Trump just told Carlson mail voting is rigged (He's 100% correct. Don't vote by mail)

Yep. The election is rigged.

Are you going to go full political cuckold and vote in 2024 while Dems point and snicker at you?

I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

Stay home. Why bother voting in a rigged election.

Stupid POS. Those are requested Ballots to a legitimate registered Voter with a legitimate address. AND it can be dropped off at City Hall (not mailed) as no one trust the USPS you ignorant OX.
The member responded that he mailed it. You have egg on your face.
The member responded that he mailed it. You have egg on your face.

Ignorant bag of hog slop. I have had absentee in CA since 2000. Never have I trusted the USPS. I said you can drop it off! I always dropped it off.
USPS had dirty Dem commee scum carriers who would destroy certain zip code mail-in ballots. Get off the boards you dumb OX.
The question you have to decide is which one of your Trump supporting neighbor will kill for Trump when He asks them to. Be prepared.

Most of my neighbors refer to Trump as an idiot. My next door neighbor is a little more liberal than I am. He really wants more restrictions on Guns, but then again he has three little girls in elementary school.

His Parents refer to Trump in even less flattering terms.

The folks who have property across the street were wondering if Trump would finally shut up if he was in Prison?

A Conservative Friend at work asked me why the people representing us are so awful. Why can’t we get good people to go to Washington.

There are a couple houses down the “main road” a ways who have a Trump Flag flying. And a few more have Trump stickers. A couple even have the hats. But I’m not seeing the Trump Love we hear is huge and growing.

Last but not least.


The guy with the bullet proof sports bra doesn’t scare me. I don’t think anyone is a good enough shot to hit that little vest.
Be a responsible adult (the horror), show up and vote and stop the slimy bullshit
Stupid POS. Those are requested Ballots to a legitimate registered Voter with a legitimate address. AND it can be dropped off at City Hall (not mailed) as no one trust the USPS you ignorant OX.
Learn how to get an absentee ballot if you live in the U.S., live abroad, or are in the military. Find out how to cast your vote, and meet voting deadlines.

and of course -- get that free travel voucher to the city hall of your choice

:auiqs.jpg: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg:
Odd they would appoint a major Republican Party donor and fundraiser for Donald Trump.

I bet when Trump called him with his plan he didn't say no like the Georgia Secretary of State. I bet that call was "perfect" too. Oh if only we had that on tape. Like we do Trump showing off classified top secret documents to guests at Mara Lago.

You defending Trump Harry? Finally? Full throated endorsement?
how am i defending trump?.....and why do you fuckers always answer anything by mentioning trump?...has he taken over you to bobo?....the guy who was the acting head of the board knew dejoy from business and recommended him to be the new your own link you put up about the guy....geezus bobo...get trump out of your head...
I absolutely did.

What is this then?

  • Mail Sorter

    Royal Alliances Inc
    Plymouth, MI 48170
    Estimated $27.8K - $35.2K a year

    Monday to Friday+3
    • Previous experience in a similar role, preferably in a mail service or postal environment, is highly desirable.
    • High school diploma or equivalent is preferred.
    PostedPosted 30+ days ago·More...

Yes, a conveyor belt would be a good way to describe it. And it was as tall as the ceiling with mail. Probably why they paid us college kids to come in and help. Perhaps they did a background check on me. I was squeeky clean at the time. Greek kid from the burbs going to Eastern Michigan University. Remember this is long before 9-11. They weren't nearly as strict as they are now.

Remember when Dick Chaney was mailing Democrats and the Media Anthrax? Sign the Patriot Act and Vote to invade Iraq or else. What you think the Clinton's, Putin and MBS are the only ones who murder their opponents?
royal alliances?....that aint the post office bobo....try again....were they the ones who got you this job?....
Ignorant bag of hog slop. I have had absentee in CA since 2000. Never have I trusted the USPS. I said you can drop it off! I always dropped it off.
USPS had dirty Dem commee scum carriers who would destroy certain zip code mail-in ballots. Get off the boards you dumb OX.
i got news for you....when i retired the workers in the PO were just about 50/50 with political affiliation and many of them were probably independents.....and every one of them know that messing with ballots is a federal offense ....only a complete dumbass would sacrifice that job for a few ballots....
Most of my neighbors refer to Trump as an idiot. My next door neighbor is a little more liberal than I am. He really wants more restrictions on Guns, but then again he has three little girls in elementary school.

His Parents refer to Trump in even less flattering terms.

The folks who have property across the street were wondering if Trump would finally shut up if he was in Prison?

A Conservative Friend at work asked me why the people representing us are so awful. Why can’t we get good people to go to Washington.

There are a couple houses down the “main road” a ways who have a Trump Flag flying. And a few more have Trump stickers. A couple even have the hats. But I’m not seeing the Trump Love we hear is huge and growing.

Last but not least.

View attachment 818990

The guy with the bullet proof sports bra doesn’t scare me. I don’t think anyone is a good enough shot to hit that little vest.
Here's the real issue , there is enough hatred and stupidity in this country to elect Trump. Trump knows the only possible way for him to stay out of jail is to become president and pardon himself , it is close in numbers, but Trump will lose and he will be asking for his blind fucks to load their guns and start shooting , I guaranty it. Will they , yes the only x factor is how many of them will start to kill their neighbors. Like I said, point out those trump flags in your neighborhood, it will give you one step up on them when they come to kill you and your family. You will know which direction to look in if you know where they live. If they come, don't spare the ammunition because they are your neighbors. What they are is this countries biggest threat and enemy.
  • Funny
Reactions: DBA
Democrats Vote the other side are low lives that will destroy us to stay in power. And they will kill you if they don't get their way.
Democrats Don't give them a inch. The only thing these traitors deserve is the back of your hand and spit in their face.
The dangers of voting by mail are known to all of us (except liberals). Trump just confirmed that mail voting results in fraudulent results everywhere it happens.
Do not vote by mail. I repeat. DO NOT vote by mail

Then why did trump vote by mail ? Please stop spreading this misinformation. It isn't true.
Most of my neighbors refer to Trump as an idiot. My next door neighbor is a little more liberal than I am. He really wants more restrictions on Guns, but then again he has three little girls in elementary school.

His Parents refer to Trump in even less flattering terms.

The folks who have property across the street were wondering if Trump would finally shut up if he was in Prison?

A Conservative Friend at work asked me why the people representing us are so awful. Why can’t we get good people to go to Washington.

There are a couple houses down the “main road” a ways who have a Trump Flag flying. And a few more have Trump stickers. A couple even have the hats. But I’m not seeing the Trump Love we hear is huge and growing.

Last but not least.

View attachment 818990

The guy with the bullet proof sports bra doesn’t scare me. I don’t think anyone is a good enough shot to hit that little vest.
By the way, the only real threat to the second is from the GUN BUBBAS themslves AND THE PEOPLE THEY BOUGHT. People want regulations on guns, up till now the hate party has been able to go against a massive majority in this country as far as regs are concerned. There is only really one threat to this country as far as the 2nd is concerned (I mean the amendment itself the right to bear arms), it the right wing.
Here's the real issue , there is enough hatred and stupidity in this country to elect Trump. Trump knows the only possible way for him to stay out of jail is to become president and pardon himself , it is close in numbers, but Trump will lose and he will be asking for his blind fucks to load their guns and start shooting , I guaranty it. Will they , yes the only x factor is how many of them will start to kill their neighbors. Like I said, point out those trump flags in your neighborhood, it will give you one step up on them when they come to kill you and your family. You will know which direction to look in if you know where they live. If they come, don't spare the ammunition because they are your neighbors. What they are is this countries biggest threat and enemy.

Alone or in small groups they aren’t dangerous. Not really. Let’s be honest.

A vast majority of these Uber Patriots may have talked to the Recruiter, but they never actually joined up. It’s scary. The idea of leaving your home. Committing to years of a lifestyle that you really have no clue about. Of leaving home and the security of family and familiar surroundings. It takes courage just to ship out for Basic.

Oh they have lots of excuses. You’ve probably read them all here. They wouldn’t join because Obama was President and they didn’t want to serve under a Black. They didn’t want to serve with minorities. They couldn’t imagine taking orders from someone. They decided making money would be better. A few of them even make it sound like they are more Patriotic and heroic than Audie Murphy or Dan Daly just by paying taxes.

But you want to know who we are being told will charge out across the nation and slaughter us all in the street? Take a moment and consider the night with Rittenhouse. Now set his actions aside for a moment. Think about all his fellow RW wannabe heroes. There were what? Twenty or thirty of them? Armed up and armored up? Ready to show the world what needs to happen with those protestors? Just fire off a few rounds and they’ll start running.

When the shooting started. What did they do? Did these heroic patriotic Americans open fire on the socialists, BLM, enemies of America? Did they charge out to back up their buddy Rittenhouse? Did they rush forward to take these enemies of America into custody?

They ran. They ran like scared little girls. These armed up and ready to kick some ass heroes ran. If they told the truth about what their intentions were the street would have been carpeted in Leftist Bodies.

Take the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. The Ambush up in Washington State. These Uber Patriots when the shooting started. How many shot back? How many were really that ready to open up and go out in a Blaze of Glory?

Back in the old days of the Army. You used to wait a couple weeks or so and then take the new guy out to a bar and get a bar fight started. You wanted to see what happened. Would he stand with his squad or platoon mates? Would he run? Would he stick with you when it was time to escape before to cops showed up? What he did that night gave you a good idea of what he would do if the lead started flying.

The First Sergeant of course would know this at a glance. When at PT formation the squad is standing there with busted up knuckles and marked up faces. He would ask the question what happened. He would ask the new guy first. What he wanted to hear is some thing like we slipped and fell in the shower.

Top was no fool. He was a man with twenty years in. But he knew what happened. He might ask about it unofficially to the senior marked up man. He might want to check on the soldiers to make sure there were no serious injuries. But nothing ever came of it officially.

But at a glance Top knew that these men would stand together when shit went down. They would not abandon each other. They would fight to the death for their buddies. And that is what makes the Army work. It’s what has always made the Army work. You won’t abandon your buddies.

These wannabe Patriots. They have not had the training. They have not built up their groups as teams, or families. And they hold anyone who doesn’t think as serious as they do in contempt. They honestly believe that the other side will run at the first sign of trouble.

Look st the St. Louis couple. They charged out of the house with a gun each. The guy with his AR. The woman with her little pistol. They stood there waving their guns around.

No additional ammo to reload. No cover in case the crowd shot back. Not even enough ammo to kill the entire crowd if they had to. Just the certain belief that the mere sight of the firearm would make them flee in terror with pants that were filled all the way up with shit.

I guess you can see I’m not afraid of these loud mouthed idiots. In their fantasies they are always the leader. The one sending others off to fight with their brilliant tactical acumen. They’ve read books and watched a lot of war movies haven’t they?
Stupid POS. Those are requested Ballots to a legitimate registered Voter with a legitimate address. AND it can be dropped off at City Hall (not mailed) as no one trust the USPS you ignorant OX.

So are people who voted by mail. Georgia doesn't do mass mailing of ballots.
The dangers of voting by mail are known to all of us (except liberals). Trump just confirmed that mail voting results in fraudulent results everywhere it happens.
Do not vote by mail. I repeat. DO NOT vote by mail

This whole thing is set up so the MAGA can justify violence and another coup...

So what you do is invent this myth like Democrats are stealing elections... When challenged refer to Goobles and keep repeating the lie...

Kennedy: “The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

So leveraging you media bubble, you have a large group (far from a majority) believers... What you have don't is ingrained it into their identity... They not only believe but are now invested into the myth. For them to admit anything now would to admit they were only wrong but there net worth, thoughts and ideas are only wrong but themselves are fools.. They would have to resign themselves to being easily manipulated fools. (This was why supporters of Nazis after the war were so shocked by their own behaviour)...

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