Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

No, meaning I don't agree with the orange bag O' shit's policies. Never did. There's better ways to handle it, then building a stupid fucking wall, which he failed at doing anyway. :rolleyes: You don't give incompetence a second chance.

Keep it coming, whiner. You've only got 10 months and 14 days to go.

During the country's greatest moments of need its president was AWOL. Too busy playing golf and spreading the Big Lie to coordinate the distribution of the vaccine.

Incompetence and Lies: Trump Leaves Vaccine Distribution Mess for Biden to Clean Up

As former President Donald Trump left office this week amid a deadly pandemic he gave up trying to control, he also left a broken vaccine distribution program that has hung millions of vulnerable seniors and front line workers across the United States out to dry. Deceptive and inadequate communication with states has resulted in mass confusion and made effective state planning impossible, while intransigence in cooperating with the presidential transition has left the incoming Administration facing an even greater challenge than the monumental one that was already waiting for them.
Zients emphasized the stark difference in leadership and the challenges Biden is left to bear; “For almost a year now, Americans could not look to the federal government for any strategy, let alone a comprehensive approach to respond to Covid,” Zients said. “And we’ve seen the tragic costs of that failure. As President Biden steps into office today … that’ll change tomorrow.”

Biden releases national COVID strategy, will order agencies to use Defense Production Act

It would have been hard to come up with more ways for the Trump admin to botch the government's COVID response. But they tried.

This comes on the heels of what was previously reported last Tuesday when Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar announced that the federal government would begin releasing coronavirus vaccine doses held in reserve for second shots. However, “no such reserve existed”.

Because of this, health officials across the country who relied on estimates provided by the Trump administration warn that without them, millions of adults 65 and older and front-line essential workers who were supposed to get the vaccine this month under phase 1b will not be able to get vaccinated until supply increases.

Vaccine reserve was exhausted when Trump administration vowed to release it, dashing hopes of expanded access

Oh shit! We've got a Kool-Aid overdose!!
"Jehova Witness come a-knocking at your door ...... What about the wacko on the street corner with a megaphone claiming........"

(The above is the poster Glasonot's pushback on my avatar's assertion that folks here who put others on 'Ignore' are frightened little rabbits in this dynamic interesting world.)

False equivalencies there, earnest poster Glasnot.
Poster here can easily....very very easily....simply skip over a post if they suspect it will conflict with their worldview. Big deal.
If one is 'afeared' of dissonant views....and refuses to even scan through 'em.....well, in my opinion, they are narrow, frightend-by-life, scaredy cats.

Did I say 'narrow'?

Is your avatar, --Glasnot ---- one of the timid and afraid of life?

People within the FBI.
Is "people-within-the-FBI-said-Flynn-didn't-lie' that the hill you wanna die on poster BJ?

I mean "people-within' the 20,000 member staff of the FBI could be the 18yr old down in the mailroom. Is that your source?
Is the guy who runs the copy-machine room? The gal who is in charge of paper products?

20,000 people, BJ.

How 'bout you back your own word up by providing this forum with the name and the validated quote from someone within the FBI who is informed on the issue and has gravitas.

The ball is in your court, gurlfriend.

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