Trump"Jews always flip" in response to Cohen?

Just like Mueller drafted an obstruction indictment....

This guy is so full of it.

What’s hilarious is he was the only willing to move the Embassy to Jerusalem and yet Wolf included such a lie in the book. Anyone with a lick of sense would see that for what it is.
What’s hilarious is he was the only willing to move the Embassy to Jerusalem and yet Wolf included such a lie in the book. Anyone with a lick of sense would see that for what it is.

Isn't Michael Wolff a Jew, in the first place?
This stuff about "Jews" is so incredibly boring. The orange whore and pigpence both pretend to be "Christians" while being absolute assholes who flip when they wish. At least Jews don't wear their religion on their sleeves like these morons do. Piggypence, piggypence, piggypence.

BTW: what is happening to the Catholics in Poland that they are acting like such asswipes? Don't they have any shame at all? I am so glad that I quit Catholicism.
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The 1st Amendment gives Michael Wolff the right to publish anything to make a buck.
Why do people point fingers at people of the Jewish faith for the same behavior that non-Jews do? Any Christians involved with the orange whore and pigpence? Any Christians involved in the Enron scandal? How come their religion is not mentioned and magnified? Gingrich, Reagan, North, DeLay, etc. any religion mentioned? What is the religion of the guy in the Texas government caught trying to purge voter roles illegally?
Just like Mueller drafted an obstruction indictment....

This guy is so full of it.

No one is surprised that a white supremacist would be a Jew hater

And mueller would have drafted an obstruction charge but for DOJ guidelines (no matter how misguided those regulations)

Or didn’t you bother paying attention to what he wrote and what he said?

Oh right
Why do people point fingers at people of the Jewish faith for the same behavior that non-Jews do? Any Christians involved with the orange whore and pigpence? Any Christians involved in the Enron scandal? How come their religion is not mentioned and magnified? Gingrich, Reagan, North, DeLay, etc. any religion mentioned? What is the religion of the guy in the Texas government caught trying to purge voter roles illegally?

Stupid, impressionable people like the sick OP need bogeymen to make sense of the world
Just like Mueller drafted an obstruction indictment....

This guy is so full of it.

No one is surprised that a white supremacist would be a Jew hater

And mueller would have drafted an obstruction charge but for DOJ guidelines (no matter how misguided those regulations)

Or didn’t you bother paying attention to what he wrote and what he said?

Oh right

I've lived in the DC area for many decades. There is a Catholic parish here that was attended by many Catholic honchos in the FBI, including the "religious" man, husband and father to many children, who finally was caught in the act of spying for the Russians, and even recording his relationship in bed with his wife for other people's enjoyment. Big church guy, Where is religion in all of this?

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