trump is trying to rewrite history....Russia was trying to help Hillary in 2016.



YOU pond scum are getting what you want Trump haating scum. wait until reality..
Hillary started the Russian thingy as nothing more than a campaign smear. She had no idea how hard the leftist lemmings would fall for it. Its 3 1/2 years later these idiot are still screaming Russia Russia Russia.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

All this as usual ignores the concept of Cui bono, who benefits?

Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary, who they know would be more pliant, and would probably gut the US fossil fuel industry, making Russia more money?
Because they did not really want anyone - they wanted to throw our democratic institutions into question. Stumping for Hillary certainly would not have done that - she was already presumed to have won. Their involvement would have gone unnoticed. Stumping for Trump, OTOH, did EXACTLY what they wanted as evidenced by the last 3 years. After all, Russia has been doing this for years and over many elections - this was not the first time. It was only the first time that the public noticed.

IIRC, it was Comey that stated not only had Russia interfered but had done so in a manner that ensured we would know about it.

Interfered or tried to influence? To me interfering implies actual actions to change vote tallies during the voting process.

Influence is what they tried to do allegedly, but interfered sounds more menacing.
That you don't like the word choice is rather immaterial.
The Senate review led by REPUBLICANS undercut allegations by Trump of Russian interference. This 3 year review by the Senate Intelligence Committee did unanimously find that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American Democracy was correct and untainted by politics.

The committee of republicans found nothing to doubt intelligence assessment of Russian meddling which favored Trump

Report findings

The Intelligence community findings are not a "hoax." They are not in doubt because,. as Donald Trump stated, Vladimir Putin very strongly" denies them. Russian interference in the 2016 election is a fact and Donald Trump's deference to Putin only serves to further Russian disinformation and undermine efforts to defend the United States against ongoing attacks.

This report also provides additional evidence against Donald Trump s false assertions regarding Ukraine. For example, the Committee conducted an extensive examination of the intelligence demonstrating Russia's intrusions into DNC networks. That review, which confirmed the ICA's findings, is fundamentally incompatible with Trump's conspiracy theories about Ukrainian involvement, for which there is no supporting evidence of any kind.

The Committee found the ICA presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis for the case of unprecedented Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. On the analytic lines of the ICA, the Committee concludes that all II analytic lines are supported with all-source intelligence, although with varying substantiation. The Committee did not discover any significant analytic tradecraft issues in the preparation or final presentation of the ICA.

a heavily redacted document but the findings are a slap in the face to Trump as he tries to distance himself from Russian involvement and his comrade Barr and associates blow smoke up everyone ass. This is the guy leading the justice department who has turned them into Trumps personal lawyers

If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

If only they were aware of the info that was being kept from them by the intel community. You folks need to keep up.


You are saying that the intel community is hiding information from senate republicans but somehow you or some mysterious source are aware of it.

The committee led my republicans after 3 years of working on this agreed with the intel assessment of Russian interference. I know you believe that when Putin denied it when talking with trump that he was telling the truth. Trump who has access to the same information decided to believe Putin rather than the intel community. People need to wake up and stop living in a fantasy world.

You commies really need to keep up with all the new information coming out. I think I originally mistakenly said it was Clapper that withheld the information when it was Brennan.

Trump spy chief declassifying documents showing CIA Director John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia intelligence: Report


Lets see the documents then.
Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary
Why do you doubt the overwhelming evidence they did?

But again, why would they want Trump over Hillary?

And everytime you morons rant about overwhelming evidence, it's not actual evidence. It's more supposition piled on top of guess work, with large dash of unverified reports from un-named sources, along with a dessert of opinion masquerading as fact.
Democrats did get him to confirm the most damaging elements of his findings. Under intense questioning, Mr. Mueller said the president had not been cleared of obstructing justice, nor had he been completely exonerated, as Mr. Trump has so often declared; he said that the president had been untruthful in some of his under-oath responses during the probe; and he called Mr. Trump’s encouragement of WikiLeaks “problematic,” to say the least.

WikiLeaks published emails stolen by Russian agents during the 2016 campaign, first from the Democratic National Committee, then from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. Mr. Trump cheered the group on repeatedly, praised its actions and urged voters to read the purloined communications.

Again, how did Trump winning help Russia?

Cui Bono?

Obama imposed sanction on Russia because of the Crimea invasion

Obviously a clinton win would not achieve what they sought as she was SOS for Obama

Trump on the other hand has been trying to do business with Russia for years.

  • June 18, 2013: Donald Trump tweets:
Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Oct 17, 2013: On the Late Show with David Letterman, Trump says he has done "a lot of business with the Russians" and says he met Putin once.

Putin has become a big hero in Russia with an all time high popularity. Obama, on the other hand, has fallen to his lowest ever numbers. SAD

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 22, 2014

I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 22, 2014

November 10, 2015: In the Fox Business GOP debate, Trump explains why he understands Putin: "I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates," he said. "We did well that night." [Time, November 11, 2015]

December 17, 2015: After Putin describes Trump as a "talented person" and "the absolute leader” in the presidential race, Trump responds: "It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond.

Sounds like Putin wants Trump to win

April 27, 2016: In a foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel, on the invitation of the Center for National Interest, Trump states that “this horrible cycle of hostility must end and ideally will end soon” between the United States and Russia. Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, attends and greets Trump at the reception preceding the address.

  • July 25, 2016: Trump tweets:
The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2016
July 27, 2016:

  • Two days after the start of the Democrat National Convention, Trump states at a press conference in Florida, regarding candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.
Shot heard around the world and

November 28, 2016: In an interview with Time, Trump denies that Russia interfered with the election.

When asked whether he would recognize Crimea “as Russian territory” and lift the sanctions, Mr. Trump said: “We’ll be looking at that. Yeah, we’ll be looking.”

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

As a senator in 2008, she joked about President George W. Bush’s famous line that he’d gotten a sense of Putin’s “soul,” cracking that because Putin was a KGB agent, “by definition he doesn’t have a soul.”

So I ask who do you think Putin wanted to win.

The person who has said nice things or the person he really does despise?

And yet, nothing he has done as President helps putin in any way shape or form...

From releasing American energy production, which hurts putin,

From getting the NATO countries to actually pony up their fair share for their defense

To killing Russian soldiers in Syria

To telling Germany to stop building the pipeline to Russia....

Where in the F**k do you see Trump actually helping dumb ass.....
Turning the US into an international joke.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

All this as usual ignores the concept of Cui bono, who benefits?

Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary, who they know would be more pliant, and would probably gut the US fossil fuel industry, making Russia more money?
Because they did not really want anyone - they wanted to throw our democratic institutions into question. Stumping for Hillary certainly would not have done that - she was already presumed to have won. Their involvement would have gone unnoticed. Stumping for Trump, OTOH, did EXACTLY what they wanted as evidenced by the last 3 years. After all, Russia has been doing this for years and over many elections - this was not the first time. It was only the first time that the public noticed.

IIRC, it was Comey that stated not only had Russia interfered but had done so in a manner that ensured we would know about it.

Interfered or tried to influence? To me interfering implies actual actions to change vote tallies during the voting process.

Influence is what they tried to do allegedly, but interfered sounds more menacing.
That you don't like the word choice is rather immaterial.

it is 100% material, because trying to make attempts at influence via web posts and release of dirty laundry appear to be actual interferences via manipulation of the hard process of voting is perpetuating a falsehood.

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.

All this as usual ignores the concept of Cui bono, who benefits?

Why would Russia want Trump as opposed to Hillary, who they know would be more pliant, and would probably gut the US fossil fuel industry, making Russia more money?
Because they did not really want anyone - they wanted to throw our democratic institutions into question. Stumping for Hillary certainly would not have done that - she was already presumed to have won. Their involvement would have gone unnoticed. Stumping for Trump, OTOH, did EXACTLY what they wanted as evidenced by the last 3 years. After all, Russia has been doing this for years and over many elections - this was not the first time. It was only the first time that the public noticed.

IIRC, it was Comey that stated not only had Russia interfered but had done so in a manner that ensured we would know about it.

Interfered or tried to influence? To me interfering implies actual actions to change vote tallies during the voting process.

Influence is what they tried to do allegedly, but interfered sounds more menacing.
That you don't like the word choice is rather immaterial.

it is 100% material, because trying to make attempts at influence via web posts and release of dirty laundry appear to be actual interferences via manipulation of the hard process of voting is perpetuating a falsehood.
And I never charged them with direct ballot manipulation. That is your projection and not what the word interfered means so, again, your problem with the word choice is immaterial. It is simply getting in the way of actually addressing the point.
The Senate review led by REPUBLICANS undercut allegations by Trump of Russian interference. This 3 year review by the Senate Intelligence Committee did unanimously find that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American Democracy was correct and untainted by politics.

The committee of republicans found nothing to doubt intelligence assessment of Russian meddling which favored Trump

Report findings

The Intelligence community findings are not a "hoax." They are not in doubt because,. as Donald Trump stated, Vladimir Putin very strongly" denies them. Russian interference in the 2016 election is a fact and Donald Trump's deference to Putin only serves to further Russian disinformation and undermine efforts to defend the United States against ongoing attacks.

This report also provides additional evidence against Donald Trump s false assertions regarding Ukraine. For example, the Committee conducted an extensive examination of the intelligence demonstrating Russia's intrusions into DNC networks. That review, which confirmed the ICA's findings, is fundamentally incompatible with Trump's conspiracy theories about Ukrainian involvement, for which there is no supporting evidence of any kind.

The Committee found the ICA presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis for the case of unprecedented Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. On the analytic lines of the ICA, the Committee concludes that all II analytic lines are supported with all-source intelligence, although with varying substantiation. The Committee did not discover any significant analytic tradecraft issues in the preparation or final presentation of the ICA.

a heavily redacted document but the findings are a slap in the face to Trump as he tries to distance himself from Russian involvement and his comrade Barr and associates blow smoke up everyone ass. This is the guy leading the justice department who has turned them into Trumps personal lawyers

If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

If only they were aware of the info that was being kept from them by the intel community. You folks need to keep up.


You are saying that the intel community is hiding information from senate republicans but somehow you or some mysterious source are aware of it.

The committee led my republicans after 3 years of working on this agreed with the intel assessment of Russian interference. I know you believe that when Putin denied it when talking with trump that he was telling the truth. Trump who has access to the same information decided to believe Putin rather than the intel community. People need to wake up and stop living in a fantasy world.

You commies really need to keep up with all the new information coming out. I think I originally mistakenly said it was Clapper that withheld the information when it was Brennan.

Trump spy chief declassifying documents showing CIA Director John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia intelligence: Report


Lets see the documents then.

Poor commie, is your google broke?

Well as the the report was heavily redacted it does mean that it is classified. Only Trump can declassify it. One day it will be declassified but not by Trump for obvious reasons. Still declassifying is not the issue.
Where did you get the information that only Trump can declassify it? That's not how declassification works as I understand it. Could you link me to where that is said?

Edit: I understand that the president can stop it from being declassified in certain situations... But the president isn't the only one who can declassify as I understand it.

The majority ruling in the 1988 Supreme Court case Department of Navy vs. Egan -- which addressed the legal recourse of a Navy employee who had been denied a security clearance -- addresses this line of authority.

"The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Executive order says he has the power to classify. It does not mean that he gets involved with the process of classification. It is delegated to others. Thus it is inferred that he can declassify if he so choose to do so.

So in the early day of his presidency , he had told the Russian ambassador classified information. His defenders said that he is the President and can declassify at will. Others say by making a boo boo and saying the wrong thing is not the way to declassify information.

The nature of the system is that the president gets to disclose what he wants. Even if he may not mean to declassify but if he does spill classified information then many believe that it is no foul.

President Trump has granted Attorney General William P. Barr “full and complete authority” to declassify government secrets, issuing a memorandum late Thursday that orders U.S. intelligence agencies to cooperate promptly with Barr’s audit of the investigation into Russia’s election interference in 2016

Oh yes he did!

He even declassified some information about MLK which was derogatory information. Yet why would the president get involved with that when he can delegate.

Yes it is inferred that he has the power to declassify based on having the power to classify when he issues an executive order. So convenient.

But if you believe he does not have the power then I would say he does but it does not mean that he can blab anything he wants. when talking to someone. Declassification is a process with checks and balances. Giving Trump such authority on classified material is like giving candy to a baby. its bad for them but how can they resist. There babies and have no will power.
The Senate review led by REPUBLICANS undercut allegations by Trump of Russian interference. This 3 year review by the Senate Intelligence Committee did unanimously find that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American Democracy was correct and untainted by politics.

The committee of republicans found nothing to doubt intelligence assessment of Russian meddling which favored Trump

Report findings

The Intelligence community findings are not a "hoax." They are not in doubt because,. as Donald Trump stated, Vladimir Putin very strongly" denies them. Russian interference in the 2016 election is a fact and Donald Trump's deference to Putin only serves to further Russian disinformation and undermine efforts to defend the United States against ongoing attacks.

This report also provides additional evidence against Donald Trump s false assertions regarding Ukraine. For example, the Committee conducted an extensive examination of the intelligence demonstrating Russia's intrusions into DNC networks. That review, which confirmed the ICA's findings, is fundamentally incompatible with Trump's conspiracy theories about Ukrainian involvement, for which there is no supporting evidence of any kind.

The Committee found the ICA presents a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis for the case of unprecedented Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. On the analytic lines of the ICA, the Committee concludes that all II analytic lines are supported with all-source intelligence, although with varying substantiation. The Committee did not discover any significant analytic tradecraft issues in the preparation or final presentation of the ICA.

a heavily redacted document but the findings are a slap in the face to Trump as he tries to distance himself from Russian involvement and his comrade Barr and associates blow smoke up everyone ass. This is the guy leading the justice department who has turned them into Trumps personal lawyers

If Trump was crossing the Delaware river with his supporters, it would sink immediately because they forgot to bring the paddles. Depending on trump blowing really hard to cross that river.

If only they were aware of the info that was being kept from them by the intel community. You folks need to keep up.


You are saying that the intel community is hiding information from senate republicans but somehow you or some mysterious source are aware of it.

The committee led my republicans after 3 years of working on this agreed with the intel assessment of Russian interference. I know you believe that when Putin denied it when talking with trump that he was telling the truth. Trump who has access to the same information decided to believe Putin rather than the intel community. People need to wake up and stop living in a fantasy world.

You commies really need to keep up with all the new information coming out. I think I originally mistakenly said it was Clapper that withheld the information when it was Brennan.

Trump spy chief declassifying documents showing CIA Director John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia intelligence: Report


Lets see the documents then.

Poor commie, is your google broke?


You’d know that nothing has been published if you actually didn’t your own research rather than repeating what you’re told without question.
i can see why conservatives wanna get along with Russia, where the Russian Orthodox Church supports the Kremlin, family and traditional values are promoted fervently, immigration is opposed, and multiculturalism is mocked. for this, of course, Russia is roundly reviled by the secular left!

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
You lie in the face of all evidence.

HENRY: It turns out Obama's CIA chief, John Brennan, also had intel saying actually Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin's team thought she was more malleable while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable. Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested Russia wanted Clinton to win

Of course.....Russian stole the emails....sent them to Wikileaks to release and damage HIllary,,,,so that she would win... trump is the is the most dishonest POS in the world. The man is desperately trying to rewrite history. He has Barr removing the stench from Flynn. I am sure he has plans for Manafort and for Stone.

Anyone that supports this piece of garbage has to be brain dead.
It's amazing what ignorant dribble one can write ... knowingly ... when they CHOOSE to ignore documented fact and continue to push debunked propaganda.

Jim, why do you CHOOSE to continue to push LIES? Do you truly HATE at the very core of your soul THIS much?

There is NO UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE that the Russians stole DNC e-mails from the DNC Server. If there was such evidence YOU would be able to personally post this evidence with a link to it, not just some propaganda piece that SAYS such confirmation was made.

There is NO UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE the Russians wanted President Trump to win the 2008 election. IN FACT, the entire Russian Collusion HOAX Obama and his administration tried to push actually DEBUNKS their own claim ... and all snowflakes have to do is ask themselves one small question ...and be honest / apply common sense:


Overwhelming, undeniable evidence shows that the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) gave Hillary and the FBI - through foreign ex-spy Steele - a Dossier that the FBI ITSELF admitted (as proven through testimony and official released FBI documents) it confirmed was Russian propaganda already being used against US Foreign Policy elsewhere.

FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI conducted its own INTERNAL investigation BEFORE the official investigation and BEFORE Mueller was appointed SC and that it had found ZERO CRIMINAL EVIDENCE / EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. Page testified the ONLY 'evidence' of collusion the FBI EVER had was the Dossier.....which was used to manipulate Congress into opening an investigation and to appoint Mueller SC. (It was Mueller's Report that declared unquestionably that there was NO ILLEGAL COLLUSION...but he already knew that before he was appointed SC because the FBI had already conducted its own investigation and came to the same conclusion.)

The FBI KNEW the Dossier was Propaganda.
- The FBI confirmed it was RIS propaganda
- Steele himself TOLD the FBI he had no idea if any of it was true
- The FBI debunked part of it themselves

The FBI KNEW Steele was a lying Trump-hating foreign ex-spy working with the Russians who had his own agenda, which was to hurt Trump's chances to win the election....which he was paid to do by the Russians who gave him the RIS-authored Dossier.

- The Deputy Director of the State Department interviewed Steele, and he lied to her. She catalogued in her notes that she IMMEDIATELY notified the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI that Steele had lied and was no longer to be considered TRUSTWORTHY.

- The Deputy Director of the State Department was the one who informed the FBI that Steele had an 'alternate agenda ' 'prevent Trump from winning'. The FBI KNEW this because official documents show the FBI FIRED Steele from their employment for leaking come of the contents of the Dossier out to the media. Interestingly enough official records - verified by Ohr - show the FBI continued to work with / pay Steele on the 'down-low' on the Dossier. Ohr even testified that HE, MUELLER, AND STEELE worked together on the Dossier BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SC. Surprise, F*ing SURPRISE. (Nothing to see here...move along.... :p)


YET, as existing evidence proves, the FBI made the DECISION to use KNOWN RIS-authored, confirmed propaganda provided to them by a KNOWN Trump-hating, foreign, ex-spy working with Russians TO COMMIT FISA COURT ABUSES.

Between feeding the FISA Court a BS narrative based on KNOWN RIS-authored propaganda and withholding exculpatory evidence that DESTROYED their own narrative, existing evidence proves - AS MUELLER REPORTED AND HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY MANY MANYLAYERS OF EVIDENCE - the entire Russian Collusion narrative was a mixture of RIS propaganda fed to the FBI by the Russians who did NOT want Trump to win and the Obama administration who sought to prevent Trump from winning and to remove him from office should they fail.



The self-professed communist, criminal, traitorous M*er F*er who:
- Perpetrated perjury numerous times
- Illegally spied on US citizens
- Illegally spied on reporters
- Illegally spied on the media
- Illegally spied on US SENATORS
-- Who was forced to appear before Congress and admit his crimes to avoid prison
- Illegally spied on USSC Justices
- Illegally spied on opposition party candidates and their team
- Illegally spied on a newly elected President and his team
- Co-authored (w/FBI Agt Strzok) the ICA and ICR based on the Dossier
- Claimed he knew nothing about the Dossier
- Briefed select members of Congress on the Dossier (Congressional records show)

...THIS treasonous M*er F*er HID evidence that the Russians preferred HILLARY (as if you couldn't tell already by the above)?!

NO.....such an honest, ethical, moral, upstanding, patriotic citizen devoted to Justice, the Constitution, Rule of Law, honor, duty, God Country....THERE'S NO WAY BRENNAN HID / WITHHELD SUCH INFORMATION....


...and if you believe that just throw yourself into the nearest wood chipper because there is NO help for you.
You lie in the face of all evidence.

HENRY: It turns out Obama's CIA chief, John Brennan, also had intel saying actually Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin's team thought she was more malleable while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable. Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested Russia wanted Clinton to win

I am envious - your succinct, fact-based response was like the 'Cliff Notes' version of my post.

Executive order says he has the power to classify. It does not mean that he gets involved with the process of classification. It is delegated to others. Thus it is inferred that he can declassify if he so choose to do so.
I don't think that should be inferred.

Man and women have sex, she gets pregnant. Is it inferred that he can force abortion?

Now that's hardly a apples to apples comparison, I'll give you that... It's only there to show that just because you can do something, does not mean you have full control of the thing. There are processes to each.

So in the early day of his presidency , he had told the Russian ambassador classified information. His defenders said that he is the President and can declassify at will. Others say by making a boo boo and saying the wrong thing is not the way to declassify information.
I have no idea what you are talking about here... Unless there is evidence to support this one way or the other, I really don't care to know either.

But if you believe he does not have the power then I would say he does but it does not mean that he can blab anything he wants. when talking to someone. Declassification is a process with checks and balances.
I don't know if he does or not. It's why I'm asking.

Giving Trump such authority on classified material is like giving candy to a baby. its bad for them but how can they resist. There babies and have no will power.
They're. That statement doesn't help any case you have at all, it can only hurt it. And before there is any of that well it's just tit for tat because of "them over there"... I'm hoping I'm talking to the more rational of the two. I would say the same to them if I thought it meant anything.
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