Trump is the false savior

Is trump the false savior that will bring about the destruction of the USA

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 88.9%

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I hope he does well for the country's sake. I'm eager to hear his State of the Union address and from there we should get specific issues and policies to discuss.
I hope he does well too but so far his pics are all swamp creatures
Who's hungry for pizza gate break?
If we want change, we have to BE the change and the fact that people have snapped out of their trance and realize that we have been fucked over by a cabal of rich pedophile elites that have managed to corrupt those we counted on to watch the store is encouraging. I, for one, will be scrutinizing every move Trump makes once he actually is in the WH. I am happy with some of his appointments and not real happy with some others but those that I don't approve of "know the ropes" and since Trump is good at negotiations but understands that he has a learning curve? I am willing to give him a chance. The fact that he has appointed so many "tried and trusted" military leaders that are not hawks in key positions allows me to extend him some latitude until I get a good feel as to where we are Trump in charge or is it the Deep State/"shadow government" that hijacked this country in 1933.

The election of Trump wasn't so much about him insomuch as it was a repudiation of the same ol puppets that have been placed in that "face of the franchise" position since they killed JFK. You can piss and moan about how the Hildebeast was already crowned and that the (snicker) Russians conspired to keep her out of the WH and that would be total bullshit. She had the game rigged and it was only the fact that people from both sides that said "we have had had enough and this is a message that we are sending". What the global elites are most worried about is an awaken and educated class of people that don't fall for flowery "allow me to shove some sunshine up your ass with promises I have no intention of keeping" like the last clown that will be departing by hook or crook. The solutions to fixing the ills of this country are not that fucking complicated....I figured it out so I know damn well that those that have the ability to make it happen also know what it will take. The tipping point is on the verge of being reached and it's sink or swim time. FUCK political correctness, fuck cultural marxism and all the little snowflakes that need "safe spaces" better hitch up their big boy and big girl pants and grow the fuck up....
Here's the problem Trump has a bunch of those pedophiles on his cabinet in the form of Jesuits loyal to the Vatican and Hillary and the bushes and the rest are still walking free pedophiles are enjoying your pizza nothing has changed yet

I understand your frustration and share it with you....but I am willing to see what transpires and hope that Trump is one of the white hats...if not, I'll be on this like white on rice...I don't play partisan politics.
I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
View attachment 104689
I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
View attachment 104689

I think Trump is the one who is fooling Millions
Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
View attachment 104689
Obama's Potatoe Head

Obama is one of those boys from Brazil clones
The queen has decreed


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Well, Clinton wanted to have "no borders," let in hundreds of thousands of Muslims (who, by the way believe that Sharia Law is the way to run lives), and continue to be confrontational to Russia. She was basically a traitor to this sovereign nation.
She still is and so are the bushes and Chaney why are they still walking free why would she even permitted to run and she was disqualified under our law
View attachment 104689
Obama's Potatoe Head

Obama is one of those boys from Brazil clones

OK. I always knew that.

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