Trump is speaking right now in the United Nations. Turn it on.

Uhm we have jobs

Over 7 million that are unfilled. Right wingers just arenā€™t qualified for them.

Most all in the red states, they already have jobs you bum.

You call me a name because you donā€™t believe your own words.

How is that a name when all you do is watch MSNBC and dont work?

A better name would be ā€œretiredā€œ. And thatā€™s because I got the G.I. Bill after serving in the military and went to college. Something you might consider.

Still a bum who would retire in Wrigleyville?
And now he saying rip the baby out of the mothers womb. Abortion on demand right up to the moment of delivery. Oh this guys a fucking monster I swear to God.
This is the guy who has children dying at the border that never thatā€™s never happened before and babies in cages. This guy is so sinister.

Now heā€™s just giving a campaign speech. In front of the United Nations.

Ripping a baby from the womb is the Democrat logo.. KILL THE BABIES!!!!
Honor the people of your nation because a Mexican canā€™t be a good judge.
Over 7 million that are unfilled. Right wingers just arenā€™t qualified for them.

Most all in the red states, they already have jobs you bum.

You call me a name because you donā€™t believe your own words.

How is that a name when all you do is watch MSNBC and dont work?

A better name would be ā€œretiredā€œ. And thatā€™s because I got the G.I. Bill after serving in the military and went to college. Something you might consider.

Still a bum who would retire in Wrigleyville?
Someone who earned money working hard? Itā€™s OK you wouldnā€™t understand.
And now he saying rip the baby out of the mothers womb. Abortion on demand right up to the moment of delivery. Oh this guys a fucking monster I swear to God.
This is the guy who has children dying at the border that never thatā€™s never happened before and babies in cages. This guy is so sinister.

Now heā€™s just giving a campaign speech. In front of the United Nations.
Democrats are running in infanticide, would you like a video?
Now heā€™s talking about open borders activists.
I didnā€™t even know any.
Who are they?
Republicans like to lie and say itā€™s Democrats but Republicans lie.

The entire democrat Party are Open Border activists
He just stared down Iran and called them savages, your country will be shit if you continue this way of thinking
He saying in Venezuela women stand for 15 hours looking for food. People donā€™t have medical care. People are dying. But his messages is donā€™t come here heā€™ll fuck you over. How does that work?

He means we're going to export democrats to Venezuela so you can experience redistribution first hand
Oh my god this is hilarious. This is one of his best/worst speeches ever. Now heā€™s talking about gay people and how he wants to protect them. Even while his administration is in court trying to remove workplace protections against gay people. And heā€™s throwing trans people out of the military.

Is this do what I say and not what I do?

He'll protect them from the people who throw them off rooftops - you know, the Hillary Foundation money people
Two excellent statements:

"We will never be a socialist nation!".

"We will never give up our right to keep and bear arms".

MAGA Baby!
This reminded me of trumps inauguration speech. And I quote George W. Bush ā€œthis is some weird shitā€œ.
Oh my god this is hilarious. This is one of his best/worst speeches ever. Now heā€™s talking about gay people and how he wants to protect them. Even while his administration is in court trying to remove workplace protections against gay people. And heā€™s throwing trans people out of the military.

Is this do what I say and not what I do?
Government protects gays at work? Huh lol
Oh my god this is hilarious. This is one of his best/worst speeches ever. Now heā€™s talking about gay people and how he wants to protect them. Even while his administration is in court trying to remove workplace protections against gay people. And heā€™s throwing trans people out of the military.

Is this do what I say and not what I do?

He'll protect them from the people who throw them off rooftops - you know, the Hillary Foundation money people
No he wonā€™t. Republicans hate gay people. Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks Hispanics and Muslims put together. The only thing protecting gays from right wing Republicans are the laws and Trump is in court trying to get rid of a bunch of those.
Oh my god this is hilarious. This is one of his best/worst speeches ever. Now heā€™s talking about gay people and how he wants to protect them. Even while his administration is in court trying to remove workplace protections against gay people. And heā€™s throwing trans people out of the military.

Is this do what I say and not what I do?

He'll protect them from the people who throw them off rooftops - you know, the Hillary Foundation money people
No he wonā€™t. Republicans hate gay people. Republicans hate gays more than they hate blacks Hispanics and Muslims put together. The only thing protecting gays from right wing Republicans are the laws and Trump is in court trying to get rid of a bunch of those.
Almost all gay violence happens in towns run by democrats..
the domestic violence is out of control

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