Trump Is Running Out Of Time As Key States Set To Certify That Biden Won

Today is that big day for three of the states. Once they are certified that's it, its all over.

You do not understand politics or someone is feeding you a line of shit.

In 2000...Katherine Harris certified the State election twice and it was overturned by the Fla Supreme Court
both times. Ideally, once a state certifies an election is the time to go to court/file a law suit.

It puts the court(s) on a time frame to get it settled before the electoral college votes.

The asshole who is going to be Biden's Chief of Staff...(Klain) was Gore's campaign manager
at the time. The 2nd time the Florida Supreme's overturned the Sec of State, they gave Gore a statewide
recount he didn't even ask for. Even after The SCOTUS made its ruling Klain still wanted to file another
appeal based on the Equal Protection Clause which SCOTUS said Fla was in violation of because they were
using different standards in different counties. The court also wrote their wasn't enough time to do it
based pn the ruling by the Fla Supreme of when the counting must end. (Fla Supreme at the time was
6 dems and 1 GOP...that has since been remedied) When Gore told him of the threat from the Fla
Legislature, Klain told Gore that they would ask the SCOTUS for a ruling to halt the Fla Legislature from
awarding their electoral votes to Bush, if the state was in danger of their electoral votes being excluded.

Gore said no. (He knew taht SCOTUS would never rule to halt a state legislature)

Klain...Biden and other assorted ass wipes all know that the certification isn't when the lawsuits end, it is
when they begin. in earnest.

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