trump is trying to rewrite history....Russia was trying to help Hillary in 2016.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
Personally I have STILL not seen any evidence that Russia did anything. I mean I've seen people say that various government entities said they did... But I've yet to see evidence.

I need that. I don't blindly believe or disbelieve things because someone/something else says so. To me... That seems like a "brain dead" thing to do.

Edit: If you do have a link to said evidence... PLEASE... Link me. Show me where I'm wrong.

You are an idiot....trumpettes cannot stand facts or truth. They wait to see what the Dear Leader says...which is a lie....and they obediently accept his lies. You are a Sheep. trump is leading you around by the nose like the neutered farm animals that you are. trump laughs at Sheep like you. And you bend over for him every day.
Says the sheep
If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

That's not evidence. Well... It's evidence that a committee came to a conclusion. I don't trust that committee. I want the actual evidence. I mean you don't trust that committee either right? Why are you not asking for the direct evidence yourself? Why isn't everybody?

The report is heavily redacted and it is the same decision that the investigator came to. Repubs reviewed it and concurred. They have all the relevant information need to make a decision. Conspiracies are nice to avoid the inevitable. The truth is it was a unanimous decision made by republicans. May not like it but it is in the books.

When is a conspiracy not a conspiracy? When the scales of truth tip more in one direction would be idea but then again conspiracies make sense to those who want to believe it because they need something to believe.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

All this as usual ignores the concept of Cui bono, who benefits?

Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary, who they know would be more pliant, and would probably gut the US fossil fuel industry, making Russia more money?

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
He already had the DOJ change their position on Stone by recommending a reduced sentence. The Flynn escapade followed. Now Manafort has been released from prison on humanitarian grounds..............but Cohen's release was abruptly canceled.
I don't think there's any doubt he will pardon Stone whether Big Fat Don wins or loses the election.

These actions and many more make Trump's the most lawless, corrupt admins since Nixon's and Reagan's.
Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary
Why do you doubt the overwhelming evidence they did?

But again, why would they want Trump over Hillary?

And everytime you morons rant about overwhelming evidence, it's not actual evidence. It's more supposition piled on top of guess work, with large dash of unverified reports from un-named sources, along with a dessert of opinion masquerading as fact.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

While the President of Cloud Strike has come out and said they dont really know that Info was taken from the servers and he said they really dont know if it was the Russians, WE can be pretty sure that the Dossier was a piece of Russian Propaganda meant to help hurt Trump.
Why would Putin not want to have a Democrat in office? they draw lines in the sand they never back up, they don't back up allies on the Russian door step. Russia has a lot to love about a Democrat in Office.

Crowdstrike testified that there was no evidence of external intrusion - No Hack
They then immediately went to MSNBC and cried about how they were being maligned.

Yes, Clinton was a known entity to Russia - anyone who doesn't think Russia preferred her -is simply too ignorant to engage.
And everytime you morons rant about overwhelming evidence, it's not actual evidence.
The IC has unambiguous forensic evidence of Russia both hacking the DNC and giving the material to Wikileaks. The same can be said for all the Russian bots used on social media to reach over 126M users of FB with messaging designed to disparage Hillary.

You should skim thru the Mueller report. It's all there.
Look at Hillary's illegal server
You got off to a bad start. The use of a private server went against State Dept. protocol but wasn't illegal.

Storing classified info on insecure servers is a crime.
Don't try to pull a switcharoo saying having private emails is okay.
Two different things.
When caught, Hillary alleged that she “never sent any classified material nor received any marked classified.” This turned out to be a lie. Hillary claimed before becoming secretary she had merely wanted only one device “for convenience.” This turned out to be lie. The FBI found that Clinton “used numerous mobile devices,” not to mention servers. Clinton — the most competent person to ever run for president, according to Barack Obama — claimed she didn’t understand how classified markings work. This was also a lie.
According to the FBI, Hillary sent 110 emails containing clearly marked classified information. Thirty-six of these emails contained secret information. Eight of those email chains contained “top secret” information.
“We assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account,” Comey said at his press conference in July. He acknowledged this could have happened because Hillary and her staff were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” He also admitted that no competent foreign power would have left behind evidence of this hack. Yet, for some reason, Comey would not admit that this is why U.S. Code makes mishandling information — not the intent of those mishandling it — illegal.
Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary
Why do you doubt the overwhelming evidence they did?

But again, why would they want Trump over Hillary?

And everytime you morons rant about overwhelming evidence, it's not actual evidence. It's more supposition piled on top of guess work, with large dash of unverified reports from un-named sources, along with a dessert of opinion masquerading as fact.
Democrats did get him to confirm the most damaging elements of his findings. Under intense questioning, Mr. Mueller said the president had not been cleared of obstructing justice, nor had he been completely exonerated, as Mr. Trump has so often declared; he said that the president had been untruthful in some of his under-oath responses during the probe; and he called Mr. Trump’s encouragement of WikiLeaks “problematic,” to say the least.

WikiLeaks published emails stolen by Russian agents during the 2016 campaign, first from the Democratic National Committee, then from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. Mr. Trump cheered the group on repeatedly, praised its actions and urged voters to read the purloined communications.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
How many times do we have to thank Uncle Vlad?
He is Exonerated.

Said No Prosecutor - EVER.
That's a lie. I can't believe you folks still believe all these lies.

Democrats did get him to confirm the most damaging elements of his findings. Under intense questioning, Mr. Mueller said the president had not been cleared of obstructing justice, nor had he been completely exonerated, as Mr. Trump has so often declared; he said that the president had been untruthful in some of his under-oath responses during the probe; and he called Mr. Trump’s encouragement of WikiLeaks “problematic,” to say the least.

Highlights of Robert Mueller’s Testimony to Congress
WikiLeaks published emails stolen by Russian agents during the 2016 campaign, first from the Democratic National Committee, then from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. Mr. Trump cheered the group on repeatedly, praised its actions and urged voters to read the purloined the truthful communications.

Hillary's truths caused Hillary to lose -

The Democratic media kept the real Hillary under wraps

The truth set her free (from the Presidency)

If she was sabotaged by anyone is was Bernie supporters.
He is Exonerated.

Said No Prosecutor - EVER.
That's a lie. I can't believe you folks still believe all these lies.

Democrats did get him to confirm the most damaging elements of his findings. Under intense questioning, Mr. Mueller said the president had not been cleared of obstructing justice, nor had he been completely exonerated, as Mr. Trump has so often declared; he said that the president had been untruthful in some of his under-oath responses during the probe; and he called Mr. Trump’s encouragement of WikiLeaks “problematic,” to say the least.

Highlights of Robert Mueller’s Testimony to Congress

Not only did you not refute the facts - you don't even understand the written word.
Have no way of knowing if Russian propaganda influenced any American vote, do know that it was proven and acknowledged by both Republicans & Democrats that they tried. why are some saying that is not true now?

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