Trump just told Carlson mail voting is rigged (He's 100% correct. Don't vote by mail)

Alone or in small groups they aren’t dangerous. Not really. Let’s be honest.

A vast majority of these Uber Patriots may have talked to the Recruiter, but they never actually joined up. It’s scary. The idea of leaving your home. Committing to years of a lifestyle that you really have no clue about. Of leaving home and the security of family and familiar surroundings. It takes courage just to ship out for Basic.

Oh they have lots of excuses. You’ve probably read them all here. They wouldn’t join because Obama was President and they didn’t want to serve under a Black. They didn’t want to serve with minorities. They couldn’t imagine taking orders from someone. They decided making money would be better. A few of them even make it sound like they are more Patriotic and heroic than Audie Murphy or Dan Daly just by paying taxes.

But you want to know who we are being told will charge out across the nation and slaughter us all in the street? Take a moment and consider the night with Rittenhouse. Now set his actions aside for a moment. Think about all his fellow RW wannabe heroes. There were what? Twenty or thirty of them? Armed up and armored up? Ready to show the world what needs to happen with those protestors? Just fire off a few rounds and they’ll start running.

When the shooting started. What did they do? Did these heroic patriotic Americans open fire on the socialists, BLM, enemies of America? Did they charge out to back up their buddy Rittenhouse? Did they rush forward to take these enemies of America into custody?

They ran. They ran like scared little girls. These armed up and ready to kick some ass heroes ran. If they told the truth about what their intentions were the street would have been carpeted in Leftist Bodies.

Take the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. The Ambush up in Washington State. These Uber Patriots when the shooting started. How many shot back? How many were really that ready to open up and go out in a Blaze of Glory?

Back in the old days of the Army. You used to wait a couple weeks or so and then take the new guy out to a bar and get a bar fight started. You wanted to see what happened. Would he stand with his squad or platoon mates? Would he run? Would he stick with you when it was time to escape before to cops showed up? What he did that night gave you a good idea of what he would do if the lead started flying.

The First Sergeant of course would know this at a glance. When at PT formation the squad is standing there with busted up knuckles and marked up faces. He would ask the question what happened. He would ask the new guy first. What he wanted to hear is some thing like we slipped and fell in the shower.

Top was no fool. He was a man with twenty years in. But he knew what happened. He might ask about it unofficially to the senior marked up man. He might want to check on the soldiers to make sure there were no serious injuries. But nothing ever came of it officially.

But at a glance Top knew that these men would stand together when shit went down. They would not abandon each other. They would fight to the death for their buddies. And that is what makes the Army work. It’s what has always made the Army work. You won’t abandon your buddies.

These wannabe Patriots. They have not had the training. They have not built up their groups as teams, or families. And they hold anyone who doesn’t think as serious as they do in contempt. They honestly believe that the other side will run at the first sign of trouble.

Look st the St. Louis couple. They charged out of the house with a gun each. The guy with his AR. The woman with her little pistol. They stood there waving their guns around.

No additional ammo to reload. No cover in case the crowd shot back. Not even enough ammo to kill the entire crowd if they had to. Just the certain belief that the mere sight of the firearm would make them flee in terror with pants that were filled all the way up with shit.

I guess you can see I’m not afraid of these loud mouthed idiots. In their fantasies they are always the leader. The one sending others off to fight with their brilliant tactical acumen. They’ve read books and watched a lot of war movies haven’t they?

Unless the military has been recently infiltrated by liberal Democrats, they are not liberal. My high ranking uncles(Col and Lt Col) would laugh at your assessment. I could be wrong. Democrats are like roaches. They spread fast and are very hard to get rid of, so it is very possible they have infested the military as well.
Unless the military has been recently infiltrated by liberal Democrats, they are not liberal. My high ranking uncles(Col and Lt Col) would laugh at your assessment. I could be wrong. Democrats are like roaches. They spread fast and are very hard to get rid of, so it is very possible they have infested the military as well.


There are very few extremists in the Military. And that isn’t from family or friends. That is from my own experience.

Most people are moderate. Most people in the military are Moderates. Senator Tuberville is holding up promotions because the Military is paying for transportation for members and dependents to get an abortion if the State they are serving in doesn’t permit them.

Now why would the military need this policy if everyone was a hard right Republican?
Mail-In voting has existed since the civil war.
It's funny how republicans didn't have a problem with it until 2020, When most democrats were polled as wanting to vote by mail, Is due to the pandemic and most Republicans, who largely believed Trumps Covid 19 lies, were polled as planning to vote in person.

It was all a Trump-led plot by the GOP to undermine the system and get legal votes thrown out.
bobo you already posted all this and i already why dont you prove what i said is wrong? the way this rep come he never said the previous PMG's were deliberately sabotaging the PO when the same shit was happening under them?.....

The same thing was happening under them? Who? What happened under "them"? You're telling me someone before Trump and this guy tried to rig an election?

What was happening under them? A president appointed a guy who would go along with slowing down the mail before the 2020 election? Was it Bush 2000 or 2004? I'd believe that.
Mail-In voting has existed since the civil war.
It's funny how republicans didn't have a problem with it until 2020, When most democrats were polled as wanting to vote by mail, Is due to the pandemic and most Republicans, who largely believed Trumps Covid 19 lies, were polled as planning to vote in person.

It was all a Trump-led plot by the GOP to undermine the system and get legal votes thrown out.
I don't trust electronic voting machines either. Mail in voting is cool. Someone can match your signature. Nonsense to say you must go in and do it in person.

But I say get rid of all electronic voting machines. Diebold Voting Machines rigged Florida in 2000. The guy who owned the company is a criminal and head of the Re Elect GW Bush in Ohio 2004. Shady. And Republicas, with zero evidence Dominion is shady, don't trust them either. I say this is one thing we agree on. Let's do away with them.

One day we will be able to vote online.

There are very few extremists in the Military. And that isn’t from family or friends. That is from my own experience.

Most people are moderate. Most people in the military are Moderates. Senator Tuberville is holding up promotions because the Military is paying for transportation for members and dependents to get an abortion if the State they are serving in doesn’t permit them.

Now why would the military need this policy if everyone was a hard right Republican?

Thanks to Obama and Biden the top brass are hard left. Woke has started to take over at the top. It is sad, but it is what it is.

I don't think it has permeated into the lower positions just yet, but I am sure that is coming. When it does, we will be finished. A woke military won't work. The rest of the world doesn't live in that fantasy space.
Thanks to Obama and Biden the top brass are hard left. Woke has started to take over at the top. It is sad, but it is what it is.

I don't think it has permeated into the lower positions just yet, but I am sure that is coming. When it does, we will be finished. A woke military won't work. The rest of the world doesn't live in that fantasy space.

I joined the Army in 1988. At that time I believed in a woman’s right to choose. I wasn’t alone. Now here is your problem. You want to believe that things fit your view. The troops in the Military are Conservative Patriots in your ideal of what a Patriot is.

They are Americans. From cities and small towns. From liberal and conservative areas. From near and far. They’re from Hawaii and Houston. They’re from podunk North Dakota and middle of nowhere Georgia.

The troops prefer leaders who don’t lie or bullshit them. They conduct polls and surveys of the troops from time to time to get a feel for their feelings.

In 2020, the troops were turning away from Trump

More troops planned on voting for Biden than Trump.

So my question is this. Why don’t you have first hand knowledge of this? Your Uncles joined up. But you have no first hand knowledge. Let me help you out.

The Military is Socialist. The Government provides medical care, food, housing, clothing, and all the materials you need to accomplish the task. A big part of being a leader or commander is making sure the troops have access to those socialist programs, and jumping into action right away if a troops needs help getting assistance from those programs.

If your soldier isn’t getting the help he needs from the programs your duty as a Leader or Commander is to see that that soldier gets the help he needs.

If you are married you can qualify to live on base. In Government Housing. The size of the house is determined by how many dependents you have. Each according to his ability. Each according to his need. Sound familiar? Read Karl Marx if it isn’t. The Navy and Marines won’t guarantee you a job. They’ll assign you to the specialty that you qualify for based upon the need of the Navy or Marines.

You deploy when and where you are told to. Nobody cares if you personally don’t want to die in East Africa or South America. If that is where you are sent you go. You do the best you can, because that is your duty. Your Commanders and NCO’s don’t give a fuck if you think it is wrong to go there. They certainly don’t want to hear how the President is not your President.

In fact. If you are dumb enough to disrespect the President while you are in, to your fellow soldiers or leadership, you will have it explained in no uncertain terms that isn’t allowed.

You may think the General is a Woke Woman and a diversity hire. If so, you won’t be in the Military for long.

You may think you are a badassed guy. But I don’t think you would cut it in the Military. Not without a major attitude adjustment.
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So are people who voted by mail. Georgia doesn't do mass mailing of ballots.
Those stupid MAGA nuts. They follow the lead of their Criminal in Chief and lose elections. The man is such a hypocrite. He has voted by mail for years and then he comes out and out proclaims that voting by mail is evil. No, Donald, you are the one that is Evil.
Thanks to Obama and Biden the top brass are hard left. Woke has started to take over at the top. It is sad, but it is what it is.

I don't think it has permeated into the lower positions just yet, but I am sure that is coming. When it does, we will be finished. A woke military won't work. The rest of the world doesn't live in that fantasy space.
You do realize that your war on Woke is a losing proposition? The MAGA party is losing voters rapidly. But you stick with your lame war on Woke and with the Criminal in Chief with 4 (four) indictments. You asked for what you are going to get.
The same thing was happening under them? Who? What happened under "them"? You're telling me someone before Trump and this guy tried to rig an election?

What was happening under them? A president appointed a guy who would go along with slowing down the mail before the 2020 election? Was it Bush 2000 or 2004? I'd believe that.
bobo quit being a nice little democrat......i said all the things dejoy is doing has been going on in the PO all the years i worked there....and dont be an ass i never said rigging an election i said removing boxes and machines and trying to cut overtime....and why are you not saying you were wrong about working your 2 days in the PO? worked in a place that prepares mail for companies to be sent to the REAL PO....its kind of telling you didnt know the difference....and for the tenth time, presidents cant appoint the PMG anymore,that ended when the PMG was no longer part of their cant be this dense.....
Do you think it's worth mentioning to these folks that Trump voted by mail?

Yes! The president voted by mail instead of dragging his entire secret service crew to his polling location for a photo op!
You’ve made a important post for the entire nation!
This country would be lost without your brilliant insight!
Yes! The president voted by mail instead of dragging his entire secret service crew to his polling location for a photo op!
Why would he take part in a system that is "rigged? Is he stupid or is he just moronic?
You’ve made a important post for the entire nation!
This country would be lost without your brilliant insight!
Stupid POS. Those are requested Ballots to a legitimate registered Voter with a legitimate address. AND it can be dropped off at City Hall (not mailed) as no one trust the USPS you ignorant OX.
I got the receipt, legtwanker. Now you have egg on your face 🍳🥚
Alone or in small groups they aren’t dangerous. Not really. Let’s be honest.

A vast majority of these Uber Patriots may have talked to the Recruiter, but they never actually joined up. It’s scary. The idea of leaving your home. Committing to years of a lifestyle that you really have no clue about. Of leaving home and the security of family and familiar surroundings. It takes courage just to ship out for Basic.

Oh they have lots of excuses. You’ve probably read them all here. They wouldn’t join because Obama was President and they didn’t want to serve under a Black. They didn’t want to serve with minorities. They couldn’t imagine taking orders from someone. They decided making money would be better. A few of them even make it sound like they are more Patriotic and heroic than Audie Murphy or Dan Daly just by paying taxes.

But you want to know who we are being told will charge out across the nation and slaughter us all in the street? Take a moment and consider the night with Rittenhouse. Now set his actions aside for a moment. Think about all his fellow RW wannabe heroes. There were what? Twenty or thirty of them? Armed up and armored up? Ready to show the world what needs to happen with those protestors? Just fire off a few rounds and they’ll start running.

When the shooting started. What did they do? Did these heroic patriotic Americans open fire on the socialists, BLM, enemies of America? Did they charge out to back up their buddy Rittenhouse? Did they rush forward to take these enemies of America into custody?

They ran. They ran like scared little girls. These armed up and ready to kick some ass heroes ran. If they told the truth about what their intentions were the street would have been carpeted in Leftist Bodies.

Take the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. The Ambush up in Washington State. These Uber Patriots when the shooting started. How many shot back? How many were really that ready to open up and go out in a Blaze of Glory?

Back in the old days of the Army. You used to wait a couple weeks or so and then take the new guy out to a bar and get a bar fight started. You wanted to see what happened. Would he stand with his squad or platoon mates? Would he run? Would he stick with you when it was time to escape before to cops showed up? What he did that night gave you a good idea of what he would do if the lead started flying.

The First Sergeant of course would know this at a glance. When at PT formation the squad is standing there with busted up knuckles and marked up faces. He would ask the question what happened. He would ask the new guy first. What he wanted to hear is some thing like we slipped and fell in the shower.

Top was no fool. He was a man with twenty years in. But he knew what happened. He might ask about it unofficially to the senior marked up man. He might want to check on the soldiers to make sure there were no serious injuries. But nothing ever came of it officially.

But at a glance Top knew that these men would stand together when shit went down. They would not abandon each other. They would fight to the death for their buddies. And that is what makes the Army work. It’s what has always made the Army work. You won’t abandon your buddies.

These wannabe Patriots. They have not had the training. They have not built up their groups as teams, or families. And they hold anyone who doesn’t think as serious as they do in contempt. They honestly believe that the other side will run at the first sign of trouble.

Look st the St. Louis couple. They charged out of the house with a gun each. The guy with his AR. The woman with her little pistol. They stood there waving their guns around.

No additional ammo to reload. No cover in case the crowd shot back. Not even enough ammo to kill the entire crowd if they had to. Just the certain belief that the mere sight of the firearm would make them flee in terror with pants that were filled all the way up with shit.

I guess you can see I’m not afraid of these loud mouthed idiots. In their fantasies they are always the leader. The one sending others off to fight with their brilliant tactical acumen. They’ve read books and watched a lot of war movies haven’t they?
Beautiful, This is how I have looked at it .

a whole military and military leaders that will blow your ass away if you try. This is what the Hate Nazi's think will happen. , the military aren't going to take orders from the generals, they will be controlled by the ignorant lying hate Nazi's , they are going to switch to the stupid ignorant brain-dead side and support you.
We all know who you are, You are the hero that says, the only way you can take the guns out of your hands is when you are dead.
You will be running across the field as fast as you can, considering you belong to the old dumb fat man party. With a tank chasing you with the American flag waiving and the blare of the music to the national anthem playing and the soldiers with big smiles on their face, and just before they catch up to you, you will shit your pants and throw away your gun right before they drive over your fat ass. To the beautiful sound of Crunch, The new favorite sound of the left.. The but is they will kill when Trump ask them to. I live in a conservative district in Minnesota, These wimps get together quite often in gun groups, and talk about tactics, the best way to kill people and practice shooting. These get togethers draw large groups of people. In no way to I expect a revolution but I'm absolutely sure all you progressives out there will have neighbors thinking about who you and what you support. There is a massive increase in guns in peoples hands and less households with guns in them. Add it up. I'm sure they won't be effective but they will still kill you and your family thinking they are patriots.
Unless the military has been recently infiltrated by liberal Democrats, they are not liberal. My high ranking uncles(Col and Lt Col) would laugh at your assessment. I could be wrong. Democrats are like roaches. They spread fast and are very hard to get rid of, so it is very possible they have infested the military as well.
Will you kill when Trump ask you to?
I don't trust electronic voting machines either. Mail in voting is cool. Someone can match your signature. Nonsense to say you must go in and do it in person.

But I say get rid of all electronic voting machines. Diebold Voting Machines rigged Florida in 2000. The guy who owned the company is a criminal and head of the Re Elect GW Bush in Ohio 2004. Shady. And Republicas, with zero evidence Dominion is shady, don't trust them either. I say this is one thing we agree on. Let's do away with them.

One day we will be able to vote online.
Won't happen and in no way should it, all these things need proof. People's opinions are in no way proof. There is only one driving force for voting. you make is as easy as possible to get the most people voting as possible. and you police it and that is in general terms what we have always done. That shouldn't change , The hate party goes after any group that votes that are made up with a majority of democrats. These actions over the last multiple decades are the only reason that the party still exists.
I joined the Army in 1988. At that time I believed in a woman’s right to choose. I wasn’t alone. Now here is your problem. You want to believe that things fit your view. The troops in the Military are Conservative Patriots in your ideal of what a Patriot is.

They are Americans. From cities and small towns. From liberal and conservative areas. From near and far. They’re from Hawaii and Houston. They’re from podunk North Dakota and middle of nowhere Georgia.

The troops prefer leaders who don’t lie or bullshit them. They conduct polls and surveys of the troops from time to time to get a feel for their feelings.

In 2020, the troops were turning away from Trump

More troops planned on voting for Biden than Trump.

So my question is this. Why don’t you have first hand knowledge of this? Your Uncles joined up. But you have no first hand knowledge. Let me help you out.

The Military is Socialist. The Government provides medical care, food, housing, clothing, and all the materials you need to accomplish the task. A big part of being a leader or commander is making sure the troops have access to those socialist programs, and jumping into action right away if a troops needs help getting assistance from those programs.

If your soldier isn’t getting the help he needs from the programs your duty as a Leader or Commander is to see that that soldier gets the help he needs.

If you are married you can qualify to live on base. In Government Housing. The size of the house is determined by how many dependents you have. Each according to his ability. Each according to his need. Sound familiar? Read Karl Marx if it isn’t. The Navy and Marines won’t guarantee you a job. They’ll assign you to the specialty that you qualify for based upon the need of the Navy or Marines.

You deploy when and where you are told to. Nobody cares if you personally don’t want to die in East Africa or South America. If that is where you are sent you go. You do the best you can, because that is your duty. Your Commanders and NCO’s don’t give a fuck if you think it is wrong to go there. They certainly don’t want to hear how the President is not your President.

In fact. If you are dumb enough to disrespect the President while you are in, to your fellow soldiers or leadership, you will have it explained in no uncertain terms that isn’t allowed.

You may think the General is a Woke Woman and a diversity hire. If so, you won’t be in the Military for long.

You may think you are a badassed guy. But I don’t think you would cut it in the Military. Not without a major attitude adjustment.

If the military is as you say and moving towards a Biden/far left style of government, God help us all. If the military buys into the left-wing ideology, we are done and our enemies will be thrilled. We are not only imploding due to left-wing fantasy land policies, but our military is being weakened. You can believe whatever you would like, but if you think having a woke military is a good thing then I don't know how to help you.

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