Trump is the Sign of US Capitalism's Collapse

Yawn. This COVID recession is just a speed bump. I don't see any reason to think that the US $24T economy is in trouble.
Certain sectors are, like cruise lines and airlines are having a tough time, folks aren't traveling.
But after big pharma gets a vaccine or treatment we'll be back to full employment.

p.s. big banks were stress tested after the "great recession". They are just fine.
If you want problems to worry about, Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2034. They need to be fixed ASAP. So WTF is Nancy doing about it? Impeachment?!
Consumer debt was at record levels before the Corona virus hit; why do you think that will be less of a problem in the future?

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"Imagine the 25 million unemployed.

"They’re not getting paychecks.

"How are they getting by?

"The only way they can get by is to run up their credit card debt.

"And by running it up, they’re going to be not paying the monthly usual charge.

"They’re going to be subject now to interest rates on the credit card that go up now from, maybe 20 percent to twenty nine percent or even more."
We can live within our means. But a lot of Americans will be a bit poorer just by that. And those loans that have interest rates like that, are a disgrace. Gotta love the Foreign Owned Fiat currency. Those owners get a cut of every dollar printed.
Be well on our way toward becoming a third world shithole with prosperity for few and misery for most as we become nationally transformed into a lifestyle not unlike what we see in cities and states currently being governed by liberals--i.e., crime ridden ghettos with high taxes, poor services, and no moral or ethical compass.

Record levels of consumer and corporate debt.
What does that tell you about Trump's prosperity?
Surely you jest. You want to see genocide, just look at the history of socialism?Marxism/communism. First you disarm the public, then you kill everyone that dissents publicly.
Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions of native Americans over the past five hundred years; why do you believe communist crimes affect that reality?
American Socialists, European Socialists, Chinese Communists, and Russian Communists have been trying to convince morons for decades that capitalism is evil
Capitalism is evil, Rube.
US capitalism is rooted in white supremacy as evidenced by the genocide of native Americans, chattel slavery, and a century of Jim Crow. It has been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths over the past 400 years, and it continues killing millions every year.

How Capitalism Kills During a Pandemic
This is insane rhetoric from the left

Capitalism and only capitalism has raised the human condition over the last 400 years

and only capitalism can raise our standard of living in the future
People who die from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria died from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria, not from capitalism, you silly twat.
Capitalists who are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water because they can't turn a profit would be more useful to society as abortion statistics, Kulak.

Commies are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water.
Nobody is going to read that communist tripe.
Is that because MAGA morons are illiterate?

There's a Crisis in US Capitalism -

"U.S. economic policy now focuses on what is already the worst business cycle downturn since the 1929 crash.

"As data accumulate, it may well prove to be the worst in global capitalism’s entire history.

"Forty million jobless U.S. workers find incomes lost, savings disappearing and over-indebted family finances worsening."

Commies talking about economics......isn't that like virgins talking about sex?
We can live within our means. But a lot of Americans will be a bit poorer just by that. And those loans that have interest rates like that, are a disgrace. Gotta love the Foreign Owned Fiat currency. Those owners get a cut of every dollar printed.
I think our problem is going to be much bigger once the break in the chain of payments begins:

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"The states and localities are having a huge tax shortfall that is forcing them to cut back services.

"And the commercial real estate; half of the Empire State Building tenants have not paid their rents for March and April. About maybe 40 percent of tenants, generally in the New York City commercial buildings, restaurants, storefronts—they’re just not paying.

"So everybody’s expecting a break in the chain of payments.

"And at a certain point, the government can’t simply keep the pretense up when the economy’s plunging, and the stock markets are going up.

"People are going to realize, 'wait a minute. Why isn’t this money creation being spent to actually revive the real economy?'"
Be well on our way toward becoming a third world shithole with prosperity for few and misery for most as we become nationally transformed into a lifestyle not unlike what we see in cities and states currently being governed by liberals--i.e., crime ridden ghettos with high taxes, poor services, and no moral or ethical compass.

Record levels of consumer and corporate debt.
What does that tell you about Trump's prosperity?

Record levels of consumer and corporate debt.

Are you comparing debt levels in 2008 to debt levels in 2020?
Because that would be fucking stupid.
We can live within our means. But a lot of Americans will be a bit poorer just by that. And those loans that have interest rates like that, are a disgrace. Gotta love the Foreign Owned Fiat currency. Those owners get a cut of every dollar printed.
I think our problem is going to be much bigger once the break in the chain of payments begins:

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"The states and localities are having a huge tax shortfall that is forcing them to cut back services.

"And the commercial real estate; half of the Empire State Building tenants have not paid their rents for March and April. About maybe 40 percent of tenants, generally in the New York City commercial buildings, restaurants, storefronts—they’re just not paying.

"So everybody’s expecting a break in the chain of payments.

"And at a certain point, the government can’t simply keep the pretense up when the economy’s plunging, and the stock markets are going up.

"People are going to realize, 'wait a minute. Why isn’t this money creation being spent to actually revive the real economy?'"

"The states and localities are having a huge tax shortfall that is forcing them to cut back services.

The states and localities shut down their economies. That's where tax revenues come from, the economy. Are you, or they, surprised?
Yawn. This COVID recession is just a speed bump. I don't see any reason to think that the US $24T economy is in trouble.
Certain sectors are, like cruise lines and airlines are having a tough time, folks aren't traveling.
But after big pharma gets a vaccine or treatment we'll be back to full employment.

p.s. big banks were stress tested after the "great recession". They are just fine.
If you want problems to worry about, Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2034. They need to be fixed ASAP. So WTF is Nancy doing about it? Impeachment?!
Consumer debt was at record levels before the Corona virus hit; why do you think that will be less of a problem in the future?

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"Imagine the 25 million unemployed.

"They’re not getting paychecks.

"How are they getting by?

"The only way they can get by is to run up their credit card debt.

"And by running it up, they’re going to be not paying the monthly usual charge.

"They’re going to be subject now to interest rates on the credit card that go up now from, maybe 20 percent to twenty nine percent or even more."

Why? You ask? Because...real soon the world will be going to some type of digital one world currency. Most people will accept it and then the real oppressive control will begin.
Yawn. This COVID recession is just a speed bump. I don't see any reason to think that the US $24T economy is in trouble.
Certain sectors are, like cruise lines and airlines are having a tough time, folks aren't traveling.
But after big pharma gets a vaccine or treatment we'll be back to full employment.

p.s. big banks were stress tested after the "great recession". They are just fine.
If you want problems to worry about, Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026, and SS in 2034. They need to be fixed ASAP. So WTF is Nancy doing about it? Impeachment?!
Consumer debt was at record levels before the Corona virus hit; why do you think that will be less of a problem in the future?

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"Imagine the 25 million unemployed.

"They’re not getting paychecks.

"How are they getting by?

"The only way they can get by is to run up their credit card debt.

"And by running it up, they’re going to be not paying the monthly usual charge.

"They’re going to be subject now to interest rates on the credit card that go up now from, maybe 20 percent to twenty nine percent or even more."

Make up your fricken mind, you complain about the deficit then ask for a handout.
Capitalism and only capitalism has raised the human condition over the last 400 years
For a small percentage of global humanity.
How has capitalism raised the human condition in Iraq and Syria lately? The American standard of living depends on inflicting misery on others.

Well, guessing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis aren't being sent to mass graves.
There's a Crisis in US Capitalism -

"Trump is a product and sign of U.S. capitalism’s exhaustion.

"The long, cozy governmental alternation between GOP and Democrats after the trauma of the 1930s Great Depression had achieved its purpose.

"It had undone FDR’s redistribution of wealth from the top to the middle and the bottom. It had 'fixed' that problem by reversing the redistribution of wealth and income.

"The ideological cover for that 'fix' was bipartisan demonization of domestic socialism combined with bipartisan pursuit of Cold War with the USSR.

"The major GOP vs. Democratic Party dispute concerned the modes and extents of governmental support for private capitalism (as in Keynes vs. Friedman, etc.). That minor squabble got raised to the status of 'the major issue' for politicians, journalists, and academics to debate because they caved to the taboo on debates over capitalism vs. socialism."

The Coronavirus has given the US Capitalists a reason to delay their move to New Zealand.

For at least a decade serious investors have known that debts that can't be repaid won't be repaid. With consumer and corporate debt at record levels and major Wall Street banks who've made loans and guarantees which can NOT be covered WITHOUT support from the Fed, serious investors have known a major break in the chain of payment is inevitable.

Covid-19 has provided the government owned by the investor class a good reason to create trillion$ ostensibly for "small businesses."

Who among us is gullible enough to believe that con?

The crony-capitalist who destroyed Capitalism?

The Big Banks' Ticking Time Bomb that Could Cause the Next Recession |
Trump is the savior of capitalism. Had Bitchillary won, we would:
  • Know nothing of the corruption Obama and his minions in spying on the political opposition before and after the election
  • Be well on our way toward becoming a third world shithole with prosperity for few and misery for most as we become nationally transformed into a lifestyle not unlike what we see in cities and states currently being governed by liberals--i.e., crime ridden ghettos with high taxes, poor services, and no moral or ethical compass.
US capitalism is rooted in white supremacy as evidenced by the genocide of native Americans, chattel slavery,
Surely you jest. You want to see genocide, just look at the history of socialism?Marxism/communism. First you disarm the public, then you kill everyone that dissents publicly.

Your idea of good government is that which has already failed to produce every time its been established.
You’re a loon.
Tax the fuck out of the super-wealthy.

Do we really need all these billionaires?

High tax rates don't incentivize anyone to invest.
They incentivize capital flight and tax shelters.
And Ike's top corporate rate was 52%, idiot.
* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.
* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.
* I’m fine with 52%.
People who die from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria died from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria, not from capitalism, you silly twat.
Capitalists who are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water because they can't turn a profit would be more useful to society as abortion statistics, Kulak.

Commies are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water.
Your president had 272 contacts with Russian operatives during the campaign. Ix-nay on the ommies-cay.

Liberals will feed the hungry, cure the disease, clean the water. Because all involve creating jobs.
Tax the fuck out of the super-wealthy.

Do we really need all these billionaires?

High tax rates don't incentivize anyone to invest.
They incentivize capital flight and tax shelters.
And Ike's top corporate rate was 52%, idiot.
* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.
* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.
* I’m fine with 52%.

* ok, we’ll have lower investment for a while.

Much lower, for a really long time.

* codify harsh criminal penalties for tax shelters and capital flight - at least for corporate inversion.

LOL! Don't hold back, give some details.

* I’m fine with 52%.

You're also an idiot.
People who die from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria died from dirty water, hunger, curable diseases and malaria, not from capitalism, you silly twat.
Capitalists who are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water because they can't turn a profit would be more useful to society as abortion statistics, Kulak.

Commies are too greedy to provide relief from hunger, curable disease, and dirty water.
Your president had 272 contacts with Russian operatives during the campaign. Ix-nay on the ommies-cay.

Liberals will feed the hungry, cure the disease, clean the water. Because all involve creating jobs.

Your president had 272 contacts with Russian operatives during the campaign.


So the fuck what?

Liberals will feed the hungry, cure the disease, clean the water.

What are they waiting for? DURR

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