Trump just said the unemployment rate is 42% in the USA.

If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
I can't count the number of phone calls we get, "Are you guys hiring?"

Not if you can't get off the fucking couch to come fill out an application.

Just once I'd like to say, "Ya know what? I've been waiting for someone like you to call!! Get some black pants, a pair of black nonslip shoes and be here at 9am tomorrow. Ask for Dave"
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
I can't count the number of phone calls we get, "Are you guys hiring?"

Not if you can't get off the fucking couch to come fill out an application.

Just once I'd like to say, "Ya know what? I've been waiting for someone like you to call!! Get some black pants, a pair of black nonslip shoes and be here at 9am tomorrow. Ask for Dave"

Yeah, what is with that nonsense? At the very least, if you're going to bother to call in, ask for an email address and send me a resume.
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
Well then you need to ask yourself why your workplace is unattractive. When we near full employment the shit jobs go unfilled and employers have to sweeten the pot with competitive wages and benefits or get some illegal workers. The last few years it has been easier to get people to work dead-end jobs out of desperation but that cannot continue forever.
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
Well then you need to ask yourself why your workplace is unattractive. When we near full employment the shit jobs go unfilled and employers have to sweeten the pot with competitive wages and benefits or get some illegal workers. The last few years it has been easier to get people to work dead-end jobs out of desperation but that cannot continue forever.

We also need to make NOT working less attractive than actually working.
Why work a shitty part-time job if you can draw just as much UEC plus foodstamps plus medicaid?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
Well then you need to ask yourself why your workplace is unattractive. When we near full employment the shit jobs go unfilled and employers have to sweeten the pot with competitive wages and benefits or get some illegal workers. The last few years it has been easier to get people to work dead-end jobs out of desperation but that cannot continue forever.

We also need to make NOT working less attractive than actually working.
Why work a shitty part-time job if you can draw just as much UEC plus foodstamps plus medicaid?
Yes that is the question, if a job is so shitty it cannot even equal the pittance people get on assistance and that assistance disappears at the first paycheck from a job that has no security then why take it? That's not people being lazy, it's people taking the best option available to them. If your pay package and working conditions cannot lure a person off of assistance it is the job's fault.
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
Well then you need to ask yourself why your workplace is unattractive. When we near full employment the shit jobs go unfilled and employers have to sweeten the pot with competitive wages and benefits or get some illegal workers. The last few years it has been easier to get people to work dead-end jobs out of desperation but that cannot continue forever.

You dumbass, you're so completely off the reservation you don't even know which side of the partisan aisle you're sucking dick on.

The point of my post was to point out that unemployment levels really are getting low. Unlike some people who want to claim that the unemployment figures are fabricated, I recognize that the employment market has become strong once again.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that support your position?

Are you sure?

I want you to think really, really hard about whether my assertion is in agreement with your position.

Okay, so you're absolutely, positively certain that my point was in agreement with your position? Alright, then I have a question to ask: Why in the hell are you making up some bullshit claims that work against your position, just so you can argue with me!?!?!

The reason I can't get people in the door to apply for jobs that I need filled is that there aren't many people looking for jobs out there like there used to be. I'm trying to fill line level positions. The requirements aren't particularly high. You don't need any college education. You don't even need any particular experience. Mainly, what I need are people who bathe and are appropriately groomed, have flexible availability, a friendly personality and good attitude, and who are willing to learn.

Since there are very few people out there who are even looking for jobs, I have very few people who are even applying. It has nothing to do with whether my place of business is a good place to work or not. People aren't even walking through the door to find out. Your bullshit assertion that there is something wrong with my place of business implies that there are many applicants who are rejecting job offers. If that were the case, then it completely undermines your position that the 5.1% unemployment figure is legitimate, and supports those who claim that it is a lie.

Congratulations, you've defeated your own argument, dumbass.
I don't know what the real unemployment rate is right now, but it is not a healthy job market. Here is an example, my wife applied for a clerks position with a local town. Pay was about 30K per year with good benefits. They had 174 applications for the position. My wife has a Bachelors in Business and 20 years of office experience. She did make the finals, but was not offered the position. 10 years ago, she would never have even considered the position. But, a layoff a couple years back has her back into the $12 per hour range, less than her first job in the early 1990's. She is working though, so that is a positive. She has a several friends in the same situation. Downsized since 2008 and starting back at entry level in their late 30's and early 40's.
David Stockman says REAL Unemployment rate is 42.9. I'm not making this up!
From July of this year:
David Stockman Says Unemployment Is Really 42.9 Percent
Stockman cites the number of 210 million adult Americans, who if they worked 2,000 hours per year, or about 40 hours per week, would deliver 420 million labor hours per year. When compared to the 240 million labor hours per year reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total workforce of the country is delivering 57.1 percent of those 420 million labor hours, and otherwise stated, 42.9 percent of those hours are not being delivered. Therefore, the calculation of unemployment by this measure is 42.9 percent.

I guess if you believe that all retirees should be included, then you could come up with that number of 220 million. Of course, most Americans recognize that people do like to retire at some point in their lives. It also assumes that nobody wants to be a stay at home mom or dad, and that not adults are in school trying to further their education. Do the math; you'll figure it out.
If the unemployment rate is so high, why can't I find people to hire for line level positions?
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.

I live in a city that has notoriously had a bad job market. I don't know anyone who is unemployed. My 18 and 19 year old sons are working jobs making between $12 and $18 per hour. They both have two jobs and my oldest is also in the Marine Reserves. Any companies around here trying to hire people for minimum wage are having a difficult time finding people.
It is always interesting to see one of your well thought out, articulate, and well researched contributions. Move over, William F. Buckley, Mad Scientist is going to write a treatise on conservative philosophy!
The same for you!
Move over Joy Behar, Vandalshandle is gonna write a treatise on Liberal Whining and Deflection!
Drug tests keep a lot of people away from lousy, low paying entry-level jobs.

Seeing as there is no drug test required to walk in the door and fill out an application, that says nothing.
It says a lot if you consider that even the working poor make the calculation if a particular job is worth the hassle.

What are you talking about? If anything, that people choose to stay unemployed simply because a job offer would require a drug test suggests that most of the unemployed are worthless bums who would rather suck the government teat so they can waste their lives to drugs, rather than to be gainfully employed.

Aside from that, I never said anything about people not accepting job offers when they are asked to take a drug screen test. I said that I cannot find enough people to hire. The question of drug screening never comes up, because I can't even get to that point. I need to get people in to apply before I can even make a hiring decision, much less ask them to take a drug screening.
Well then you need to ask yourself why your workplace is unattractive. When we near full employment the shit jobs go unfilled and employers have to sweeten the pot with competitive wages and benefits or get some illegal workers. The last few years it has been easier to get people to work dead-end jobs out of desperation but that cannot continue forever.

You dumbass, you're so completely off the reservation you don't even know which side of the partisan aisle you're sucking dick on.

The point of my post was to point out that unemployment levels really are getting low. Unlike some people who want to claim that the unemployment figures are fabricated, I recognize that the employment market has become strong once again.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that support your position?

Are you sure?

I want you to think really, really hard about whether my assertion is in agreement with your position.

Okay, so you're absolutely, positively certain that my point was in agreement with your position? Alright, then I have a question to ask: Why in the hell are you making up some bullshit claims that work against your position, just so you can argue with me!?!?!

The reason I can't get people in the door to apply for jobs that I need filled is that there aren't many people looking for jobs out there like there used to be. I'm trying to fill line level positions. The requirements aren't particularly high. You don't need any college education. You don't even need any particular experience. Mainly, what I need are people who bathe and are appropriately groomed, have flexible availability, a friendly personality and good attitude, and who are willing to learn.

Since there are very few people out there who are even looking for jobs, I have very few people who are even applying. It has nothing to do with whether my place of business is a good place to work or not. People aren't even walking through the door to find out. Your bullshit assertion that there is something wrong with my place of business implies that there are many applicants who are rejecting job offers. If that were the case, then it completely undermines your position that the 5.1% unemployment figure is legitimate, and supports those who claim that it is a lie.

Congratulations, you've defeated your own argument, dumbass.
My point is that labor has now turned into a sellers market. If you are not getting applicants it is because of something you are doing wrong. Ask yourself why you can't keep good people in these positions and you will have your answer.
David Stockman says REAL Unemployment rate is 42.9. I'm not making this up!
From July of this year:
David Stockman Says Unemployment Is Really 42.9 Percent
Stockman cites the number of 210 million adult Americans, who if they worked 2,000 hours per year, or about 40 hours per week, would deliver 420 million labor hours per year. When compared to the 240 million labor hours per year reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total workforce of the country is delivering 57.1 percent of those 420 million labor hours, and otherwise stated, 42.9 percent of those hours are not being delivered. Therefore, the calculation of unemployment by this measure is 42.9 percent.
And you believed him.

And let's remember...the Obama's visit to India cost $200 million a day too.
My point is that labor has now turned into a sellers market.

And yet your argument relies on the premise that there is a dearth of people desperate for jobs.
I never said anything of the sort. I did say that the last few years it was easy to get people to hold on to shit jobs because any job was scarce but that those days are at an end (until Wall Street crashes the economy again).

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