Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

Folks who put folks on 'ignore' are weaklings, chickens, wussies, wimps, and snowflakes.
So, when Jehova Witness come a-knocking at your door (while you're watching the game on TV) you stand there and let them give you the whole speech, right? What about the wacko on the street corner with a megaphone claiming the world will end the day after tomorrow at 6 PM? You stop and listen to him until he's hoarse, huh?

(The above is the poster Glasonot's pushback on my avatar's assertion that folks here who put others on 'Ignore' are frightened little rabbits in this dynamic interesting world.)
True. 100% true.
False equivalencies there, earnest poster Glasnot.
Nothing false about the equivalencies in my response. They are perfectly relevant and your reply (here) is a very strong indication that you have been banished to the land of "ignore" by many members of this (and other) forums, so much so that you are here now whinging about it, poor boy. :itsok:
Poster here can easily....very very easily....simply skip over a post
There's more than one way to skin a cat and by Democratic methods, each of those "ways" can be applied.
if they suspect it will conflict with their worldview.
My equivalencies highlight much more than 'conflict with worldview'. If you'd actually read my post you'd understand that but I think you are intentionally deflecting the message and refusing to take responsibility for your adolescent appraisal.
If one is 'afeared' of dissonant views....and refuses to even scan through 'em.....well, in my opinion, they are narrow, frightend-by-life, scaredy cats.
I don't know what a "scaredy cat" is but if it has anything to do with an inability to confront dissimilar views then it most certainly must be the reflection of your own intolerance. After all, it is you who have come out of the woodwork from the dark.
Is your avatar, --Glasnot ---- one of the timid and afraid of life?
Do you use a second-hand toilet brush for your gear-shift lever, Chillicothe?
As COVID-19 swept across our country, Trump bungled testing, leaving us with persistent shortages and delays even now. And, Trump inexcusably failed to get protective equipment to the heroes on the front lines of this fight, opting to side with corporate lobbyists instead of heeding Vice President Biden's call to fully invoke the Defense Production Act to mobilize our economy to fight the virus.

  • New York Times, 3/28/20: "As the deadly virus spread from China with ferocity across the United States between late January and early March, large-scale testing of people who might have been infected did not happen — because of technical flaws, regulatory hurdles, business-as-usual bureaucracies and lack of leadership at multiple levels."
  • New York Times, 7/6/20: "In recent weeks, as cases have surged in many states, the demand for testing has soared, surpassing capacity and creating a new testing crisis."
  • Washington Post, 7/8/20: "Health-care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic are encountering shortages of masks, gowns, face shields and gloves — a frustrating recurrence of a struggle that haunted the first months of the crisis."
  • CNN, 7/14/20: "Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages"
ANd more Americans died on Biden's watch, with three vaccines! I doubt Demented Joey is going to make that a cornerstone of his campaign.
Did you miss the point of the facts unintentionally or are you deceitful naturally? Trump lied about migrant crime. Full stop.
No he didnt

Every migrant murderer could have been prevent if the border were not wide open

Not a single one is excusable
As COVID-19 swept across our country, Trump bungled testing, leaving us with persistent shortages and delays even now. And, Trump inexcusably failed to get protective equipment to the heroes on the front lines of this fight, opting to side with corporate lobbyists instead of heeding Vice President Biden's call to fully invoke the Defense Production Act to mobilize our economy to fight the virus.

  • New York Times, 3/28/20: "As the deadly virus spread from China with ferocity across the United States between late January and early March, large-scale testing of people who might have been infected did not happen — because of technical flaws, regulatory hurdles, business-as-usual bureaucracies and lack of leadership at multiple levels."
  • New York Times, 7/6/20: "In recent weeks, as cases have surged in many states, the demand for testing has soared, surpassing capacity and creating a new testing crisis."
  • Washington Post, 7/8/20: "Health-care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic are encountering shortages of masks, gowns, face shields and gloves — a frustrating recurrence of a struggle that haunted the first months of the crisis."
  • CNN, 7/14/20: "Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages"
Trump didnt bungle testing

That was on the CDC
The American people decided way back after the civil war that people who commit insurrection cannot serve.

It's already been decided.
Too bad Democrat losers failed to get a conviction. You folks only have yourselves to blame. Congress had their chance and the Senate exonerated Trump. Stop crying.
LOL Your link

"The administration built 458 total miles of primary and secondary border barriers, U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows."
52 miles of new wall

That’s fact

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