Trump is worried about dogs and cats voting

This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
I was just about to get that turd to agree to let me choose his avatar. I swear these people are complete idiots. Takes 30 seconds to look this stuff up
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?
Fuck off. You have nothing.
Good, if I have nothing then make the bet. Do we have a deal?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
If ballots are being rejected because people are dead then it shows that the system of checks is working. They need to keep the elections board up to date with people who pass away and people who move. They also have signature and question verification for mail ins to protect against stolen ballots. All in all the cases of fraud are statistically negligible... make the system better and always improve but don’t spread fake news and fear tactics over a situation that is not nearly as bad as you present
But the left says 0 accounts and MSM refuse to show examples to create that narrative=usually a sign of the side purposely using these holes in the system for benefit which us why it's the side wanting to change in person ballots with mail in. The act of bringing up the issue gets things tightened, the act of ignoring it and whitewashing issues get corruption like they had in counting them in FL catching that lady in charge twice. Which means they did not remove her or solve the problem the first time as you so like to assume they would.
Have you forgotten this lady?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
If ballots are being rejected because people are dead then it shows that the system of checks is working. They need to keep the elections board up to date with people who pass away and people who move. They also have signature and question verification for mail ins to protect against stolen ballots. All in all the cases of fraud are statistically negligible... make the system better and always improve but don’t spread fake news and fear tactics over a situation that is not nearly as bad as you present
But the left says 0 accounts and MSM refuse to show examples to create that narrative=usually a sign of the side purposely using these holes in the system for benefit which us why it's the side wanting to change in person ballots with mail in. The act of bringing up the issue gets things tightened, the act of ignoring it and whitewashing issues get corruption like they had in counting them in FL catching that lady in charge twice. Which means they did not remove her or solve the problem the first time as you so like to assume they would.
Have you forgotten this lady?
I guess I haven’t spoken to the “Left” you speak of. But the statements I’ve heard from studies and state AGs who are responsible for elections say that the instances of fraud are statistically zero... something like .0000001% There are always mistakes that get made, same happens at live polls, and there are always people trying to game the system. Happens on both sides of the aisle.

problems should be addessed and systems improved which is what happens. But this narrative that Trump and his people are tossing around is completely false and irresponsible. How embarrassing.
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
I was just about to get that turd to agree to let me choose his avatar. I swear these people are complete idiots. Takes 30 seconds to look this stuff up
Again, FUCK YOU. You have nothing or you’d have produced it earlier. Oh you needed to doctor the video. You are an idiot. Calling your own article a joke. Never said it. Period. END of argument. Now STFU you embarrassment.
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
I was just about to get that turd to agree to let me choose his avatar. I swear these people are complete idiots. Takes 30 seconds to look this stuff up
Again, FUCK YOU. You have nothing or you’d have produced it earlier. Oh you needed to doctor the video. You are an idiot. Calling your own article a joke. Never said it. Period. END of argument. Now STFU you embarrassment.
If you think the video is doctored then you can make that case after I post it. But why are you scared to bet me? You sound very confident that Trump wouldn’t say something so stupid so back that up by taking the bet that I proposed. Stop acting like a child and cursing at me and take the bet
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?
Again........................the links about the dead cat receiving something in the mail WAS NOT a ballot, it was a voter registration form.

Nope, sorry, but I have yet to see anything that says a house pet (cat or dog) received an actual ballot. Trump is lying, and his followers are lapping it up (like a cat or dog does).
You mean you've never lapped up a leftist lie?

Way to deflect dude. Trump DID say that he heard dogs were getting ballots, and I posted a link about it further up the thread, post 118 has a link to the news article, and it also has video of what Trump said.
You are right. But I said from the word go that's what Trump said.

However my point has been, he never said he was worried about them voting.

When you gonna stop your own deflections and admit he never said he was worried about them voting.

His being right or wrong was never my focus. Keep up.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Guarantee you his supporters actually do believe that dogs and cats are going to vote against him.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.

Well, if it's true, then you should have no problem providing links that support your claim. Only thing I've seen so far is that a cat received a voter registration form, which is a long way from being a ballot. Do you have a link that says a dog or cat has received a ballot? I'm guessing not, as all the ones I've seen have said it was a voter registration form. And, you can't get a ballot unless you have filled out and were screened on a voter registration form that resulted in you getting a voter ID.

You mean like this? From Huff and Puff March 2012...

"Voter registration fraud is no laughing matter. That is, unless you’re registering a dog.
Thomas Tolbert, an Albuquerque man, received the registration card for his dog when he passed a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico campus a few weeks ago, according to Upon seeing the booth, he decided to see how easy it might be to register Buddy to vote.
It wasn’t very hard to pull off. Tolbert, a Republican, was able to register the dog as a Democrat.

“They should verify,” he told KOB. “Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later.”
Beyond having a laugh, Tolbert had hoped to expose how easy it may be to falsely register to vote.
According to the Albuquerque Journal, County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver didn’t find much humor in the situation. “I would warn those individuals who think this type of activity is a joke or a ‘gotcha’ that, regardless of their intentions, they have broken the law and will therefore have to be subject to due process of law,” she said in a statement.

And, it appears Tolbert is no exception to the rules. According to the Smoking Gun, a county sheriff’s spokesperson signaled an investigation into the fraudulent registration is underway. The outcome of the probe being conducted by the office’s Criminal Investigation Division remains to be seen."
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.

Well, if it's true, then you should have no problem providing links that support your claim. Only thing I've seen so far is that a cat received a voter registration form, which is a long way from being a ballot. Do you have a link that says a dog or cat has received a ballot? I'm guessing not, as all the ones I've seen have said it was a voter registration form. And, you can't get a ballot unless you have filled out and were screened on a voter registration form that resulted in you getting a voter ID.

You mean like this? From Huff and Puff March 2012...

"Voter registration fraud is no laughing matter. That is, unless you’re registering a dog.
Thomas Tolbert, an Albuquerque man, received the registration card for his dog when he passed a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico campus a few weeks ago, according to Upon seeing the booth, he decided to see how easy it might be to register Buddy to vote.
It wasn’t very hard to pull off. Tolbert, a Republican, was able to register the dog as a Democrat.

“They should verify,” he told KOB. “Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later.”
Beyond having a laugh, Tolbert had hoped to expose how easy it may be to falsely register to vote.
According to the Albuquerque Journal, County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver didn’t find much humor in the situation. “I would warn those individuals who think this type of activity is a joke or a ‘gotcha’ that, regardless of their intentions, they have broken the law and will therefore have to be subject to due process of law,” she said in a statement.

And, it appears Tolbert is no exception to the rules. According to the Smoking Gun, a county sheriff’s spokesperson signaled an investigation into the fraudulent registration is underway. The outcome of the probe being conducted by the office’s Criminal Investigation Division remains to be seen."

Or this one from the Californian...
Rick Davis stands in his kitchen. He is facing a misdemeanor for registering his deceased father to vote. May 16, 2019.

A retired veteran found himself on the wrong side of the law after an attempt at what he called whistleblowing blew up in his face.

Pacific Grove resident Richard Davis, 68, was so perturbed by national reports of voter fraud that he now stands accused of committing voter fraud himself after registering his underage golden retrievers and his deceased father to vote.

"I was trying to do my patriotic duty and just bring awareness," said Davis.

Although registering the dogs didn't bring the authorities down on him -- though he called and told them exactly what he was doing -- registering his father did. He was slapped with a felony by the Monterey County District Attorney's Office for filing a fictitious voter card.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.

Well, if it's true, then you should have no problem providing links that support your claim. Only thing I've seen so far is that a cat received a voter registration form, which is a long way from being a ballot. Do you have a link that says a dog or cat has received a ballot? I'm guessing not, as all the ones I've seen have said it was a voter registration form. And, you can't get a ballot unless you have filled out and were screened on a voter registration form that resulted in you getting a voter ID.

You mean like this? From Huff and Puff March 2012...

"Voter registration fraud is no laughing matter. That is, unless you’re registering a dog.
Thomas Tolbert, an Albuquerque man, received the registration card for his dog when he passed a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico campus a few weeks ago, according to Upon seeing the booth, he decided to see how easy it might be to register Buddy to vote.
It wasn’t very hard to pull off. Tolbert, a Republican, was able to register the dog as a Democrat.

“They should verify,” he told KOB. “Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later.”
Beyond having a laugh, Tolbert had hoped to expose how easy it may be to falsely register to vote.
According to the Albuquerque Journal, County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver didn’t find much humor in the situation. “I would warn those individuals who think this type of activity is a joke or a ‘gotcha’ that, regardless of their intentions, they have broken the law and will therefore have to be subject to due process of law,” she said in a statement.

And, it appears Tolbert is no exception to the rules. According to the Smoking Gun, a county sheriff’s spokesperson signaled an investigation into the fraudulent registration is underway. The outcome of the probe being conducted by the office’s Criminal Investigation Division remains to be seen."

Or this one from the Californian...
Rick Davis stands in his kitchen. He is facing a misdemeanor for registering his deceased father to vote. May 16, 2019.

A retired veteran found himself on the wrong side of the law after an attempt at what he called whistleblowing blew up in his face.

Pacific Grove resident Richard Davis, 68, was so perturbed by national reports of voter fraud that he now stands accused of committing voter fraud himself after registering his underage golden retrievers and his deceased father to vote.

"I was trying to do my patriotic duty and just bring awareness," said Davis.

Although registering the dogs didn't bring the authorities down on him -- though he called and told them exactly what he was doing -- registering his father did. He was slapped with a felony by the Monterey County District Attorney's Office for filing a fictitious voter card.

Or this one from Washington post 2012-------


A group that tries to get “historically underrepresented groups” to the polls has targeted some particularly unlikely voters: dogs and dead Virginians.


Early-afternoon voters at Popes Head Precinct in Fairfax in August 2011. Election officer Dave Mitchell, right, shows the Courtney family how to use the voting machine. (Tracy A Woodward/The Washington Post)
The mailings have revived talk of voter fraud in Virginia, a crucial swing state where President Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney are deadlocked in a recent poll. And it has prompted the Romney campaign to call for a criminal investigation.

“This presents a very significant risk to the proper administration of the upcoming general election,” Kathryn Biber, the campaign’s general counsel, said in a letter sent Tuesday to Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (R) and the State Board of Elections.

The center said it used a commercial mailing list to target unregistered voters, and that it never meant to send forms to anyone ineligible to vote. It said the errant mailings, first reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, represent just a fraction of the nearly 200,000 it sent out across Virginia.

“The state forms are official applications, they are not registration cards,” the center said in a written statement issued Wednesday. “Furthermore, they were approved by the State Board of Elections before we sent them out and are the same applications that anyone can access at a local government office or on the Internet. Our process is legal and working.15,000 Virginians have submitted these registration applications and been added to the rolls by government officials - a start at whittling down the state’s 2 million unregistered [voters].”

But for some, the mailings have reignited fears that Virginia is vulnerable to voter fraud, a claim that was bitterly debated in the General Assembly this year. Citing concerns about the integrity of elections, the GOP-controlled General Assembly closed a loophole that had allowed voters to cast ballots without showing identification. Democrats charged that the voter ID law, while more moderate than those Republicans have recently pushed in other states, was intended to make it harder for minorities and other Democratic-leaning groups to vote.

State Sen. Thomas Garrett (R-Louisa), a Louisa County prosecutor who successfully tried two felons who registered to vote in 2009, said one of the two registered after receiving a form by mail from the Voter Participation Center.

“Clearly they haven’t gotten the message,” Garrett said.

Page Gardner, the center’s president, said the center was only trying to encourage eligible voters to exercise their franchise. She said the group tries to make its mailing list “as perfect as possible.”

“We have nothing to do with that issue, voter fraud. We send people applications to fill out in the mail,” Gardner said. “It’s up to them to fill out the form and obey all the state laws and federal laws.”

The dead can wind up on a mailing list because it is compiled from things such as magazine subscriptions, which often are not updated with a new name when a spouse dies. Some people have subscriptions in the names of their pets for reasons that Gardner, who described herself as “a non-pet owner,” said she did not understand.

The focus on the errant mailings is a “man-bites-dog story” in Gardner’s view, one that she says misses the bigger picture — that nearly 2 million eligible Virginians are not registered to vote.

“It’s fun to write about Mozart and other pets getting these voter registration applications,” Gardner said, referring to a dead dog who was sent a form from her group. “[But] at some point, we have to look at ourselves and say, ‘Really, what’s the story here?’ ”

People are able to register their dogs to vote all over----just think what they can do with actual people?
You can’t use the postal service to commit fraud and that’s what mail in is.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.

Well, if it's true, then you should have no problem providing links that support your claim. Only thing I've seen so far is that a cat received a voter registration form, which is a long way from being a ballot. Do you have a link that says a dog or cat has received a ballot? I'm guessing not, as all the ones I've seen have said it was a voter registration form. And, you can't get a ballot unless you have filled out and were screened on a voter registration form that resulted in you getting a voter ID.

You mean like this? From Huff and Puff March 2012...

"Voter registration fraud is no laughing matter. That is, unless you’re registering a dog.
Thomas Tolbert, an Albuquerque man, received the registration card for his dog when he passed a voter registration booth on the University of New Mexico campus a few weeks ago, according to Upon seeing the booth, he decided to see how easy it might be to register Buddy to vote.
It wasn’t very hard to pull off. Tolbert, a Republican, was able to register the dog as a Democrat.

“They should verify,” he told KOB. “Somebody should have verified this information and somebody should have come out and took a look at exactly who it was. But I made up a birth date, and I made up a social security number and I had a voter registration card in my hand for Buddy two weeks later.”
Beyond having a laugh, Tolbert had hoped to expose how easy it may be to falsely register to vote.
According to the Albuquerque Journal, County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver didn’t find much humor in the situation. “I would warn those individuals who think this type of activity is a joke or a ‘gotcha’ that, regardless of their intentions, they have broken the law and will therefore have to be subject to due process of law,” she said in a statement.

And, it appears Tolbert is no exception to the rules. According to the Smoking Gun, a county sheriff’s spokesperson signaled an investigation into the fraudulent registration is underway. The outcome of the probe being conducted by the office’s Criminal Investigation Division remains to be seen."

Or this one from the Californian...
Rick Davis stands in his kitchen. He is facing a misdemeanor for registering his deceased father to vote. May 16, 2019.

A retired veteran found himself on the wrong side of the law after an attempt at what he called whistleblowing blew up in his face.

Pacific Grove resident Richard Davis, 68, was so perturbed by national reports of voter fraud that he now stands accused of committing voter fraud himself after registering his underage golden retrievers and his deceased father to vote.

"I was trying to do my patriotic duty and just bring awareness," said Davis.

Although registering the dogs didn't bring the authorities down on him -- though he called and told them exactly what he was doing -- registering his father did. He was slapped with a felony by the Monterey County District Attorney's Office for filing a fictitious voter card.
Haha, this is great. I live in the same county as this guy. I’m gonna go buy him and his dog a beer
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
If ballots are being rejected because people are dead then it shows that the system of checks is working. They need to keep the elections board up to date with people who pass away and people who move. They also have signature and question verification for mail ins to protect against stolen ballots. All in all the cases of fraud are statistically negligible... make the system better and always improve but don’t spread fake news and fear tactics over a situation that is not nearly as bad as you present
But the left says 0 accounts and MSM refuse to show examples to create that narrative=usually a sign of the side purposely using these holes in the system for benefit which us why it's the side wanting to change in person ballots with mail in. The act of bringing up the issue gets things tightened, the act of ignoring it and whitewashing issues get corruption like they had in counting them in FL catching that lady in charge twice. Which means they did not remove her or solve the problem the first time as you so like to assume they would.
Have you forgotten this lady?
I guess I haven’t spoken to the “Left” you speak of. But the statements I’ve heard from studies and state AGs who are responsible for elections say that the instances of fraud are statistically zero... something like .0000001% There are always mistakes that get made, same happens at live polls, and there are always people trying to game the system. Happens on both sides of the aisle.

problems should be addessed and systems improved which is what happens. But this narrative that Trump and his people are tossing around is completely false and irresponsible. How embarrassing.
No That is not true, although not enough to particularly sway an election, it can be if that is the sole means of voting and 1 party always looks for desperate ways to cheat.
Clinton was able to produce millions of late mail ins except for one found trunk load confiscated, that was to late to count for anything, but she used it for her popularity vote narrative excuse.
Rewind the tapes of that night and day or 2 after you'll see late votes were going about 50/50 but these mysterious loads were coming in magically over 90/10 in her favor, clearly showing they can't even cheat right without being revealed of their greed. 1million popular votes became 2 then 3 then somehow months later the internet propaganda used to troll Trump said 5 million, recently someone changed that number back to 3.
Make up your damn lies and stick to just 1 story.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
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Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
If ballots are being rejected because people are dead then it shows that the system of checks is working. They need to keep the elections board up to date with people who pass away and people who move. They also have signature and question verification for mail ins to protect against stolen ballots. All in all the cases of fraud are statistically negligible... make the system better and always improve but don’t spread fake news and fear tactics over a situation that is not nearly as bad as you present
But the left says 0 accounts and MSM refuse to show examples to create that narrative=usually a sign of the side purposely using these holes in the system for benefit which us why it's the side wanting to change in person ballots with mail in. The act of bringing up the issue gets things tightened, the act of ignoring it and whitewashing issues get corruption like they had in counting them in FL catching that lady in charge twice. Which means they did not remove her or solve the problem the first time as you so like to assume they would.
Have you forgotten this lady?
I guess I haven’t spoken to the “Left” you speak of. But the statements I’ve heard from studies and state AGs who are responsible for elections say that the instances of fraud are statistically zero... something like .0000001% There are always mistakes that get made, same happens at live polls, and there are always people trying to game the system. Happens on both sides of the aisle.

problems should be addessed and systems improved which is what happens. But this narrative that Trump and his people are tossing around is completely false and irresponsible. How embarrassing.
No That is not true, although not enough to particularly sway an election, it can be if that is the sole means of voting and 1 party always looks for desperate ways to cheat.
Clinton was able to produce millions of late mail ins except for one found trunk load confiscated, that was to late to count for anything, but she used it for her popularity vote narrative excuse.
Rewind the tapes of that night and day or 2 after you'll see late votes were going about 50/50 but these mysterious loads were coming in magically over 90/10 in her favor, clearly showing they can't even cheat right without being revealed of their greed. 1million popular votes became 2 then 3 then somehow months later the internet propaganda used to troll Trump said 5 million, recently someone changed that number back to 3.
Make up your damn lies and stick to just 1 story.
No offense but the Trump supporters on the wing are just as nutty as those on the left wing and the Republicans have actually been found guilty in court of voter suppression and fraud much more in recent times... not to detract from the debate but I have to point out that we are playing the point the exact game that Trump is orchestrating. Arguing over the reliability of the vote and sewing doubt in the election. It’s all to set up and excuse for Trumps loss. We are being puppets and playing their game
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

I guarantee it will happen this fall. There is no doubt in my mind.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

How does anyone take YOU seriously?

Pets have received ballots. Obviously that FACT is what Trump is talking about. And a dishonest leftist, LIKE YOU, would probably fill out that ballot and mail it in.

Basically in a nutshell you can fuck off with your failed trolling, loser
How did the pets get the ballot and what if that ballot was filled out and sent in... would the vote count? You should know the answers to both these questions. Do you?
If verification of who is sending in the ballot is not required how would they know?
Where is verification not required? Give me an example

give me that example.

Well, he didn't say that he was worried about cats voting, he said he was worried about dogs voting. Same kind of stupid bullshit though.

Days later, President Trump told Townhall, a conservative news outlet, that Democratic governors could be sending millions of mail-in ballots to unknown people or dogs. “Who are they sending them to? Nobody has any idea. They’re sending them to dogs. They actually have sent to dogs,” he said.
headline is both dogs and cats.

and where does he say he's worried about them voting? this is you and slades extrapolation of what trump did say so you can direct it where you want it to go for "max trashing value".

gets really old, dude.

where in here does he say he's worried about said dog voting? he doesn't. you're doing more of the "HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH shit of which he never said.

that too gets really old, dude.

He said that there were ballots sent to dogs, and was using that as a way to say that voting by mail won't work.
maybe. but where did he say he was worried about dogs voting and saying it's simply a stupid way to do this because everyone and every animal gets a ballot. how can we track that?

you're extrapolating in ONLY one direction. slade does this shit 100% of the time and gets seriously asshurt when you question him on that. are you also going to say ONLY the way you choose to follow up that comment is right and everyone else MUST BE WRONG?

if so i ask you to prove this is what he was worried about vs saying this to illustrate the concern overall for mail in voting.

y'all saying this stupid shit. back it up.

He started off by expressing concern about mail in voting being fraudulent. He then said that dogs had ballots (not registration forms) mailed to them. He's concerned that the whole system is bad, and used dogs receiving ballots as an example. Yes, he IS concerned that mail in voting will result in dogs voting.

He's concerned about CHEATING, which is exactly what the democrats are trying to do, with this asinine idea that people can't go to the polls with this terrible "plague " which is upon us.

They listen to Fauci, when hes spouting his mask nonesense, but, now that he's ruining it for them, by saying its SAFE to vote in person, they totally dismiss him.

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