Trump is the Sign of US Capitalism's Collapse

Why does bailed out capitalism work so much better than bailed out communism?

Trump's FY2020 Budget Request Bloats Militarized Spending—and Slashes Actual Human Needs

Don't be a pussy your entire life, answer my question.
You are a little confused about this.

The US capitalist economy was going great until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked the whole world with their virus.
You are conflating the economy with the stock market:

Wall Street Banks Tank One Day After Fed Chair Says They’re “a Source of Strength”

"If these mega banks on Wall Street are in such good shape, why did the Fed have to jump in on September 17, 2019 – months before the first COVID-19 case appeared anywhere in the world – and start pumping hundreds of billions of dollars a week in loans to the trading units owned by these banks?"

Trump's economy is just another bubble, and the Corona virus was an economic miracle in April for parasites like Trump and other speculators.

If these mega banks on Wall Street are in such good shape, why did the Fed have to jump in on September 17, 2019 –

Because new government liquidity regulations made holding excess reserves at the Fed preferable to lending them in the Fed Funds market.
Make up your fricken mind, you complain about the deficit then ask for a handout.
I think you're conflating consumer/corporate debt with national deficit/debt.
Regarding the latter, I don't believe it's possible for a sovereign state printing its own currency to ever run out of money.
There is not much difference between us and Venezuela. Its just that we are one of the last nations on the list to lose confidence over from other nations. However, what we do can and will affect people here and overseas.
Be well on our way toward becoming a third world shithole with prosperity for few and misery for most as we become nationally transformed into a lifestyle not unlike what we see in cities and states currently being governed by liberals--i.e., crime ridden ghettos with high taxes, poor services, and no moral or ethical compass.

Record levels of consumer and corporate debt.
What does that tell you about Trump's prosperity?

Ha ha ha, now you ran too far ahead of yourself since the bail out bills he signed this year, were started and approved by the democrat majority.

What does that tell you about your hypocrisy and prejudice?
American Socialists, European Socialists, Chinese Communists, and Russian Communists have been trying to convince morons for decades that capitalism is evil
Capitalism is evil, Rube.
US capitalism is rooted in white supremacy as evidenced by the genocide of native Americans, chattel slavery, and a century of Jim Crow. It has been responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths over the past 400 years, and it continues killing millions every year.

How Capitalism Kills During a Pandemic
According to this, the average number of deaths from Socialism is

66,900,000 minimum.

How in the hell can Americans get ahead with the filthy government taking so much money out of the productive economy and giving us not much in return? The welf
How can productive Americans survive ever-tightening coils of debt inflicted on them by FIRE sector parasites like Donald Trump?

How will those same Americans survive the coming economic decoupling from Trump's incompetent response to the Corona virus?

America's Demise In One Simple Chart - The Path To A FIRE Economy

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"And it was a decoupling of the financial and real estate markets from the economy, and that whole decoupling—now, finally, you can only decouple so far before the fact that the rents are not being paid, the taxes are not being paid.

"The states and localities are having a huge tax shortfall that is forcing them to cut back services.

"And the commercial real estate; half of the Empire State Building tenants have not paid their rents for March and April.

"About maybe 40 percent of tenants, generally in the New York City commercial buildings, restaurants, storefronts—they’re just not paying."
According to this, the average number of deaths from Socialism is

66,900,000 minimum.
According to your link only four of the ten examples qualify as socialist (Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and North Korea) while an equal number of capitalists (Hitler, Leopold II, Imperial Japan, and Chinese Nationalists) contributed their "fair share" to the gruesome total. It's also interesting there's no mention of the tens of millions of Native Americans killed by imperialists over the past five hundred years.
Surely you jest. You want to see genocide, just look at the history of socialism?Marxism/communism. First you disarm the public, then you kill everyone that dissents publicly.
Capitalism has killed hundreds of millions of native Americans over the past five hundred years; why do you believe communist crimes affect that reality?

Capitalism hasn't. Communist has killed hundred of millions and yet each new prog generation thinks that everything will be just fine as long as they can get their guys in. You will ultimately get your wish and it will be lethal to the tune of multiple billions.
Ha ha ha, now you ran too far ahead of yourself since the bail out bills he signed this year, were started and approved by the democrat majority.
Those bills affect the federal deficit/debt but not consumer and corporate debt which were at record levels before Covid-19 appeared.

It is interesting to note something neither Democrats nor Republicans were willing to do in those bills:

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"In Canada and most of Europe, maybe all of Europe, the state subsidies have gone to businesses to continue paying wages, even if people are at home.

"Many countries are paying up to 80 percent, subsidizing 80 percent of workers wages.

"So, in fact, people aren’t suffering in the same way. And then when they want to start the economy again, everyone just goes back to work.

"And the U.S. didn’t didn’t do that..."

" Neither party did that because no politician in either party advocated that.

"Nobody is saying that.

"That is sort of the forbidden thing to say. And if you try to say it, people will say, "Well, if you don’t like it here, why don’t you go and live in Denmark?'"
Ha ha ha, now you ran too far ahead of yourself since the bail out bills he signed this year, were started and approved by the democrat majority.
Those bills affect the federal deficit/debt but not consumer and corporate debt which were at record levels before Covid-19 appeared.

It is interesting to note something neither Democrats nor Republicans were willing to do in those bills:

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"In Canada and most of Europe, maybe all of Europe, the state subsidies have gone to businesses to continue paying wages, even if people are at home.

"Many countries are paying up to 80 percent, subsidizing 80 percent of workers wages.

"So, in fact, people aren’t suffering in the same way. And then when they want to start the economy again, everyone just goes back to work.

"And the U.S. didn’t didn’t do that..."

" Neither party did that because no politician in either party advocated that.

"Nobody is saying that.

"That is sort of the forbidden thing to say. And if you try to say it, people will say, "Well, if you don’t like it here, why don’t you go and live in Denmark?'"

Where does all that money come from?
Who the hell is Richard Wolff? You almost gotta laugh that hypocrites in "" get rich preaching to stupid left wingers about the evils of capitalism.
According to this, the average number of deaths from Socialism is

66,900,000 minimum.
According to your link only four of the ten examples qualify as socialist (Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and North Korea) while an equal number of capitalists (Hitler, Leopold II, Imperial Japan, and Chinese Nationalists) contributed their "fair share" to the gruesome total. It's also interesting there's no mention of the tens of millions of Native Americans killed by imperialists over the past five hundred years.

Where did the natives migrate from gp?
Capitalism hasn't. Communist has killed hundred of millions and yet each new prog generation thinks that everything will be just fine as long as they can get their guys in. You will ultimately get your wish and it will be lethal to the tune of multiple billions.
Did capitalism produce this?

Slavery Made America

" 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."
Capitalism hasn't. Communist has killed hundred of millions and yet each new prog generation thinks that everything will be just fine as long as they can get their guys in. You will ultimately get your wish and it will be lethal to the tune of multiple billions.
Did capitalism produce this?

Slavery Made America

" 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Blacks were enslaving blacks way before that. Come on gp, you gotta do better than that. This goes profoundly deeper.
Ha ha ha, now you ran too far ahead of yourself since the bail out bills he signed this year, were started and approved by the democrat majority.
Those bills affect the federal deficit/debt but not consumer and corporate debt which were at record levels before Covid-19 appeared.

It is interesting to note something neither Democrats nor Republicans were willing to do in those bills:

Holding the Bailout Bag | Michael Hudson

"In Canada and most of Europe, maybe all of Europe, the state subsidies have gone to businesses to continue paying wages, even if people are at home.

"Many countries are paying up to 80 percent, subsidizing 80 percent of workers wages.

"So, in fact, people aren’t suffering in the same way. And then when they want to start the economy again, everyone just goes back to work.

"And the U.S. didn’t didn’t do that..."

" Neither party did that because no politician in either party advocated that.

"Nobody is saying that.

"That is sort of the forbidden thing to say. And if you try to say it, people will say, "Well, if you don’t like it here, why don’t you go and live in Denmark?'"

consumer and corporate debt which were at record levels before Covid-19 appeared.

I don't believe you. Post your proof.

Thanks for the link.

Well, I’ll say the Federal Reserve has been buying 10 trillion dollars worth of stocks. Let’s sell off all these stocks so that it’ll have enough money to begin funding state and local public sector investments.

The Fed didn't buy 10 trillion dollars worth of stocks.
The Fed hasn't bought any stock.
Who the hell is Richard Wolff? You almost gotta laugh that hypocrites in "" get rich preaching to stupid left wingers about the evils of capitalism.

Who the hell is Richard Wolff?

He's a Marxist economist. Have you ever heard of a larger oxymoron?

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