Trump is worried about dogs and cats voting

Trumpy should be worried. At least 5 million illegal aliens, dogs, dead people and fabricated voters voted for Hillary last time. With mail in voting and the fraudulence it will bring, the vote manipulating Democrats will still be in control. And of course they will do what's ever is good for their mentors in Red China.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Well, people have elected dogs as Mayors in small towns.
I would like to see two Golden Retrievers serve as President and Vice President. They would look happy, be happy and not approve or disapprove of any legislation. Just a nice four year term of chasing after balls and looking friendly in the chair in the Oval office and the best part, it would be neither Democrat or Republican, just the Barking Party.

Yep, there have been cases like that. But, that is because we have a thing called a write in candidate on the ballots if we don't like who is currently on them. People have also voted for Pluto, Mickey Mouse as well as many other names, but that has nothing to do with receiving a ballot.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Rachel madcow has the right to vote
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
I was just about to get that turd to agree to let me choose his avatar. I swear these people are complete idiots. Takes 30 seconds to look this stuff up
Again, FUCK YOU. You have nothing or you’d have produced it earlier. Oh you needed to doctor the video. You are an idiot. Calling your own article a joke. Never said it. Period. END of argument. Now STFU you embarrassment.
If you think the video is doctored then you can make that case after I post it. But why are you scared to bet me? You sound very confident that Trump wouldn’t say something so stupid so back that up by taking the bet that I proposed. Stop acting like a child and cursing at me and take the bet
You’re the one who started insulting posters and you call anybody a child you liar? You cite boing boing and want to be taken seriously? I don’t bet it’s know known welshers who refuse to tell the truth. Scared of you? Have you noticed people laughing at you this whole thread?
why hasn’t Trumps DOJ locked her up. If Comey was corrupt for covering for her then Trump, Wray and Barr are corrupt for doing the same thing because she isn’t even being perused.

I don't begin to speak for the President or his DOJ; however, here are my personal thoughts on Hillary Clinton:

1. She is a criminal POS who lost in 2016. That loss, as she has proven and continues to prove hurts and haunts her more than anything anyone on this planet could ever do to her. That loss marked the complete, devastating end to the Clinton Crime Syndicate and any future it had. The window shut, the door closed, As demonstrated by the '5-alarm-fire run-for-the-exit' Clinton Foundation abandoning by world-wide 'donors', she had ZERO remaining influence to peddle, no more favors to sell. She and Pedo Bill are DONE. They are both now sad, pathetic dinosaurs who desperately want to be and try to be relevant but are not and just need to STFU and go away...and they can't see that. There is no need to jail her . Being free to watch the President who defeated her, who stole 'It's MY Turn' from her and ended her political life / future is punishment enough.

2. There is no need to mimic the Democrats by continuing to drag out the heinous scandal - part of the largest political scandal in US history, the way that Democrats refused to accept the outcome of an election and have tried for 4 continuous years to affect the overthrow of the US govt, overturn a democratic election, and all the while rip this nation divisively apart for their own benefit, not the benefit of this nation.

3. As I understand / have heard / seen there is a matter of a time limit, the lest of the reasons not to go after her.

As pointed out by previous members, one of the biggest differences between the GOP and Democrats is that when the GOP lost in 2008 they moved on. Democrats lost in 2016, lost their damn minds, engaged in the biggest criminal political scandals in US history (whish is resulting n Obama / FBI officials now going to prison), attempting to overthrow the govt, etc...

But if you want an official answer to your butt-hurt question I suggest writing or calling the DOJ an asking THEM.

And, in your own word, 'If you still don’t get it', the logical conclusion comes back to... you’re an idiot
I’m sorry but I don’t really give a shit about your whacko conspiracies. You make claims and then can’t deal with how the facts discredit your claims. It’s very simple. If the evidence was there and if what you claim is true then Trumps DOJ would have Clinton behind bars. Since they don’t it means that they are complicit or you are full of shit and pushing fake info. We all know it’s the latter. Thanks for playing.
Wrong as always. Trump had better things to do after taking away what your girl wanted more than anything. He wasn’t interested in going backwards. The Obozo holdovers wouldn’t allow her to be arrested anyway. Your idiocy on total display again. Now about that direct quote about cats voting you’ve been unable to provide.......
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
I was just about to get that turd to agree to let me choose his avatar. I swear these people are complete idiots. Takes 30 seconds to look this stuff up
Again, FUCK YOU. You have nothing or you’d have produced it earlier. Oh you needed to doctor the video. You are an idiot. Calling your own article a joke. Never said it. Period. END of argument. Now STFU you embarrassment.
If you think the video is doctored then you can make that case after I post it. But why are you scared to bet me? You sound very confident that Trump wouldn’t say something so stupid so back that up by taking the bet that I proposed. Stop acting like a child and cursing at me and take the bet
You’re the one who started insulting posters and you call anybody a child you liar? You cite boing boing and want to be taken seriously? I don’t bet it’s know known welshers who refuse to tell the truth. Scared of you? Have you noticed people laughing at you this whole thread?
It’s a pretty straight forward bet. Either Trump said what’s quoted in the article I linked or he didn’t. I said I can provide verifiable video evidence. You take the bet or not?

winner chooses the losers avatar for a week and get an apology
Yanno.....................while I HAVE heard of pets receiving credit card offers, those are pretty rare (and funny when they make the news).

However........................I have yet to hear of anyone having a housepet that received a mail in ballot. Nope, this is just more bullshit Trump threw against the wall, hoping it would stick.

Unfortunately, his supporters took it as gospel, and are now spreading the lie.

The cat's family made an obituary when the cat died.

Some election fraud graveyard voting algorithm found the obituary, assumed it was a dead human and sent them a ballot.
why hasn’t Trumps DOJ locked her up. If Comey was corrupt for covering for her then Trump, Wray and Barr are corrupt for doing the same thing because she isn’t even being perused.

I don't begin to speak for the President or his DOJ; however, here are my personal thoughts on Hillary Clinton:

1. She is a criminal POS who lost in 2016. That loss, as she has proven and continues to prove hurts and haunts her more than anything anyone on this planet could ever do to her. That loss marked the complete, devastating end to the Clinton Crime Syndicate and any future it had. The window shut, the door closed, As demonstrated by the '5-alarm-fire run-for-the-exit' Clinton Foundation abandoning by world-wide 'donors', she had ZERO remaining influence to peddle, no more favors to sell. She and Pedo Bill are DONE. They are both now sad, pathetic dinosaurs who desperately want to be and try to be relevant but are not and just need to STFU and go away...and they can't see that. There is no need to jail her . Being free to watch the President who defeated her, who stole 'It's MY Turn' from her and ended her political life / future is punishment enough.

2. There is no need to mimic the Democrats by continuing to drag out the heinous scandal - part of the largest political scandal in US history, the way that Democrats refused to accept the outcome of an election and have tried for 4 continuous years to affect the overthrow of the US govt, overturn a democratic election, and all the while rip this nation divisively apart for their own benefit, not the benefit of this nation.

3. As I understand / have heard / seen there is a matter of a time limit, the lest of the reasons not to go after her.

As pointed out by previous members, one of the biggest differences between the GOP and Democrats is that when the GOP lost in 2008 they moved on. Democrats lost in 2016, lost their damn minds, engaged in the biggest criminal political scandals in US history (whish is resulting n Obama / FBI officials now going to prison), attempting to overthrow the govt, etc...

But if you want an official answer to your butt-hurt question I suggest writing or calling the DOJ an asking THEM.

And, in your own word, 'If you still don’t get it', the logical conclusion comes back to... you’re an idiot
I’m sorry but I don’t really give a shit about your whacko conspiracies. You make claims and then can’t deal with how the facts discredit your claims. It’s very simple. If the evidence was there and if what you claim is true then Trumps DOJ would have Clinton behind bars. Since they don’t it means that they are complicit or you are full of shit and pushing fake info. We all know it’s the latter. Thanks for playing.
Wrong as always. Trump had better things to do after taking away what your girl wanted more than anything. He wasn’t interested in going backwards. The Obozo holdovers wouldn’t allow her to be arrested anyway. Your idiocy on total display again. Now about that direct quote about cats voting you’ve been unable to provide.......
Oh it’s not like trump would be doing any of the work to go after Clinton... the FBI and DOJ agents do all the work
Yanno.....................while I HAVE heard of pets receiving credit card offers, those are pretty rare (and funny when they make the news).

However........................I have yet to hear of anyone having a housepet that received a mail in ballot. Nope, this is just more bullshit Trump threw against the wall, hoping it would stick.

Unfortunately, his supporters took it as gospel, and are now spreading the lie.

The cat's family made an obituary when the cat died.

Some election fraud graveyard voting algorithm found the obituary, assumed it was a dead human and sent them a ballot.

Again, the cat was not sent a ballot, the cat was sent a VOTER REGISTRATION FORM, which is much different than a ballot. But, keep believing the bullshit, if it helps you sleep better at night.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You realize multiple mail in ballots have already been sent to peoples pets?
Do those pets have social security numbers and or valid state IDs? What do you think happens if those ballots are filled out and sent back in? Do you think they are counted?
Yeah like SS are some sort of incredible firewall of protection. Zero fraud happens there...except the millions of cases of fraud and identity theft that have already happened. The current voting system is already wrought with loopholes and blind spots large enough to drive trucks through, just like every other government system. Voting is no different.
The fact that ballots are being sent to pets is extremely concerning. Once that name is on a voter registry, no one is going to double check it. We’re talking hundreds of millions of votes. You’re acting like they’re vetting each vote like it’s on antiques roadshow. That’s not what’s happening.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You realize multiple mail in ballots have already been sent to peoples pets?
Do those pets have social security numbers and or valid state IDs? What do you think happens if those ballots are filled out and sent back in? Do you think they are counted?
Yeah like SS are some sort of incredible firewall of protection. Zero fraud happens there...except the millions of cases of fraud and identity theft that have already happened. The current voting system is already wrought with loopholes and blind spots large enough to drive trucks through, just like every other government system. Voting is no different.
The fact that ballots are being sent to pets is extremely concerning. Once that name is on a voter registry, no one is going to double check it. We’re talking hundreds of millions of votes. You’re acting like they’re vetting each vote like it’s on antiques roadshow. That’s not what’s happening.

Again you misinformed twit, pets ARE NOT receiving ballots. They have received voter registration forms, which are much different than ballots. One registers a person so they can vote, the other is what you use to vote someone into office. Both are very different forms, and serve different purposes. You guys gotta lay off that "truthful hyperbole", because it makes you look like idiots.
He should be concerned, several thousand already have
Prove it
Disprove it otherwise it automatically stands as stated
That’s not how it works tonto. If you make a claim then you need to prove that claim. The claim was made that several thousand cats and dogs are voting. Now prove it. Where did you get those numbers from?
Got them from same place you do
My feelings
It think this is actually a rational Republican counter hoax.
VPs=Voting Pets
Our very first try
He should be concerned, several thousand already have
Prove it
Disprove it otherwise it automatically stands as stated
That’s not how it works tonto. If you make a claim then you need to prove that claim. The claim was made that several thousand cats and dogs are voting. Now prove it. Where did you get those numbers from?
You made the claim he made that claim.

Where is it verbatim of this?
He should be concerned, several thousand already have
Prove it
Disprove it otherwise it automatically stands as stated
That’s not how it works tonto. If you make a claim then you need to prove that claim. The claim was made that several thousand cats and dogs are voting. Now prove it. Where did you get those numbers from?
You made the claim he made that claim.

Where is it verbatim of this?
The posters with 4 digits are paid Soros trolls. They have a 12 post limit per day so they will arrive for a flurry and then disappear
He should be concerned, several thousand already have
Prove it
Disprove it otherwise it automatically stands as stated
That’s not how it works tonto. If you make a claim then you need to prove that claim. The claim was made that several thousand cats and dogs are voting. Now prove it. Where did you get those numbers from?
Garfield and Marmaduke voted last time!

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