Trump just told Carlson mail voting is rigged (He's 100% correct. Don't vote by mail)

Will you kill when Trump ask you to?

Nope, I wouldn't kill somebody just for being ignorant, which is the case for most Democrats. I don't do as Trump says nor as the Republican Party says, unlike the herd mentality of most Democrats.
I don't trust electronic voting machines either. Mail in voting is cool. Someone can match your signature. Nonsense to say you must go in and do it in person.

But I say get rid of all electronic voting machines. Diebold Voting Machines rigged Florida in 2000. The guy who owned the company is a criminal and head of the Re Elect GW Bush in Ohio 2004. Shady. And Republicas, with zero evidence Dominion is shady, don't trust them either. I say this is one thing we agree on. Let's do away with them.

One day we will be able to vote online.
Republicans also claimed that the ghost Of a dead Communist leader rose from the grave to help Rig the election..
Beautiful, This is how I have looked at it .

a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. This is what the Hate Nazi's think will happen. , the military aren't going to take orders from the generals, they will be controlled by the ignorant lying hate Nazi's , they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain-dead side and support you.
We all know who you are, You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party. With a tank chasing you with the American flag waiving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you, you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before they drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left.. The but is they will kill when Trump ask them to. I live in a conservative district in Minnesota, These wimps get together quite often in gun groups, and talk about tactics, the best way to kill people and practice shooting. These get togethers draw large groups of people. In no way to I expect a revolution but I'm absolutely sure all you progressives out there will have neighbors thinking about who you and what you support. There is a massive increase in guns in peoples hands and less households with guns in them. Add it up. I'm sure they won't be effective but they will still kill you and your family thinking they are patriots.

I’m still not worried. The reason is I am a Veteran. And I have guns too. Best or worst of all, I know how to fight in combat. I’ve been shot at before. I’ve heard the gut wrenching sound of bullets zipping past my noggin. I’ve seen people shot. I’ve killed before.

I’m human and I can die. I can be killed. But you are going to have to put in a little effort to make it happen.
If the military is as you say and moving towards a Biden/far left style of government, God help us all. If the military buys into the left-wing ideology, we are done and our enemies will be thrilled. We are not only imploding due to left-wing fantasy land policies, but our military is being weakened. You can believe whatever you would like, but if you think having a woke military is a good thing then I don't know how to help you.

The Military has always been and continues to be a cross section of America. It was never the bastion of far right ideology my friend.
I’m still not worried. The reason is I am a Veteran. And I have guns too. Best or worst of all, I know how to fight in combat. I’ve been shot at before. I’ve heard the gut wrenching sound of bullets zipping past my noggin. I’ve seen people shot. I’ve killed before.

I’m human and I can die. I can be killed. But you are going to have to put in a little effort to make it happen.
Looks like you couldn't find your gun i 2020.
Nope, I wouldn't kill somebody just for being ignorant, which is the case for most Democrats. I don't do as Trump says nor as the Republican Party says, unlike the herd mentality of most Democrats.
So you're saying Trump is making up the mail fraud thing? You're a Democrat pretending to be a conservative. You're not good at faking it.
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Looks like you couldn't find your gun i 2020.

I didn’t vote in 2020. I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other steaming pile of shit.

It looks like the majority generally speaking, agree with me. Biden has a negative approval rating. But Trump has a similarly negative popularity. So that is a wash.
I didn’t vote in 2020. I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other steaming pile of shit.

It looks like the majority generally speaking, agree with me. Biden has a negative approval rating. But Trump has a similarly negative popularity. So that is a wash.
Just think what Biden's numbers would be if he had the FBI/DOJ and the media's constant drumbeat against him like Trump had and has.
Just think what Biden's numbers would be if he had the FBI/DOJ and the media's constant drumbeat against him like Trump had and has.

So let me get this straight. Just so I understand your point. Somehow Biden convinced Trump to enact a lame scheme to remain in office. This lame scheme counted on what may be the dumbest plan ever. Of all time. The idea that Georgia would “find” votes for Trump. No evidence of fraud. No evidence of anything. Just find them or it will be bad for you.

Ok. Biden has some serious Jedi power going on.

Then Biden planted classified documents in Trump’s possession. And while wearing a Mission Impossible type of mask appeared and sounded like Trump to tell the staff to hide the documents from the lawyers and the Feds.

Hollywood wouldn’t put this in a movie. It’s too unbelievable.

Now the excuses put forth by Trump are just as dumb as those scenarios. Nobody has ever prosecuted a President before. No President was ever dumb enough to do this shit before. The closest that anyone came was Sandy Berger bogarting documents in his sock. And that got him indicted and he plea bargained it down.

And Trump on the phone to Georgia? Didn’t his lawyers mention plausible deniability? You don’t make a call like that. You don’t risk getting recorded. You send someone to talk around it. To at most vaguely hint.

Want to know why Trump is up to his ass in indictments? Because the arrogant ass thinks he is way smarter than everyone else. Trump never figured it out. In Politics. Lawyers are there to keep you from getting into Trouble. Trump always used them to get him out of trouble after the fact.

The Feds would have liked nothing better than to sweep the whole mess under a rug and forget it. But the dumb shit wasn’t smart enough to let them. If he had just given up the damned documents instead of playing games, that’s one indictment that would be a never happened event. But no. Not Trump.

As for the Georgia and DC indictments. All he had to do is accept he lost fair and square. Which he did. All he had to do is act like a grown up instead of the worlds worst bad loser.

That would leave the New York indictment. And that is a stretch to think it will end up in a conviction.

But the Documents? He’s fucked. He did it. And even with his hand picked Judge on the job Trump is looking at a conviction.

And Georgia? Trump is going to end up as an inmate at the Georgia State Prison. There is no alternative in the law. If convicted he will be sentenced to a minimum of five years in Prison. And here is the worst part. Trump did it. He did it all thinking he knew more than everyone.

In a generation Trump will be the poster boy about listening to your advisors. Future assistants to Politicians will tell their bosses they are pulling a Trump.
If the military is as you say and moving towards a Biden/far left style of government, God help us all. If the military buys into the left-wing ideology, we are done and our enemies will be thrilled. We are not only imploding due to left-wing fantasy land policies, but our military is being weakened. You can believe whatever you would like, but if you think having a woke military is a good thing then I don't know how to help you.
So you pick dictatorship over democracy , to keep your happy little world of lies. , You people are pukes. Fuck you and the woke bullshit you came in on. You live in a made up lie that is directed by each one of you microbe minds , one says one stupid thing and you all take it as fact. You people are hate driven and stupid. That's stupid spelled with a capital S!!!!!!!
Nope, I wouldn't kill somebody just for being ignorant, which is the case for most Democrats. I don't do as Trump says nor as the Republican Party says, unlike the herd mentality of most Democrats.
Ok, well many of you scum bottom feeders will kill for him. You're sucking his dick, and you live two feet up his ass, so I just assumed you would kill for him also. By the way, there is no other type of Trump supporters then that , You all live happily up his ass.
I’m still not worried. The reason is I am a Veteran. And I have guns too. Best or worst of all, I know how to fight in combat. I’ve been shot at before. I’ve heard the gut wrenching sound of bullets zipping past my noggin. I’ve seen people shot. I’ve killed before.

I’m human and I can die. I can be killed. But you are going to have to put in a little effort to make it happen.
I'm not asking as much for you to be worried as I'm suggesting you be prepared. That's all friend. I want American patriots to come out on top of this when the hate group the right calls a party go into a kill mode. Trump will ask his haters to kill for him, and they will. That's' all I'm saying.
Get off your lazy ass and vote in person. Addiction to scams is still an addiction
People vote any way that is legal, we have found out that our system is as flawless and protected as any election process is in the world. Heritage foundation did a study in voter fraud, and they came up with 1200 people who had court penalties for voter fraud, that over a period of 41 years. Now there literally are hundreds of thousand of votes every year . Just school board elections and school board funding alone from 100,000 school districts every year, all political elections, local national and federal and of course dogcatchers, judges and police chiefs. Making up billions of votes over those 41 years. and in all that time they have found 1200 voter fraud cases. Well whoopy ding. What's that number, then?1 millionth of 1%, Heritage was even caught trying to pay for examples of voter fraud to make it look like something. You people are a fricken joke.
I didn’t vote in 2020. I refused to pretend that one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other steaming pile of shit.

It looks like the majority generally speaking, agree with me. Biden has a negative approval rating. But Trump has a similarly negative popularity. So that is a wash.
Biden will win and Scum bag will be in jail. I think the court will decide which one is the pile of shit. By the way, it won't be Biden.
The Military has always been and continues to be a cross section of America. It was never the bastion of far right ideology my friend.

The military most defintely skewed right, much further right than now. The left has moved far, far left of center. If the military is crossing that boundary, we are in trouble.

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