Trump is speaking right now in the United Nations. Turn it on.

Are you watching this?

What do you think?
Trump calls on all nations to........

Well, all Nations call on Trump to stop denying global warming is real.
Volcanoes are real and very natural Lol

Go to college dummy.

Throughout most of human history, and certainly, before human beings emerged as a dominant species throughout the world, all climate changes were the direct result of natural forces like solar cycles and volcanic eruptions.

Along with the Industrial Revolution and an increasing population size, humans began altering climates with ever-growing influence, and eventually surpassed natural causes in their ability to change the climate. Human-caused global climate change is primarily due to the release, through our activities, of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases are released into the air, where they persist for a long period at high altitude and absorb reflected sunlight. They then warm the atmosphere, the surface of the land, and the oceans. Many of our activities contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Fossil Fuels Carry Much of the Blame

It's Not Only About Power and Transportation
The various industrial processes that use fossil fuels are also to blame. For example, large quantities of natural gas are needed to produce the synthetic fertilizers used in conventional agriculture.

Just the process of extracting and processing coal, natural gas, or oil involves the release of greenhouse gases -- those activities make up 11% of the total emissions. This includes natural gas leaks during the extraction, transportation, and delivery phases.

Deforestation, especially associated with burning, allows a lot of the carbon stored in tree roots, branches, and leaves to be released into the atmosphere. It's not a trivial amount: together, land clearing and burning account for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

    • Methane (the main constituent in natural gas) is produced in large quantities by microorganisms present in rice fields, making rice production a significant contributor to climate change. And it's not just rice: lots of methane is also produced by cattle and other herbivorous livestock.

    • Temperatures are warming especially fast in Arctic regions, and there the thawing permafrost is releasing both carbon dioxide and methane. By 2100, it is estimated that 16 to 24% of the permafrost will have thawed, entering a vicious feedback loop: as permafrost thaws, it releases stored carbon dioxide and methane, which further warms the climate, melts more permafrost and releases more greenhouse gases.

Just as we create greenhouse gases, we can also take steps to reduce those emissions. It should become clear from reading this list that a whole suite of solutions is necessary to tackle climate change, beginning with the switch to renewable energy. Responsible stewardship also means encouraging sustainable agricultural and forestry practices.

Uneducated Americans have to stop thinking they are as smart as us educated citizens. But instead these fucking retards have been told going to college is bad and all that happens there is we are brainwashed by liberal professors.

Of course this is coming from uneducated and uninformed idiots. Republicans have brainwashed them to believe universities and our free media are the enemies. Man you are all fucking stupid. The Republicans love it that they have won you over by appealing to your ignorance.

You will never control us.. go ahead and try with this fake news! The biggest banks in the world are loaning money to buildings being built on every coast, you think they would be loaning million for property that won’t be there in 50 years,, Obama just bought a house on the the coast 15 million..
Take your fake news and shove it up your nazi ass
Trump's thought processes:

The man is a menace to humanity. If the dimwits in Washington can figure out how to fire him, I'm all for it at this point.

That was a weak dodge OL.
Who's in for a bumpy ride and why?
I think I explained my concerns about overweaning nationalism already.

Did I miss one or more of your posts on this thread?
Because your last one was wholly inadequate......
My apologies--didn't realize I'd gone into another thread on the same topic:

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Everything you just typed is pure speculation driven by TDS.
And your support for globalism is noted.
It's going a bit far to call it "sheer speculation," I think. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
Trump's thought processes:

The man is a menace to humanity. If the dimwits in Washington can figure out how to fire him, I'm all for it at this point.

That was a weak dodge OL.
Who's in for a bumpy ride and why?
I think I explained my concerns about overweaning nationalism already.

Did I miss one or more of your posts on this thread?
Because your last one was wholly inadequate......
My apologies--didn't realize I'd gone into another thread on the same topic:

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Everything you just typed is pure speculation driven by TDS.
And your support for globalism is noted.
your support for globalism is noted.
What are you going to do,send me to the gulag? lol

Saying that you aren't going to make globalism go away by closing your eyes and chanting MAGA is NOT necessarily "supporting it," you know. I think it's a good concept, but people tend to mess up the best of ideas, so who knows if it will actually be a rising tide that will lift most boats, eventually creating a much more equitable planet where people aren't starving by the million. I'd say the jury is still out on this one.
Now he’s talking about open borders activists.
I didn’t even know any.
Who are they?
Republicans like to lie and say it’s Democrats but Republicans lie.

Do you wish for ICE to be closed down?

Also do you feel the current Immigration system is unfair and should be more relaxed?

Perhaps you misunderstood the question. Who are the OPEN BORDERS activists?

Any democrat

No, Tulsi is against open borders... Hence why they hate her...

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