Trump is worried about dogs and cats voting

How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?

Dont ask me if it's worth it. You e witnessed the severe TDS on this forum and YouTube for the past 3 years. Half of those nuts would send it in then masterbate in a corner with glee.
We both know nobody gets prosecuted for voter fraud and certainly not charged with a felony.
You missed the whole point that the vote wouldn’t count! Did the cat get a valid ID or social security number? Are you really not understanding this?

No, you miss the whole point. Voting information/registration forms are being sent to ANIMALS, if that can happen, why not, dead PEOPLE, who's family can sign and send back, why not people who are ineligible to vote, those can also be signed and sent in.

The issue isn't, dogs and cats, the issue is, ANY person not eligible to vote, would be able to with mass mail in voting.
It doesn’t sound like you understand or have taken the time to look at the safeguards that are in place for mail in voting. Cats dogs undocumented people don’t have social security numbers or valid state ID so while they may be able to get a registration form they can’t get a ballot. If they do somehow get a ballot then it won’t count if the person is dead or not in the system. You hear about a handful of cases involving people trying to test the system but you hear about them because they get flagged and caught. If somebody actually went through with casting a fraudulent vote they get slapped with a felony

So, they're going to hold things up, in order to verify, one by one, the validity of each mail in ballot......instead of just doing it before anyone votes, in person , the names will be on a list, which is verified and checked against a driver's license.

In doing it the democrats way, a lot of "lost" ballots can suddenly be "found " and, what a surprise, they're all marked for Biden.

Its happened before.
Again you show your lack of knowledge of how the system actually works. Why don’t you do some research and then come back to the conversation. They have safeguards and verification processes set up. Go learn what they are

After you address the suddenly finding boxes of ballots in the trunk of a car, all being marked.....DEMOCRAT.

I understand perfectly, Democrats want mass mail in voting, so they can CHEAT!
You’re lying. There wasn’t protection. Comey actually scolded her just before the vote.

Declaring to the American people that Hillary Clinton definitely broke laws then attempted to justify making the decision for her NOT to be indicted for doing so - power he did not even legally have - by saying she was too stupid to know she was doing so was / is NOT protecting her?


Can you please send me the link to the EXACT government document / law explaining hos ignorance of the law is an acceptable legal defense for braking laws?

I'll be right here laughing at you while you try to find that.....
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You realize multiple mail in ballots have already been sent to peoples pets?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

How does anyone take YOU seriously?

Pets have received ballots. Obviously that FACT is what Trump is talking about. And a dishonest leftist, LIKE YOU, would probably fill out that ballot and mail it in.

Basically in a nutshell you can fuck off with your failed trolling, loser
How did the pets get the ballot and what if that ballot was filled out and sent in... would the vote count? You should know the answers to both these questions. Do you?
If verification of who is sending in the ballot is not required how would they know?
Where is verification not required? Give me an example

give me that example.

Well, he didn't say that he was worried about cats voting, he said he was worried about dogs voting. Same kind of stupid bullshit though.

Days later, President Trump told Townhall, a conservative news outlet, that Democratic governors could be sending millions of mail-in ballots to unknown people or dogs. “Who are they sending them to? Nobody has any idea. They’re sending them to dogs. They actually have sent to dogs,” he said.
headline is both dogs and cats.

and where does he say he's worried about them voting? this is you and slades extrapolation of what trump did say so you can direct it where you want it to go for "max trashing value".

gets really old, dude.

where in here does he say he's worried about said dog voting? he doesn't. you're doing more of the "HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH shit of which he never said.

that too gets really old, dude.

He said that there were ballots sent to dogs, and was using that as a way to say that voting by mail won't work.
maybe. but where did he say he was worried about dogs voting and saying it's simply a stupid way to do this because everyone and every animal gets a ballot. how can we track that?

you're extrapolating in ONLY one direction. slade does this shit 100% of the time and gets seriously asshurt when you question him on that. are you also going to say ONLY the way you choose to follow up that comment is right and everyone else MUST BE WRONG?

if so i ask you to prove this is what he was worried about vs saying this to illustrate the concern overall for mail in voting.

y'all saying this stupid shit. back it up.

He started off by expressing concern about mail in voting being fraudulent. He then said that dogs had ballots (not registration forms) mailed to them. He's concerned that the whole system is bad, and used dogs receiving ballots as an example. Yes, he IS concerned that mail in voting will result in dogs voting.

He's concerned about CHEATING, which is exactly what the democrats are trying to do, with this asinine idea that people can't go to the polls with this terrible "plague " which is upon us.

They listen to Fauci, when hes spouting his mask nonesense, but, now that he's ruining it for them, by saying its SAFE to vote in person, they totally dismiss him.
He isn't concerned about cheating, he’s concerned about losing. He knows the stats. He wants to make people like you concerned and worried and paranoid about cheating so when he loses he can call the election rigged. It’s not really hard to figure out.
In your minds eye that is his concern. But of course in reality you are not a mind reader.

I don't know his true thoughts either but it's clear to me that the entire Trump family are pro America and thats not something I can say about anyone on the left.

From Maxine Waters telling people to STALK CONSERVATIVES to Biden & Kamala endorsing a Marxist organization.

So perhaps you should focus less on your mind reading games and focus on the real threats to our nation as exampled above with words and deeds.

I’m not reading his mind I’m repeating his words. He said what he said
give me the quote where he said he was worried about cats voting.
Yes we agree. Which Dems are fighting against cleaning the rolls? I’d like to know so I can protest

Here's just a few of the articles /people fighting cleaning up the roster, to the point Judges have to step in and order it done.

You’re lying. There wasn’t protection. Comey actually scolded her just before the vote.

Declaring to the American people that Hillary Clinton definitely broke laws then attempted to justify making the decision for her NOT to be indicted for doing so - power he did not even legally have - by saying she was too stupid to know she was doing so was / is NOT protecting her?


Can you please send me the link to the EXACT government document / law explaining hos ignorance of the law is an acceptable legal defense for braking laws?

I'll be right here laughing at you while you try to find that.....
I don’t need to justify any of that. Even though I don’t agree with you I can concede the point and assume Comey was corrupt and covered for Clinton and then it goes to the point I made... why hasn’t Trumps DOJ locked her up. If Comey was corrupt for covering for her then Trump, Wray and Barr are corrupt for doing the same thing because she isn’t even being perused.

If you still don’t get it the the logical conclusion comes back to... you’re an idiot
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You realize multiple mail in ballots have already been sent to peoples pets?
Do those pets have social security numbers and or valid state IDs? What do you think happens if those ballots are filled out and sent back in? Do you think they are counted?
Yes we agree. Which Dems are fighting against cleaning the rolls? I’d like to know so I can protest

Here's just a few of the articles /people fighting cleaning up the roster, to the point Judges have to step in and order it done.

Sound alike a valid arguement... perhaps instead of adding an extra reregistration step they should communicate with the post office and counties to be informed when people move and die so they can be removed from the roles. I know that’s what many other counties do. That approach seems to make the most sense don’t you agree?

Before Friday's hearing, Democratic statet Attorney General Josh Kaul said in an interview that quickly removing voters from the rolls would cause "clear harm to Wisconsin voters." That's because some people who haven't moved would likely lose their ability to vote, at least for the time being.

"Any time people have to go through extra steps to vote, and certainly re-registering is a significant additional step, the result is that fewer people end up voting," he said. "Fewer people will be registered. A number of people will have to re-register."
let's get one thing straight, my friends!

neither the cold, or the snow, or the heat, or Trump's gloom and doom will stop us from using the post office to kick Trump's butt out of the white house and ending Trumpism once and for all!
why hasn’t Trumps DOJ locked her up. If Comey was corrupt for covering for her then Trump, Wray and Barr are corrupt for doing the same thing because she isn’t even being perused.

I don't begin to speak for the President or his DOJ; however, here are my personal thoughts on Hillary Clinton:

1. She is a criminal POS who lost in 2016. That loss, as she has proven and continues to prove hurts and haunts her more than anything anyone on this planet could ever do to her. That loss marked the complete, devastating end to the Clinton Crime Syndicate and any future it had. The window shut, the door closed, As demonstrated by the '5-alarm-fire run-for-the-exit' Clinton Foundation abandoning by world-wide 'donors', she had ZERO remaining influence to peddle, no more favors to sell. She and Pedo Bill are DONE. They are both now sad, pathetic dinosaurs who desperately want to be and try to be relevant but are not and just need to STFU and go away...and they can't see that. There is no need to jail her . Being free to watch the President who defeated her, who stole 'It's MY Turn' from her and ended her political life / future is punishment enough.

2. There is no need to mimic the Democrats by continuing to drag out the heinous scandal - part of the largest political scandal in US history, the way that Democrats refused to accept the outcome of an election and have tried for 4 continuous years to affect the overthrow of the US govt, overturn a democratic election, and all the while rip this nation divisively apart for their own benefit, not the benefit of this nation.

3. As I understand / have heard / seen there is a matter of a time limit, the lest of the reasons not to go after her.

As pointed out by previous members, one of the biggest differences between the GOP and Democrats is that when the GOP lost in 2008 they moved on. Democrats lost in 2016, lost their damn minds, engaged in the biggest criminal political scandals in US history (whish is resulting n Obama / FBI officials now going to prison), attempting to overthrow the govt, etc...

But if you want an official answer to your butt-hurt question I suggest writing or calling the DOJ an asking THEM.

And, in your own word, 'If you still don’t get it', the logical conclusion comes back to... you’re an idiot
why hasn’t Trumps DOJ locked her up. If Comey was corrupt for covering for her then Trump, Wray and Barr are corrupt for doing the same thing because she isn’t even being perused.

I don't begin to speak for the President or his DOJ; however, here are my personal thoughts on Hillary Clinton:

1. She is a criminal POS who lost in 2016. That loss, as she has proven and continues to prove hurts and haunts her more than anything anyone on this planet could ever do to her. That loss marked the complete, devastating end to the Clinton Crime Syndicate and any future it had. The window shut, the door closed, As demonstrated by the '5-alarm-fire run-for-the-exit' Clinton Foundation abandoning by world-wide 'donors', she had ZERO remaining influence to peddle, no more favors to sell. She and Pedo Bill are DONE. They are both now sad, pathetic dinosaurs who desperately want to be and try to be relevant but are not and just need to STFU and go away...and they can't see that. There is no need to jail her . Being free to watch the President who defeated her, who stole 'It's MY Turn' from her and ended her political life / future is punishment enough.

2. There is no need to mimic the Democrats by continuing to drag out the heinous scandal - part of the largest political scandal in US history, the way that Democrats refused to accept the outcome of an election and have tried for 4 continuous years to affect the overthrow of the US govt, overturn a democratic election, and all the while rip this nation divisively apart for their own benefit, not the benefit of this nation.

3. As I understand / have heard / seen there is a matter of a time limit, the lest of the reasons not to go after her.

As pointed out by previous members, one of the biggest differences between the GOP and Democrats is that when the GOP lost in 2008 they moved on. Democrats lost in 2016, lost their damn minds, engaged in the biggest criminal political scandals in US history (whish is resulting n Obama / FBI officials now going to prison), attempting to overthrow the govt, etc...

But if you want an official answer to your butt-hurt question I suggest writing or calling the DOJ an asking THEM.

And, in your own word, 'If you still don’t get it', the logical conclusion comes back to... you’re an idiot
I’m sorry but I don’t really give a shit about your whacko conspiracies. You make claims and then can’t deal with how the facts discredit your claims. It’s very simple. If the evidence was there and if what you claim is true then Trumps DOJ would have Clinton behind bars. Since they don’t it means that they are complicit or you are full of shit and pushing fake info. We all know it’s the latter. Thanks for playing.
let's get one thing straight, my friends!

neither the cold, or the snow, or the heat, or Trump's gloom and doom will stop us from using the post office to kick Trump's butt out of the white house and ending Trumpism once and for all!
Yup. The post office just got Bannon and next they are coming for Trump... priorety express!
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Well, people have elected dogs as Mayors in small towns.
I would like to see two Golden Retrievers serve as President and Vice President. They would look happy, be happy and not approve or disapprove of any legislation. Just a nice four year term of chasing after balls and looking friendly in the chair in the Oval office and the best part, it would be neither Democrat or Republican, just the Barking Party.

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