Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

Trump campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, Stanford researchers say

President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, according to a new paper posted by researchers at Stanford.

Researchers looked at 18 Trump rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22 and analyzed Covid-19 data the weeks following each event. They compared the counties where the events were held to other counties that had a similar trajectory of confirmed Covid-19 cases prior to the rally date. Out of the 18 rallies analyzed, only three were indoors, according to the research.

The researchers found that the rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19. They also concluded that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths, though not necessarily among attendees.

Deluded, duped, cultists say, "more of this please."
So 30,000 people got a runny nose and other flu symptoms?

The number of actual covid 19 deaths is unknown

but its not as high as the politicized lib medical academics claim it is
I would be remiss if I didn't bring up how Trump failed to protect the country during COVID.

5 Ways the Trump Administration’s Policy Failures Compounded the Coronavirus-Induced Economic Crisis

Last week, the total coronavirus death toll in the United States surpassed 100,000—a grim milestone in a battle that the Trump administration was not adequately prepared to fight. The United States now accounts for more than a quarter of the world’s COVID-19 deaths despite only accounting for roughly 4 percent of its population. The Trump administration’s failed public health response is mirrored by its failure to respond to the economic crisis, which has led to an economic fallout that sets the United States apart from other high-income nations.

Remember when Capt. COVID was more concerned about "his numbers" than he was about sick people on a cruise ship?

Trump said he wants to keep Grand Princess cruise passengers on the ship so that US coronavirus numbers don't 'double.' That strategy failed in Japan.

During a tour at the CDC on Friday, President Donald Trump said that the experts he consults, including Vice President Mike Pence, want to take people off the ship. However, Trump said that he didn't want the passengers raising the total case count in the US.

"I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault," Trump said in a Fox News interview.

Again. One QUARTER of the world’s COVID deaths in spite of having only 4% of the world’s population.

Clearly Trump fucked up
There's no point any longer in listing all the hundreds of reasons Trump should be disqualified in the mind's of the public as a candidate for the presidency. You folks, The Following, already know what they are and have inexplicably dismissed them all. The former GOP is now, more than ever, the POT. He owns it lock, stock, and barrel. A reality made cringeworthingly clear, in embarrassing fashion, by McTreason's simpering endorsement of Don. The guy who made racist tropes against his wife...........

McConnell invokes his wife’s name to slam Trump’s controversial immigrant remarks

putting him in unpleasant company along side Ted Cruz for choosing cowardly submission instead of honor.

So the question becomes, what about Admin #1 makes Admin #2 so attractive to you folks and not to many of those who served in Admin #1?

Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

We're in a Worst Place Today Than Before He came In

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘We’re in a worse place today than we were before he came in’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’
Good point. Proof of concept: Biden & Co have retribution coming out of their ears over the last six years and they have certainly not been our salvation. But, you open the can of worms, what you get is a can of worms you can't put back in the can. Precedent is precedent so don't go griping about it now.
Again. One QUARTER of the world’s COVID deaths in spite of having only 4% of the world’s population.

Clearly Trump fucked up

Yes, those inflated COVID death numbers were very impressive.
Why did Biden kill so many?
You make President Trump out to be this deity.
Republican voters didn't want this bill, before President Trump weighed in.
Repub voters don't know what they want until Faux and Trump tell them.
This is more skewed lib logic

The left loves to point out that American citizens murder more Americans than illegal aliens do

Ergo implying that migrants deserve an equal chance to kill and rob as citizens have

Which is wrong

No matter how few it is that migrsnts murder, Americans deserve all the protection that the government can give

And that begins with keeping criminal migrants out of the country
Did you miss the point of the facts unintentionally or are you deceitful naturally? Trump lied about migrant crime. Full stop.
Yes, those inflated COVID death numbers were very impressive.
Why did Biden kill so many?
So your response to a study showing Trump's policies were responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths from COVID is......."no, you." How long before you get out of elementary school?
So 30,000 people got a runny nose and other flu symptoms?

The number of actual covid 19 deaths is unknown

but its not as high as the politicized lib medical academics claim it is
As COVID-19 swept across our country, Trump bungled testing, leaving us with persistent shortages and delays even now. And, Trump inexcusably failed to get protective equipment to the heroes on the front lines of this fight, opting to side with corporate lobbyists instead of heeding Vice President Biden's call to fully invoke the Defense Production Act to mobilize our economy to fight the virus.

  • New York Times, 3/28/20: "As the deadly virus spread from China with ferocity across the United States between late January and early March, large-scale testing of people who might have been infected did not happen — because of technical flaws, regulatory hurdles, business-as-usual bureaucracies and lack of leadership at multiple levels."
  • New York Times, 7/6/20: "In recent weeks, as cases have surged in many states, the demand for testing has soared, surpassing capacity and creating a new testing crisis."
  • Washington Post, 7/8/20: "Health-care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic are encountering shortages of masks, gowns, face shields and gloves — a frustrating recurrence of a struggle that haunted the first months of the crisis."
  • CNN, 7/14/20: "Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages"

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