Trump just told Carlson mail voting is rigged (He's 100% correct. Don't vote by mail)

So you're saying Trump is making up the mail fraud thing? You're a Democrat pretending to be a conservative. You're not good at faking it.

Not sure what that has to do with killing someone, but, I don’t think he is making up the mail fraud thing. Anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows that mass mail-in voting is much less secure than showing up in person at the polls with an ID and voting in person. Democrats in power know this for a fact, but they feel it helps their cause so they don’t care. They tell the minions that vote for them that there is no fraud and their indoctrinated masses take it as the gospel.

So you pick dictatorship over democracy , to keep your happy little world of lies. , You people are pukes. Fuck you and the woke bullshit you came in on. You live in a made up lie that is directed by each one of you microbe minds , one says one stupid thing and you all take it as fact. You people are hate driven and stupid. That's stupid spelled with a capital S!!!!!!!

It is absolutely hillarious that you think the Democrats are pushing for a Democracy. Total ignornance.
So you're saying Trump is making up the mail fraud thing? You're a Democrat pretending to be a conservative. You're not good at faking it.
You are the democrat pretending to be a conservative. Sheesh, you're confused.
By the way, with mail in ballots, many states won't even check the signatures for reliability.
Ok, well many of you scum bottom feeders will kill for him. You're sucking his dick, and you live two feet up his ass, so I just assumed you would kill for him also. By the way, there is no other type of Trump supporters then that , You all live happily up his ass.

Nope, I like his policies(most) but don’t really like the man. But I am a pragmatic adult, not a petulant child. Pollicies matter. Appeasing the masses with rhetoric and sweet talk is for children.
The military most defintely skewed right, much further right than now. The left has moved far, far left of center. If the military is crossing that boundary, we are in trouble.

World War II was fought by Draftees. The idea that they drafted only Conservatives is laughable. The Draft stayed in place until the 1970’s. Korea and Vietnam were fought by people who really didn’t want to be there.

Many of the Volunteers were given a choice by a Judge. Join the Army or go to jail. I’m pretty sure those folks were not rock ribbed Conservatives.

Life is not a John Wayne movie. It never was.

In 1948 the Military was Integrated. Over the loud and heartfelt objections of the Conservatives.

Oh you had some hard core conservative warmonger types. General LeMay as one example. He was chomping at the bit to go into Cuba and wipe out those dirty Commies. The troops were not so enthusiastic. They would do their duty, but they were not nearly so eager to charge into the guns.

During Korea. The Conservatives advocated using the Atomic Bomb. Despite the fact that the situation didn’t really allow the bomb to be used decisively. There was one city they could bomb. A couple rail yards. And bombing those would be an attack on either Russia or China.

There just wasn’t a lot to bomb except bridges. And you didn’t need a Nuke to hit those.

Vietnam and the Veterans joining the Anti-War movement is well known.

In the late 1970’s they started drug testing in the military and found that even personnel with high security clearances were coming up positive.

See. Here is the problem. You are buying into the fantasy that to Love America you have to be Conservative. That’s bullshit beyond anything I can describe. Desmond Doss was a man who would not use violence under any circumstances. He won the Medal of Honor. Pilots who flew medivac helicopters in Vietnam won awards for incredible courage despite not wanting to harm another.

Liberals and Moderates can love the nation as much if not more than you do. I am a Moderate. And I joined the Army and served for nine years.

But the commanders? Lieutenant General Honere of the Louisiana National Guard gained international fame when he rolled in and took charge in New Orleans. He told his troops to sling their weapons. They had nothing to fear from the people.

The problem is you think you know. But you don’t know anything. The troops and officers come from everywhere. They are going to represent the breadth of thought in the nation.

Tell us how your trip to the Recruiter went. Which service you are thinking of joining. That sort of thing. I was a Soldier. A 12B Combat Engineer. I was a Paratrooper. Jump School where the graduating class was less than half the size of the group we started with.

But please. Continue telling the Military Veterans what the Military is really like.
Ballot harvesting drop boxes and mass mailout ballots like we did in 2020 is a recipe for voter fraud... hopefully the swing states have corrected this.... In California ballot harvesting has ruined the state... people show up to ballot centers with trunk loads of ballots... its ridiculous...

Ther was no voter fraud. Several states have been conducting elections for years. Drop boxes have no issues either. Same with ballot harvesting. You can't accept the fact that no one wants to support Republicans.
Ther was no voter fraud. Several states have been conducting elections for years. Drop boxes have no issues either. Same with ballot harvesting. You can't accept the fact that no one wants to support Republicans.
Don't give me that shit... there were three times the amount of ballots mailed out and fewer rejections than we have ever had nationally... those to facts are enough to convince me.... the major districts in the states falsified thousands of ballots for Biden.... they are finding them now when its too late to do anything about it....
You are the democrat pretending to be a conservative. Sheesh, you're confused.
By the way, with mail in ballots, many states won't even check the signatures for reliability.
Name one state that "won't even check the signatures for reliability".
I bet you didn't name one because you knew you were pulling that out of your ass.
People vote any way that is legal, we have found out that our system is as flawless and protected as any election process is in the world. Heritage foundation did a study in voter fraud, and they came up with 1200 people who had court penalties for voter fraud, that over a period of 41 years. Now there literally are hundreds of thousand of votes every year . Just school board elections and school board funding alone from 100,000 school districts every year, all political elections, local national and federal and of course dogcatchers, judges and police chiefs. Making up billions of votes over those 41 years. and in all that time they have found 1200 voter fraud cases. Well whoopy ding. What's that number, then?1 millionth of 1%, Heritage was even caught trying to pay for examples of voter fraud to make it look like something. You people are a fricken joke.
Mail ins are manageable in a small minority and not en masse
It’s not legal for states to decide the day after in person voting is completed that they will extend the receipt of mail ins for a number of days
Your long rambling rant is quickly defeated
Mail ins are manageable in a small minority and not en masse
It’s not legal for states to decide the day after in person voting is completed that they will extend the receipt of mail ins for a number of days
Your long rambling rant is quickly defeated
Idiot the states write the laws, they can make it as legal as they want. You people are so full of nonsense. You live in a world that is made up by other stupid, hateful MAGA Maggots.
The military most defintely skewed right, much further right than now. The left has moved far, far left of center. If the military is crossing that boundary, we are in trouble.
The left hasn't moved in any direction but the right became hate Nazi's, so it looks like the left is further away. But people who count con't even consider people like you and their wacko hate driven stupidity.
It is absolutely hillarious that you think the Democrats are pushing for a Democracy. Total ignornance.
Of course, they are for a simple reason their direction and opinions work and produce best in a democracy , your hate party is the opposite. They across the board think that they need a power bitch even if he is a dictator because what they offer and want works best in a dictatorship. This isn't rocket science ace.
Keep that list going, hot rod you said many states. Not one state, so list the states. . You people, are all cartoon characters.
I'm not going to do your work for you. He asked and showed him. You want
more? Get off your sorry ass and look it up for yourself.
Lazy ass
I'm not going to do your work for you. He asked and showed him. You want
more? Get off your sorry ass and look it up for yourself.
Lazy ass
Back up your bullshit you liar. Everyone here is this slime balls quote "
"You are the democrat pretending to be a conservative. Sheesh, you're confused.
By the way, with mail-in ballots, many states won't even check the signatures for reliability." he gave one , I said bullshit and asked for his whole list . The worm said "
I'm not going to do your work for you." I know, I know it is like picking on a third grader but I get sick of these right wing lies. These people that only have lies and bullshit to offer.

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