Trump is worried about dogs and cats voting

Again........................the links about the dead cat receiving something in the mail WAS NOT a ballot, it was a voter registration form.

Nope, sorry, but I have yet to see anything that says a house pet (cat or dog) received an actual ballot. Trump is lying, and his followers are lapping it up (like a cat or dog does).
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.

Well, if it's true, then you should have no problem providing links that support your claim. Only thing I've seen so far is that a cat received a voter registration form, which is a long way from being a ballot. Do you have a link that says a dog or cat has received a ballot? I'm guessing not, as all the ones I've seen have said it was a voter registration form. And, you can't get a ballot unless you have filled out and were screened on a voter registration form that resulted in you getting a voter ID.
There are cases of such, whether you like it or not. And for those states not requiring id to validate a mail-in ballot, they could easily be used nefariously.

Hell my dog Jack got a credit card offer. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
There are cases of such, whether you like it or not. And for those states not requiring id to validate a mail-in ballot, they could easily be used nefariously.

Hell my dog Jack got a credit card offer. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

An offer for a credit card is NOT the same as getting a credit card. Neither is a voter registration form the same as a ballot. I get that you are tickled about your dog Jack getting an offer, but it's not the same as getting a credit card. If Jack got a voter registration form, would you consider it the same as a ballot? I wouldn't.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Dogs and Cats and illegals and dead are all getting ballots already--------------------and voting. Sorry its true.
Prove it
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

You might have missed the news, you know your source censoring it to push a narrative and all.
A lady's cat was sent a mail in ballot and she could have sent that vote in under her cat's name, that is what the president is referring to, the idea that ballots are not being carefully regulated and can and has in the past and present been abused.
THIS FACT makes your post look REDICULOUS thus Muhammed calling you uninformed/lacking knowledge- AKA stupid, and you can thank your media source for always making you look foolish with egg on your face.
When are you gonna learn, that they are the ones that think you're to stupid TO WAKE UP TO THEIR TACTICS-they are insulting YOU and MAKING YOU UNINFORMED AKA STUPID IN THE EYES OF THE INFORMED OR AWARE..
View attachment 376749
Her cat getting a ballot is suspect but let’s pretend the cat actually did get a ballot. The vote would not count unless the cat also had a state ID and social security number.
So you are saying all those dead voters had ID and those illegal immigrant votes too? I never did a mail in vote, so I don't know what personal info is attached nor what is checked and how it's checked. Do you have thorough info on this subject?
My county has done mail in for a while now. Register voters get a booklet and ballot a few weeks before the election. We can fill it out and mail it back or drop it off. Not complicated.

which dead voters are you talking about?
SO yours can be considered absentee ballot if it requires registering info you claimed in your post but did not back your statement, & did not verify and validate in your reply. Your reply reveals how easy it is for a post office thief, maid, lawn guy, post box thief, your kids, household guest or tenant, to vote in your ballot. As easy as it is for them to post in the forum in your name it's as easy to utilize your ballot or cats ballot if States are screwing up that bad by sending pets ballots.
To answer your question;
A large number of NJ stuffed ballots were rejected cause the voters were dead. This has been a problem for a while along with assisted living staff stealing elderly voters ballots and using them.
If ballots are being rejected because people are dead then it shows that the system of checks is working. They need to keep the elections board up to date with people who pass away and people who move. They also have signature and question verification for mail ins to protect against stolen ballots. All in all the cases of fraud are statistically negligible... make the system better and always improve but don’t spread fake news and fear tactics over a situation that is not nearly as bad as you present
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?

Dont ask me if it's worth it. You e witnessed the severe TDS on this forum and YouTube for the past 3 years. Half of those nuts would send it in then masterbate in a corner with glee.
We both know nobody gets prosecuted for voter fraud and certainly not charged with a felony.
Throw in the fact that at least one state has publicly stated they will NOT verify names or anything else on ballots and this whole thing stinks. Dims can’t make it any more obvious they’re going to cheat.
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?

Dont ask me if it's worth it. You e witnessed the severe TDS on this forum and YouTube for the past 3 years. Half of those nuts would send it in then masterbate in a corner with glee.
We both know nobody gets prosecuted for voter fraud and certainly not charged with a felony.
Throw in the fact that at least one state has publicly stated they will NOT verify names or anything else on ballots and this whole thing stinks. Dims can’t make it any more obvious they’re going to cheat.
Which state and what statement? Link it
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?

Post 118 has a link to a news site, and that particular link also has a video of what he said. You're welcome.
Again........................the links about the dead cat receiving something in the mail WAS NOT a ballot, it was a voter registration form.

Nope, sorry, but I have yet to see anything that says a house pet (cat or dog) received an actual ballot. Trump is lying, and his followers are lapping it up (like a cat or dog does).
You mean you've never lapped up a leftist lie?
Again........................the links about the dead cat receiving something in the mail WAS NOT a ballot, it was a voter registration form.

Nope, sorry, but I have yet to see anything that says a house pet (cat or dog) received an actual ballot. Trump is lying, and his followers are lapping it up (like a cat or dog does).
You mean you've never lapped up a leftist lie?

Way to deflect dude. Trump DID say that he heard dogs were getting ballots, and I posted a link about it further up the thread, post 118 has a link to the news article, and it also has video of what Trump said.
This may be a new low for TDS Stage 4. Citing Boingboing as a legitimate source? Iceberg is right, thats beyond pathetic.
The article was a joke. Check amazon as I think they are having a sale in sense of humor.

I got Iceberg on ignore so I missed whatever trolling garbage he was spewing.

Trump said what he said. The quote is the quote. You can’t hide from that. The article was just some color making fun of him.
So you claim the article YOU are quoting is a joke, then claim Trump actually said this. Where’s your link to him actually saying this? You’re hiding because your “source” sounds like a porn site. Just more garbage.
I heard him say it in a presser. I googled for a link to reference the quote and saw that article. Are you really going to challenge that he actually said that? Do you want me to post a video of him saying it? Don’t be a tard, you know he said it.
SO now you “heard him say it”. You’re a joke. Then you reference boing boing, making yourself a bigger joke. You’ve been asked several times for proof and offer none. As usual. You claimed your own article is a joke. Try to keep your lie straight at least. You’re the tard here.
If I post a video of him saying it will you apologize for being an uneducated ass and let me choose your avatar for the next week?
Fuck off. You have nothing.

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