Trump is worried about dogs and cats voting

How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Slade, a few years back in Broward ,County there were multiple Democrzt voters using the names "Felix the Cat," "Scoobey Doo," "Donald Duck," "Mickey Mouse," "Dumbo the Elephant," and more. Yes, Democrats have listed a chorus of false names back when, so I think it's wisest to have a fingerprint and eyescan along with a valid picture id to avoid a skewed vote.
Without religious scruples the vote is easily able to disenfranchise voters for the President Trump.

Quick question....................was that the names those people REGISTERED under, or was it the names they put on the write in part of the ballot because they didn't think any of the candidates were worth voting for? Please provide a link for clarity.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

How does anyone take YOU seriously?

Pets have received ballots. Obviously that FACT is what Trump is talking about. And a dishonest leftist, LIKE YOU, would probably fill out that ballot and mail it in.

Basically in a nutshell you can fuck off with your failed trolling, loser
How did the pets get the ballot and what if that ballot was filled out and sent in... would the vote count? You should know the answers to both these questions. Do you?
If verification of who is sending in the ballot is not required how would they know?
Where is verification not required? Give me an example

give me that example.

Well, he didn't say that he was worried about cats voting, he said he was worried about dogs voting. Same kind of stupid bullshit though.

Days later, President Trump told Townhall, a conservative news outlet, that Democratic governors could be sending millions of mail-in ballots to unknown people or dogs. “Who are they sending them to? Nobody has any idea. They’re sending them to dogs. They actually have sent to dogs,” he said.
headline is both dogs and cats.

and where does he say he's worried about them voting? this is you and slades extrapolation of what trump did say so you can direct it where you want it to go for "max trashing value".

gets really old, dude.

where in here does he say he's worried about said dog voting? he doesn't. you're doing more of the "HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH shit of which he never said.

that too gets really old, dude.

He said that there were ballots sent to dogs, and was using that as a way to say that voting by mail won't work.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

How does anyone take YOU seriously?

Pets have received ballots. Obviously that FACT is what Trump is talking about. And a dishonest leftist, LIKE YOU, would probably fill out that ballot and mail it in.

Basically in a nutshell you can fuck off with your failed trolling, loser
How did the pets get the ballot and what if that ballot was filled out and sent in... would the vote count? You should know the answers to both these questions. Do you?
If verification of who is sending in the ballot is not required how would they know?
Where is verification not required? Give me an example

give me that example.

Well, he didn't say that he was worried about cats voting, he said he was worried about dogs voting. Same kind of stupid bullshit though.

Days later, President Trump told Townhall, a conservative news outlet, that Democratic governors could be sending millions of mail-in ballots to unknown people or dogs. “Who are they sending them to? Nobody has any idea. They’re sending them to dogs. They actually have sent to dogs,” he said.
headline is both dogs and cats.

and where does he say he's worried about them voting? this is you and slades extrapolation of what trump did say so you can direct it where you want it to go for "max trashing value".

gets really old, dude.

where in here does he say he's worried about said dog voting? he doesn't. you're doing more of the "HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH shit of which he never said.

that too gets really old, dude.

He said that there were ballots sent to dogs, and was using that as a way to say that voting by mail won't work.
maybe. but where did he say he was worried about dogs voting and saying it's simply a stupid way to do this because everyone and every animal gets a ballot. how can we track that?

you're extrapolating in ONLY one direction. slade does this shit 100% of the time and gets seriously asshurt when you question him on that. are you also going to say ONLY the way you choose to follow up that comment is right and everyone else MUST BE WRONG?

if so i ask you to prove this is what he was worried about vs saying this to illustrate the concern overall for mail in voting.

y'all saying this stupid shit. back it up.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
Of course not.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

How does anyone take YOU seriously?

Pets have received ballots. Obviously that FACT is what Trump is talking about. And a dishonest leftist, LIKE YOU, would probably fill out that ballot and mail it in.

Basically in a nutshell you can fuck off with your failed trolling, loser
How did the pets get the ballot and what if that ballot was filled out and sent in... would the vote count? You should know the answers to both these questions. Do you?
If verification of who is sending in the ballot is not required how would they know?
Where is verification not required? Give me an example

give me that example.

Well, he didn't say that he was worried about cats voting, he said he was worried about dogs voting. Same kind of stupid bullshit though.

Days later, President Trump told Townhall, a conservative news outlet, that Democratic governors could be sending millions of mail-in ballots to unknown people or dogs. “Who are they sending them to? Nobody has any idea. They’re sending them to dogs. They actually have sent to dogs,” he said.
headline is both dogs and cats.

and where does he say he's worried about them voting? this is you and slades extrapolation of what trump did say so you can direct it where you want it to go for "max trashing value".

gets really old, dude.

where in here does he say he's worried about said dog voting? he doesn't. you're doing more of the "HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH shit of which he never said.

that too gets really old, dude.

He said that there were ballots sent to dogs, and was using that as a way to say that voting by mail won't work.
maybe. but where did he say he was worried about dogs voting and saying it's simply a stupid way to do this because everyone and every animal gets a ballot. how can we track that?

you're extrapolating in ONLY one direction. slade does this shit 100% of the time and gets seriously asshurt when you question him on that. are you also going to say ONLY the way you choose to follow up that comment is right and everyone else MUST BE WRONG?

if so i ask you to prove this is what he was worried about vs saying this to illustrate the concern overall for mail in voting.

y'all saying this stupid shit. back it up.

He started off by expressing concern about mail in voting being fraudulent. He then said that dogs had ballots (not registration forms) mailed to them. He's concerned that the whole system is bad, and used dogs receiving ballots as an example. Yes, he IS concerned that mail in voting will result in dogs voting.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?
prove that's what would happen. prove they do this to each and every vote.

go ahead. prove it.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

If I I'd worry more about your leftists votes. That kickoff had the heavy hitters and it was a massive failure. 2 more days without the big guns. Not much excitement for the home wrecker and the quick easy POA.
The fact that this crap seems to have legs is an indication of how freaking desperate the left is for an issue.
You don’t see a problem in trying to undermine the public confidence in the validity of an election?! Seriously? That’s how civil wars get started.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

If I I'd worry more about your leftists votes. That kickoff had the heavy hitters and it was a massive failure. 2 more days without the big guns. Not much excitement for the home wrecker and the quick easy POA.
Oh no, you didn’t like day 1 of the DNC?! Bummer, and here I was hoping and praying that it would convince you to change your mind about Trump. Well golly gee. Maybe they will do better tonight. Fingers crossed
The fact that this crap seems to have legs is an indication of how freaking desperate the left is for an issue.
You don’t see a problem in trying to undermine the public confidence in the validity of an election?! Seriously? That’s how civil wars get started.
Hey fuck head, yall already started one by saying the last one wasn't valid and went out to change our entire process to help you.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?

Dont ask me if it's worth it. You e witnessed the severe TDS on this forum and YouTube for the past 3 years. Half of those nuts would send it in then masterbate in a corner with glee.
We both know nobody gets prosecuted for voter fraud and certainly not charged with a felony.
“How do people take this Trump guy seriously?”

They don’t – including his supporters.

Trump voters know Trump is unfit to be president, that he’s corrupt and incompetent – but they vote for him anyway because they support his hateful, bigoted, racist anti-immigrant policies, his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible contempt for business and environmental regulation, and his judicial appointments.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,

Got a link for that claim?
OK it was a voter registration,,,
you guys need to pay better attention to current events cause this was well posted,,,

A form for voter registration IS NOT a ballot. And, in order to receive your voter ID, you have to fill out the form and mail it back. So no, Trump is lying his ass off when he says that pets have received ballots.

But then again, the cat I linked about didn't receive a credit card, they just got an application to receive one. Doubt that credit companies take paw prints as signatures.

Again.........................there are zero cats or dogs receiving ballots. Trump is making bullshit claims again, hoping his base will parrot his bullshit and get others to believe it.

Gee, do you think the cats owner could sign it and mail it in? Do you ever think before you type?
The owner could Sign the cats name and mail it in and then what would happen? The vote would get tossed if the cats name didn’t match up with a valid ID or social security number and the owner would be guilty of a felony. Sound worth it to you?

Dont ask me if it's worth it. You e witnessed the severe TDS on this forum and YouTube for the past 3 years. Half of those nuts would send it in then masterbate in a corner with glee.
We both know nobody gets prosecuted for voter fraud and certainly not charged with a felony.
You missed the whole point that the vote wouldn’t count! Did the cat get a valid ID or social security number? Are you really not understanding this?
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

well a dead cat did receive a ballot,,,
Dogs and cats, dead or alive have more sense than trump supporters
I personally know someone who got a ballot for her dead cat. She explained to me exactly how she did it. It's not difficult.

What is difficult is catching the fraudsters. Unless you make a really stupid mistake, it's nearly impossible to get caught.

This is why we need a mandatory death penalty for voter fraud.
Do you think that if she filled out the ballot and mailed it in the vote would be counted? Did she get her cat an ID or social security number?
There is no doubt whatsoever that the vote would have been counted. I know she got her cat an ID, not sure about SS#. But she did have a shitload of documentation that her dead cat was a live person.

However, neither of those are required to vote by mail.
“How do people take this Trump guy seriously?”

They don’t – including his supporters.

Trump voters know Trump is unfit to be president, that he’s corrupt and incompetent – but they vote for him anyway because they support his hateful, bigoted, racist anti-immigrant policies, his unwarranted, reckless, and irresponsible contempt for business and environmental regulation, and his judicial appointments.

So they vote for him because they are even lower than he is. Interesting.
How do people take this Trump guy seriously? Dogs and cats voting?! Do people really believe him when he spews this nonesense?

Here is a very objective article showing Trumps exact quote if you missed it.

Slade, a few years back in Broward ,County there were multiple Democrzt voters using the names "Felix the Cat," "Scoobey Doo," "Donald Duck," "Mickey Mouse," "Dumbo the Elephant," and more. Yes, Democrats have listed a chorus of false names back when, so I think it's wisest to have a fingerprint and eyescan along with a valid picture id to avoid a skewed vote.
Without religious scruples the vote is easily able to disenfranchise voters for the President Trump.

Quick question....................was that the names those people REGISTERED under, or was it the names they put on the write in part of the ballot because they didn't think any of the candidates were worth voting for? Please provide a link for clarity.
These werenames put on their ballots while precinct chairmen looked the other way. This was in print back in early 1997 as I recollect, following an election that was too close for comfort with elements caterwauling about unfair voting going on. It didnt sound like the perps cared. It didnt favor demmies who erase history using any means possible like the Clinton pal caught removing presidential misdeeds from the library of Congress after Bush was inaugurated in the millineal year. Gore v Bush had some very disturbung ballot issues, too.

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