which is the argument you are suggesting, as if the only reason Trump was indicted,. because he, like most of us, are guilty of missing a stop sign or two or some dumb infraction you are idiotically equating with unlawfully conspiring to overturn an election. Jeezus fuck you are dumb, and not just your garden variety of stupid, I'm talking doorknob territory here. .

Apparently in your overwhelming ignorance you forgot to factor in that in America, unlike the Soviet Union where the Judge, Jury, are in sync with Stalin and for all practical matters, all the same persons, do what he says or you will be found guilty of something, and off to Siberia you go, but in America,. we have a thing called the Jury of peers, and Judges who are not in the pocket of Dictators.

Not to mention that, we have the appellate courts and the Supreme court, all of whom will give Trump his day in court, Moreover, you think the prosecutors, judges,. etc., are making shit up and just want to 'get Trump' as that idiot Dershowitz,. clown car driver extraordinaire, once proclaimed.

You forget that the spotlight of the world is burning down the asses of these prosecutors and judges, that all of Trump's base are sending threatening emails and leaving threatening voicemails of their phones,. etc., that they don't have much to gain by doing it other than the idea they are serving the constitution and justice, and with the pressure of the world upon them because they are indicting, taking to trial, a former president of the United States, a historical first, every move will be scrutinized for the history books, you are so fuckling stupid that you think the judges and prosecutors are so dumb that they won't have evidence, and I'm talking evidence by the truckloads.

My gawd the depth of your ignorance boggles the mind.

Like I said, I don't engage with morons, unless, of course, some miracle happens and you offer a reasonably well thought out argument,. devoid of weasel words, loaded phrases, egregious logical fallacies, and sweeping generalities befitting of a sophomore in high school .
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How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")
Maybe because even without the money, Joe Biden is the worst president ever and if Joe runs, it will be a 48 state landslide.

Remember that polls are taken in favor of Democrats 2 to 1, so with Joe polling around 40 points, he really is only at 20.

oe Biden’s Approval Ratings Drop As Immigration Concerns Rise - President Joe Biden’s popularity is approaching record lows, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Just 40% of respondents in the three-day poll approved of Biden’s presidency to date, down two points from 42% in September.
Unless you Marxists plan on stealing the 2024 election like you did in 2020, looks like Joe doesnt have a snowballs chance in hell of beating President Trump. Mr Potato head, is an utter failure.
hahaha…Look…. Mac1958 has a leftarded circle-jerk going on here….hahaha…you dumbmotherfuckers….didn’t he turn millions into billions?
You creepy whacked-out TDS’ing fucks….why do you suppose all millionaires can’t turn millions into billions?

The Banker
Aldo Raine
Dont Taz Me Bro
Of course Trump can put money in the right places to collect interest. He's got a good name with some business people that I'm sure would help him out the money in the right place. Rich people trust other rich people because money does most of the talking. The people on Trump's side understand what Trump is up against, so I'm sure he'll do fine with all the support in all aspects.
Well, in fairness, he's never been good with money.

He's been a child living off Daddy's Gold Card and OPM most of his life.

Trump’s Save America political action committee has paid nearly $37 million to more than 60 law firms and individual attorneys since January 2022
How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")
Really? For the incompetent lawyers he has? Amazing.
How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")
Always believe the narrative is so tds
Trump’s Save America political action committee has paid nearly $37 million to more than 60 law firms and individual attorneys since January 2022
Since you’re keeping track….how much taxpayer cash has been given to negro activist DA’s, loony leftist Jack Smith and Robert Mueller?
How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")

He did the same thing with his charity foundation that was eventually shutdown. He used some of the money for his political campaign and for other self serving expenditures . Cost him 2 mil in fines. He said that he would not settle but did in the end. Well he probably used the money from his PAC

His "Save America PAC was established as funding for Trumps efforts to overturn the previous election.

That purpose eventually didn't work out to well. With all that money they just moved it around to other PAC's

There are few restriction on how the money is spent which include trumps own expenses

It is amazing how people throw money at Trump because they belief he is their savior

Beware the Horns of Trump


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