Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

Just the latest example of how the left has no actual stance or standard.

They’ll back something as long as it serves them, and then when it no longer does they’ll use it as a bad thing to attack someone else.

Absolutely gutless and completely lacking conviction or morals the left is

Trump Is Suddenly Too Old​

At the debate, Trump's resting face looked like an angry old frog in a freezing rain, overdue for his hibernation.

When the croaker spoke, all he did was whine. Non-stop. Like Harris said, "No one wants that!"

The coward didn't even have the guts to look at Harris.

Harris looked like she was at a cocktail party having the time of her life.

The contrast was stunning.

Trump's time is over.


Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

23 Jul 2024 ~~ By David Strom

A month ago Joe Biden, at 81, was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Any dissent about these assertions was mere "ageism," you bigot!
Now that Biden is out of the race, Trump is far too old to be president and should be rejected on that basis alone. You needn't even think about his supposed admiration for Hitler, plans for reeducation camps, and desire to round up MSNBC hosts.
Sadly, Trump is just too old to be president.
How times have changed.
Very quickly. The mainstream media talking points have turned on a dime.

Trump may not be fit, but he is tough. He took a bullet and sprang back up to yell, "Fight!" This line of attack isn't just hypocritical, it is moronic.


"The Gaslighting Media"​

The real truth is that people grow old differently. In Joe Biden's case Alzheimer's caught up to him sooner than most.
Trump on the other hand a 78 plays golf and is capable of making decisions that Biden never could.
As the author Strom pointed out, the hypocritical Quisling Joe's frailty and mental deterioration Media has covered for the last three and half years.
Didn't we hear it coming from the Neo-Marxists daily as they lied knowing what the rest of America knew that Joe was failing both physically and mentally badly.

Pres. Trump is definitely pushing the envelope when it comes to age. Unlike pres. Biden which obviously was/is suffering from both physical & cognitive difficulties, pres. Trump does not appear to me to be suffering from any maladies YET. Hopefully in future elections Americans will be pushing hard for candidates between the ages of 35-55 range which would give the American constituency elected officials @ an average/ideal age of 45. Two terms & it's back into the private sector employment. That would prevent fogey-itis from infiltrating into American g'ment, like Americans do not need another tragi-comedy repeat of former senator Diane Fiendstein!

Hey you want to talk about WEIRD?

Here's Melania Trump with her 78 year old husband and her 80 year old father!

Hitler tried to start a riot and overthrow the government

Bush and Roger Stone started a riot and stopped the recount, turning over the decision of "who won" to the right wing Supreme Court. If you are unaware, google Brooks Brother Riots.

Trump wanted to try something similar. If only Mike Pence went along.

It's horrible that they stopped Gore's steal before it was finished.

Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

23 Jul 2024 ~~ By David Strom

A month ago Joe Biden, at 81, was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Any dissent about these assertions was mere "ageism," you bigot!
Now that Biden is out of the race, Trump is far too old to be president and should be rejected on that basis alone. You needn't even think about his supposed admiration for Hitler, plans for reeducation camps, and desire to round up MSNBC hosts.
Sadly, Trump is just too old to be president.
How times have changed.
Very quickly. The mainstream media talking points have turned on a dime.

Trump may not be fit, but he is tough. He took a bullet and sprang back up to yell, "Fight!" This line of attack isn't just hypocritical, it is moronic.


"The Gaslighting Media"​

The real truth is that people grow old differently. In Joe Biden's case Alzheimer's caught up to him sooner than most.
Trump on the other hand a 78 plays golf and is capable of making decisions that Biden never could.
As the author Strom pointed out, the hypocritical Quisling Joe's frailty and mental deterioration Media has covered for the last three and half years.
Didn't we hear it coming from the Neo-Marxists daily as they lied knowing what the rest of America knew that Joe was failing both physically and mentally badly.

Glad the press is finally admitting it!

It's horrible that they stopped Gore's steal before it was finished.

If you were so confident Gore lost in Jeb Bush's state, why not let the recount happen? Why start a riot? Oh yea, to stop the recount, cover up everything shady that happened, both sides keep it quiet for the good of the country, and let the Supreme Court decide it. Which is what happened. It's why Trump wanted Pence to stop what he was doing Jan 6. You're just too brainwashed to know the real conspiracy.

If Bush lied us into Iraq, why would you put it past him? And DICK CHANEY. Who even he backs Kamala. Oh, Dick? FUCK OFF.
If you were so confident Gore lost in Jeb Bush's state, why not let the recount happen? Why start a riot? Oh yea, to stop the recount, cover up everything shady that happened, both sides keep it quiet for the good of the country, and let the Supreme Court decide it. Which is what happened. It's why Trump wanted Pence to stop what he was doing Jan 6. You're just too brainwashed to know the real conspiracy.

If Bush lied us into Iraq, why would you put it past him? And DICK CHANEY. Who even he backs Kamala. Oh, Dick? FUCK OFF.

Because Dems cheat.

And even if every recount they had asked for was done, Bush still won.
Because Dems cheat.

And even if every recount they had asked for was done, Bush still won.
Well you can say that but we will never know.

FOR THE SAKE OF THE COUNTRY, and with Jeb Bush's math, and thrown out black votes, Bush won the recount, yea sure. Republicans shouldn't have started a riot to stop the recount.

Doesn't t this sound familiar? Republicans playbook on how to steal an election. Stop the process, create some confusion, and let the Supreme Court decide. And we know how they would have decided, RIGHT?

And remember, you argued with me that not only did Bush win, he didn't lie us into Iraq.

ut Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

I also think Trump agrees with me Florida was stolen. He was a Democrat back then. He clearly tried to use some of the same tactics to steal 2020 that Bush used.

Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

23 Jul 2024 ~~ By David Strom

A month ago Joe Biden, at 81, was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Any dissent about these assertions was mere "ageism," you bigot!
Now that Biden is out of the race, Trump is far too old to be president and should be rejected on that basis alone. You needn't even think about his supposed admiration for Hitler, plans for reeducation camps, and desire to round up MSNBC hosts.
Sadly, Trump is just too old to be president.
How times have changed.
Very quickly. The mainstream media talking points have turned on a dime.

Trump may not be fit, but he is tough. He took a bullet and sprang back up to yell, "Fight!" This line of attack isn't just hypocritical, it is moronic.


"The Gaslighting Media"​

The real truth is that people grow old differently. In Joe Biden's case Alzheimer's caught up to him sooner than most.
Trump on the other hand a 78 plays golf and is capable of making decisions that Biden never could.
As the author Strom pointed out, the hypocritical Quisling Joe's frailty and mental deterioration Media has covered for the last three and half years.
Didn't we hear it coming from the Neo-Marxists daily as they lied knowing what the rest of America knew that Joe was failing both physically and mentally badly.

Talk about exposing how you are too old

'She's Hot,' Trump Says Of Singer Nicky Jam, Who Is A Man​

The former president misgendered the Latin singer

Trying to be hip with the kids totally backfired. He doesn't even know who Nicky Jam is? Talk about being out of touch.

Here he is

Well you can say that but we will never know.

FOR THE SAKE OF THE COUNTRY, and with Jeb Bush's math, and thrown out black votes, Bush won the recount, yea sure. Republicans shouldn't have started a riot to stop the recount.

Doesn't t this sound familiar? Republicans playbook on how to steal an election. Stop the process, create some confusion, and let the Supreme Court decide. And we know how they would have decided, RIGHT?

And remember, you argued with me that not only did Bush win, he didn't lie us into Iraq.

ut Trump did say Bush lied, and on more than one occasion.

In the Feb. 13 debate in South Carolina, debate moderator John Dickerson asked Trump about an October 2008 interview in which Trump said it would have been a “wonderful thing” if Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi tried to impeach Bush because he lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Asked if he still believes that Bush should have been impeached, Trump called the Iraq war a “big fat mistake.” Pressed again for an answer, Trump went on to say, “They lied.”

Trump, Feb. 13: You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.

I also think Trump agrees with me Florida was stolen. He was a Democrat back then. He clearly tried to use some of the same tactics to steal 2020 that Bush used.

Well you can say that but we will never know.

We do know. All the counts that would have been allowed showed Bush won.

Stop the process, create some confusion, and let the Supreme Court decide.

Stop the Dems from manufacturing new votes. Let the real votes be counted.

And remember, you argued with me that not only did Bush win, he didn't lie us into Iraq.

He used the Clinton intel.

I also think Trump agrees with me Florida was stolen.


Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

23 Jul 2024 ~~ By David Strom

A month ago Joe Biden, at 81, was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Any dissent about these assertions was mere "ageism," you bigot!
Now that Biden is out of the race, Trump is far too old to be president and should be rejected on that basis alone. You needn't even think about his supposed admiration for Hitler, plans for reeducation camps, and desire to round up MSNBC hosts.
Sadly, Trump is just too old to be president.
How times have changed.
Very quickly. The mainstream media talking points have turned on a dime.

Trump may not be fit, but he is tough. He took a bullet and sprang back up to yell, "Fight!" This line of attack isn't just hypocritical, it is moronic.


"The Gaslighting Media"​

The real truth is that people grow old differently. In Joe Biden's case Alzheimer's caught up to him sooner than most.
Trump on the other hand a 78 plays golf and is capable of making decisions that Biden never could.
As the author Strom pointed out, the hypocritical Quisling Joe's frailty and mental deterioration Media has covered for the last three and half years.
Didn't we hear it coming from the Neo-Marxists daily as they lied knowing what the rest of America knew that Joe was failing both physically and mentally badly.

During a Fox News town hall in Flint, Michigan, on Tuesday, the Republican presidential nominee routinely mixed up two places that could not be more different: Alaska and Afghanistan.
The Dems are gleefully turning all the ugly, hateful comments about Biden's age over the last couple of years back on the GQP.

Maybe the GQP should have spent that effort, time and money talking about more positive things.

Here's the evidence

Trump said Sunday that he’s “not sure that (he’s) ever even heard of a Category 5” hurricane, despite four such storms – including Hurricane Dorian – having threatened the US since he took office.

“We don’t even know what’s coming at us. All we know is it’s possibly the biggest. I have – I’m not sure that I’ve ever even heard of a Category 5. I knew it existed. And I’ve seen some Category 4’s – you don’t even see them that much,” Trump said at a briefing with officials at FEMA’s headquarters in Washington, DC.

“But a Category 5 is something that – I don’t know that I’ve ever even heard the term other than I know it’s there. That’s the ultimate, and that’s what we have unfortunately,” he added, in reference to Hurricane Dorian.

We have him on tape 4 times talking about category 5 hurricanes when he was President. So today he's saying we've never had one??? How do you explain this away? This is Alzheimers/dimentia.
We have him on tape 4 times talking about category 5 hurricanes when he was President. So today he's saying we've never had one??? How do you explain this away? This is Alzheimers/dimentia.
I get it, but personally I don't see it. I've always looked at this as a psychological/intellectual issue.

I've never see a person this specifically transactional. Nothing that he said or thought or did five minutes ago exists. No matter what, he will say, in the moment, whatever most benefits him or saves him in that moment. The past is just jettisoned from his mind, and he'll deny it or say "I don't know anything about it".

To make it more bizarre, he just lacks the intellectual firepower to choose his words properly or search his memory quickly. It's said he speaks at a fourth grade level, and that sounds about right. He's just incapable of communicating at an adult level, so when speaking to adults his words come out like a freakin' Picasso painting.

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My view is simple...

Democrats thought they could run with a man over 80. Then they saw the debate and went NO.

Republicans think they can run with a 79 year old and then hi sproduces word salad, his team shields him from debates and interviews and they OK.

Trump is too Old just like Biden was too Old... Difference is one set of voters knows that..
The Dems are gleefully turning all the ugly, hateful comments about Biden's age over the last couple of years back on the GQP.

Maybe the GQP should have spent that effort, time and money talking about more positive things.
Or, maybe you idiots should grow up a little, and get better candidates
Because Dems cheat.

And even if every recount they had asked for was done, Bush still won.

Please show the proof of Democrats involved in mass election fraud...

BTW, If you use Sidney Powell as a reference, we have to do what Trump said and call her crazy

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