Trump isn't going to impose Steel tariffs--this is just for the special election in PA next Tuesday


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I kept wondering why in such a great economy--why any moron would impose tariffs right now, that have never created a single job in this country, but history has shown time & again they're great for job loss's. Republicans have always been opposed to tariff's and have always been free trade.


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

It's well noted that the Treasury department, the Justice Department and all other departments involved were never informed by Trump that he was going to impose steel tariffs. It was a whim--when he announced tariffs during a morning briefing as reporters were leaving. The result--his economic adviser quit a few days later over his announcement. Apparently, Trump didn't even discuss this with Cohn prior to making the announcement. The stock market sold off on the announcement that Cohn quit.
After tariff fight loss, Trump economic adviser Cohn quits

Now it makes sense.

IT'S THE SPECIAL ELECTION that will be held in Pennsylvania, next Tuesday--a big steel district. This is just a political stunt to help Republican Rick Saccone win the18th district. A district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016.
Trump stumps for struggling GOP candidate, talks up death penalty for drug dealers in whirlwind rally - CNNPolitics

The Republican majority congress is totally against these tariffs, and are going to fight tooth and nail against them. The European Union--(many countries in Europe) have already stated they will impose tariffs on American products should Trump sign off on a steel tariff.
Paul Ryan Speaks Out Against Trump's Tariffs
EU threatens tariffs on US products like peanut butter as trade war escalates

Rick Saccone's opponent Democrat Conor Lamb is ahead in the polls and has grossly out-funded Saccone with local money. So Trump jumped in with the steel tariff announcement, in an effort to save Rick Saccone's ass.
Democrat Lamb significantly outraises Republican Saccone in final stretch of Pennsylvania special election - CNNPolitics

I don't think you're going to get any steel tariffs. I think this was specifically designed for this race, and those of you who were wishing for a steel tariffs will get shat upon after this election is over--regardless of who wins.


I guess we'll see if the 18th district in Pennsylvania has grown a brain since November 2016--:laugh2:
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Another surreal, delusional liberal OP. Trump signed the tariff order three days ago.

And history has proven that high tariffs produce a sizable net gain in jobs and growth.
I kept wondering why in such a great economy

It is a great economy, isn't it?

Liberals finally admitting the obvious. Obama NEVER had a great economy and the Trump boom started the day after he was elected.
Another surreal, delusional liberal OP. Trump signed the tariff order three days ago.

And history has proven that high tariffs produce a sizable net gain in jobs and growth.

No link to that :bsflag: but I have got a few for you.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan, Deema Yazigi, Thomas Rustici
The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

The offended countries of a tariff will ALWAYS respond with tariffs on American goods. This results in fewer sales, for corporations that sell American products overseas. Auto's, appliances, electronics and FOOD. They drive up the prices to American consumers. The Federal Reserve jumps in to combat inflation by raising interest rates. Then American consumers cut back on their spending and borrowing for homes, new cars, etc. and the result has always been job loss's across every industry.


The EU has already responded to Trump's steel tariff threat.
E.U. Leader Threatens to Retaliate With Tariffs on Bourbon and Bluejeans

EU FURY: Brussels threatens to SUE Britain if Fox secures exemption from US steel tariffs
EU threatens tariffs on US products like peanut butter as trade war escalates
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I am finding this somewhat of a challenge to understand.

Why would The Democrat Party - so beholden to union money - express such hatred toward highly unionized steel workers?

Maybe they've forgotten that elections have consequences?
They're just shocked that the president is doing what he said he would do if he was elected.

That's a foreign concept to liberal presidents.
There are already tariffs on American goods.

We're finally just meeting fire with fire.

You're on a big boy and girl political board here. This isn't FOX NEWS facebook page. If you don't provide a link to your claims on this board it automatically goes into the :bsflag: file.
I am finding this somewhat of a challenge to understand.

Why would The Democrat Party - so beholden to union money - express such hatred toward highly unionized steel workers?

Maybe they've forgotten that elections have consequences?

How have Democrats "expressed" their hate toward Unions--:laughing0301: The Republican party is well known for being anti-Union. The Democrat party has always been PRO-Union.

Did some of you people just wake up yesterday and decided to jump into politics?

I am finding this somewhat of a challenge to understand.

Why would The Democrat Party - so beholden to union money - express such hatred toward highly unionized steel workers?

Maybe they've forgotten that elections have consequences?

How have they "expressed" their hate toward Unions--:laughing0301: The Republican party is well known for being anti-Union. The Democrat party has always been PRO-Union.
The contradiction is the Democrats being pro-union yet anti-jobs. This is why Trump won and is creating jobs at almost unprecedented rates.
I kept wondering why in such a great economy--why any moron would impose tariffs right now, that have never created a single job in this country, but history has shown time & again they're great for job loss's. Republicans have always been opposed to tariff's and have always been free trade.


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

It's well noted that the Treasury department, the Justice Department and all other departments involved were never informed by Trump that he was going to impose steel tariffs. It was a whim--when he announced tariffs during a morning briefing as reporters were leaving. The result--his economic adviser quit a few days later over his announcement. Apparently, Trump didn't even discuss this with Cohn prior to making the announcement. The stock market sold off on the announcement that Cohn quit.
After tariff fight loss, Trump economic adviser Cohn quits

Now it makes sense.

IT'S THE SPECIAL ELECTION that will be held in Pennsylvania, next Tuesday--a big steel district. This is just a political stunt to help Republican Rick Saccone win the18th district. A district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016.
Trump stumps for struggling GOP candidate, talks up death penalty for drug dealers in whirlwind rally - CNNPolitics

The Republican majority congress is totally against these tariffs, and are going to fight tooth and nail against them. The European Union--(many countries in Europe) have already stated they will impose tariffs on American products should Trump sign off on a steel tariff.
Paul Ryan Speaks Out Against Trump's Tariffs
EU threatens tariffs on US products like peanut butter as trade war escalates

Rick Saccone's opponent Democrat Conor Lamb is ahead in the polls and has grossly out-funded Saccone with local money. So Trump jumped in with the steel tariff announcement, in an effort to save Rick Saccone's ass.
Democrat Lamb significantly outraises Republican Saccone in final stretch of Pennsylvania special election - CNNPolitics

I don't think you're going to get any steel tariffs. I think this was specifically designed for this race, and those of you who were wishing for a steel tariffs will get shat upon after this election is over--regardless of who wins.


I guess we'll see if the 18th district in Pennsylvania has grown a brain since November 2016--:laugh2:

Interesting, I never thought of it. It is possible I suppose but Rump has always been a protectionist, going back to the 80's.
I am finding this somewhat of a challenge to understand.

Why would The Democrat Party - so beholden to union money - express such hatred toward highly unionized steel workers?

Maybe they've forgotten that elections have consequences?

How have they "expressed" their hate toward Unions--:laughing0301: The Republican party is well known for being anti-Union. The Democrat party has always been PRO-Union.
The contradiction is the Democrats being pro-union yet anti-jobs. This is why Trump won and is creating jobs at almost unprecedented rates.

Democrats aren't anti-jobs either---:auiqs.jpg: You don't know a heck of a lot about the economy, do you?

1. Trade deficits are simply paper deficits. You can't expect a smaller populated country like Mexico & Canada to buy two General Electric washing machines and 5 American auto's per family. We are a larger populated country so we will buy more stuff. Henceforth the trade deficit. The only country we should have a trade surplus with is China because they have a larger population. Every American trade is a SURPLUS trade.

2. The Global economy is here to stay: Apple doesn't just produce I-phones for Americans. To stay in business they have to be able to sell overseas. To sell overseas they have to insure that their products are affordable overseas. Therefore, they will move manufacturing overseas to accomplish that. After all Chinese employers are not required to pay payroll taxes, social security, medicare, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation & health insurance which are the driving costs to employers HERE. The benefit to you is, you're not paying $5000.00 for an I-phone. You benefit from overseas manufacturing on thousands of products.

3. Trade agreements are signed into law after being approved and voted upon in congress & then the President signs it. While they can be renegotiated, you don't issue tariffs on foreign country products without expecting a major blow back on American product exports.

The Global economy--class 101
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