Trump just told Carlson mail voting is rigged (He's 100% correct. Don't vote by mail)

Upon assuming office on June 16, 2020, he began taking measures such as banning overtime and extra trips to deliver mail, to reduce costs. He did not communicate the reasons for such changes within the organization,[22] and such measures also resulted in slowing of the mail service.[47][48][49] Congressional Democrats called for the measures to be rolled back.[50] More than 600 high-speed mail sorting machines were scheduled to be dismantled and removed from postal facilities,[51] raising concerns that mailed ballots for the November 3 election might not reach election offices on time.[52]

In the summer of 2020, removal of mail collection boxes became a controversial issue, as photos of their removal spread on social media. The USPS stated that repositioning mailboxes to from low- to high-traffic areas was a longstanding practice dating back decades, and the practice of removing some boxes was influenced by an overall decrease in first-class mail volume, as was the decommissioning of mail-sorting machines.[53] In August 2020, DeJoy announced that the Postal Service would halt the removal of mailboxes and decommissioning of mail-sorting equipment until after the November election.[54][35][55]

On August 7, 2020, DeJoy announced he had reassigned or displaced 23 senior USPS officials, including the two top executives overseeing day-to-day operations.[56][50] He said he was trying to breathe new life into a "broken business model".[57]Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, who chairs the House committee that oversees the USPS, said the reorganization was "deliberate sabotage".[50]

In a letter to postal workers on August 13, 2020, DeJoy confirmed reports of delays in mail delivery, calling them "unintended consequences" of changes that eventually would improve service.[58] At the same time that he was taking measures that postal workers and union officials said were slowing down mail delivery, President Trump told a TV interviewer that he himself was blocking funds for the postal service in order to hinder mail-in voting.[59]

He said that equipment that had already been removed would not be restored.[61][62] Documents obtained by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington indicated that DeJoy lied under oath when he testified to Congress on August 24 that he did not order the restrictions on overtime.[63] At this congressional testimony DeJoy admitted that he was unaware of the cost of mailing a postcard or a smaller greeting card, the starting rate for US Priority Mail, or how many Americans voted by mail in the 2016 elections.[64]

In September 2020, a court blocked the USPS from sending Colorado households a mailer with false and misleadinginformation about vote-by-mail for Colorado. Secretaries of state had requested that DeJoy show them previews of the mailers that the USPS intended to send out, but DeJoy refused, according to Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold.[65] The suit was settled that month, with the USPS agreeing to show previews of any future election mailers or materials to Colorado's secretary of state and attorney general for their review and potential veto.[66]

The next month, USPS agreed to reverse all changes implemented in June that affected mail services to Montana, settling a lawsuit brought by the state's governor against the institution and DeJoy a day before a hearing was to take place in U.S. District Court in Great Falls. The government institution agreed to reverse removal of collection boxes and mail sorting machines, closure or consolidation of mail processing facilities, reduced retail hours, banning or restricting overtime, and restriction of late or extra trips for timely mail delivery, affecting all 50 states.[67]

USPS was sued in federal court in September 2020 by American Oversight to "compel the release of directives, guidance, analyses, and key emails from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and his chief of staff related to voting by mail" after USPS failed to respond to FOIA requests for such information within the legally designated time per

If you don't believe this guy and Trump were purposely trying to slow up the mail, well, I guess that shouldn't surprise me since you vote for Trump.
bobo you are someone on the outside looking in....back in the 90's i had 6 neighborhood collection boxes on my route that were removed because of vandalism or just lack of use...this is nothing new in the PO it goes on all the time.....and banning OT?....every PM that i served under,the first thing they try to do to save money,cut OT,unfortunately that dont work without the mail backing up at the routes, especially at Christmas and election time.....and the guys i still communicate with told me if OT has been cut how come they were still working 6 days a week?..and extra trips to deliver the mail?.....once you leave you dont come back in and then go out again,in 33 years that has NEVER happened....and machines have been moved or shut down for maintenance ever since i worked there...and law suites?....against the PO?.....there is always someone suing them for one reason or another....nothing new....and PMG's think they run the place,they dont the district managers are the ones that told us what will be....PMG's usually last a few years and then they leave....i worked under 8 of them...the ones who stayed the longest were the ones who started at the bottom and worked their way up and retired after they put their time in.......the ones from the outside who know nothing about how the place runs and how the mail moves last a few years and they leave....this guy will be gone too and then some other slump will take his place and fail trying to cut hours just like they all have....presidents dont run the post office....and if this guy is so bad how come your hero biden isnt trying to get rid of him?....i will tell you why,because presidents dont pick the PMG,the board of governors do....and right now there more democrats than republicans on that board......but yet he is still PMG.....
So he admitted it and Harry still doesn't believe it.

Even if Trump didn't admit it. You'd have to be a loyal idiot to deny that was Trump's intention/goal. Removing fast sorting machines before an election. Knowing more people than ever would be voting that year. So obvious. But no more or less obvious that Bush stole Florida and they don't believe that either.

They don't believe global warming. Well, some of them. We saw at the debate last night Republicans didn't want to go on record denying MMCC is real.

They don't believe the numbers on covid

New study shows fewer people die from covid-19 in better vaccinated communities​

They don't believe Trump tried stealing the election

They don't believe any of the 4 cases against Trump are legit
And they don't believe Chris Christie when he says

Trump's Conduct Is 'Beneath' the Office Of President​

bobo you are someone on the outside looking in....back in the 90's i had 6 neighborhood collection boxes on my route that were removed because of vandalism or just lack of use...this is nothing new in the PO it goes on all the time.....and banning OT?....every PM that i served under,the first thing they try to do to save money,cut OT,unfortunately that dont work without the mail backing up at the routes, especially at Christmas and election time.....and the guys i still communicate with told me if OT has been cut how come they were still working 6 days a week?..and extra trips to deliver the mail?.....once you leave you dont come back in and then go out again,in 33 years that has NEVER happened....and machines have been moved or shut down for maintenance ever since i worked there...and law suites?....against the PO?.....there is always someone suing them for one reason or another....nothing new....and PMG's think they run the place,they dont the district managers are the ones that told us what will be....PMG's usually last a few years and then they leave....i worked under 8 of them...the ones who stayed the longest were the ones who started at the bottom and worked their way up and retired after they put their time in.......the ones from the outside who know nothing about how the place runs and how the mail moves last a few years and they leave....this guy will be gone too and then some other slump will take his place and fail trying to cut hours just like they all have....presidents dont run the post office....and if this guy is so bad how come your hero biden isnt trying to get rid of him?....i will tell you why,because presidents dont pick the PMG,the board of governors do....and right now there more democrats than republicans on that board......but yet he is still PMG.....
The "this is nothing new" doesn't cut it in light of all the evidence and testimony. And turns out Trump admitted he did it to fuck with mail in votes. Come on Harry. Just stop. Just because you delivered mail doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. I sorted mail when I was in college. The place is full of retired military idiots. Low IQ people.
that didnt work....
Nothing Trump tried worked. He tried this, to challenge the results in court, to hack into voting machines, get Georgia SoS to manufacture 160,001 votes which is one more than we have. He meant NEED. Get Pence to stop the certification of the votes. The list goes on and on. Sworn affidavits from bullshit artists, starting a riot.

Fake electors, voting multiple times. Trump republicans tried everything they could. They should have remembered hanging chads, butterfly ballots and to have a relative be the governor of the state you are trying to steal.
So he admitted it and Harry still doesn't believe it.

Even if Trump didn't admit it. You'd have to be a loyal idiot to deny that was Trump's intention/goal. Removing fast sorting machines before an election. Knowing more people than ever would be voting that year. So obvious. But no more or less obvious that Bush stole Florida and they don't believe that either.

They don't believe global warming. Well, some of them. We saw at the debate last night Republicans didn't want to go on record denying MMCC is real.

They don't believe the numbers on covid

New study shows fewer people die from covid-19 in better vaccinated communities​

They don't believe Trump tried stealing the election

They don't believe any of the 4 cases against Trump are legit
And they don't believe Chris Christie when he says

Trump's Conduct Is 'Beneath' the Office Of President​

that didnt work i said Presidents dont run the PO.....the PO answers to the Postal Regulatory commission and the board of governors....trump has a big mouth bobo and says a lot of shit....
The "this is nothing new" doesn't cut it in light of all the evidence and testimony. And turns out Trump admitted he did it to fuck with mail in votes. Come on Harry. Just stop. Just because you delivered mail doesn't mean you know what you are talking about. I sorted mail when I was in college. The place is full of retired military idiots. Low IQ people.
like i said bobo it didnt work....and those retired military guys did something you were to chicken shit to do....serve in the sorted mail?....were and when and describe the job you you did....
bobo you are someone on the outside looking in....back in the 90's i had 6 neighborhood collection boxes on my route that were removed because of vandalism or just lack of use...this is nothing new in the PO it goes on all the time.....and banning OT?....every PM that i served under,the first thing they try to do to save money,cut OT,unfortunately that dont work without the mail backing up at the routes, especially at Christmas and election time.....and the guys i still communicate with told me if OT has been cut how come they were still working 6 days a week?..and extra trips to deliver the mail?.....once you leave you dont come back in and then go out again,in 33 years that has NEVER happened....and machines have been moved or shut down for maintenance ever since i worked there...and law suites?....against the PO?.....there is always someone suing them for one reason or another....nothing new....and PMG's think they run the place,they dont the district managers are the ones that told us what will be....PMG's usually last a few years and then they leave....i worked under 8 of them...the ones who stayed the longest were the ones who started at the bottom and worked their way up and retired after they put their time in.......the ones from the outside who know nothing about how the place runs and how the mail moves last a few years and they leave....this guy will be gone too and then some other slump will take his place and fail trying to cut hours just like they all have....presidents dont run the post office....and if this guy is so bad how come your hero biden isnt trying to get rid of him?....i will tell you why,because presidents dont pick the PMG,the board of governors do....and right now there more democrats than republicans on that board......but yet he is still PMG.....
Stop making up excuses especially after we know what happened. Trump appointed this asshole to slow down the mail.

Oh sure he says it was to save money and those sorting machines were getting old. What the fuck do you expect them to say? Of course they have excuses ready. And this guy got caught lying, under oath. You trust him? I remember a time you believe lying under oath was an impeachable offense, even if it's just about getting a bj.

Upon assuming office on June 16, 2020, he began taking measures such as banning overtime and extra trips to deliver mail, to reduce costs. He did not communicate the reasons for such changes within the organization,[22] and such measures also resulted in slowing of the mail service.

On August 7, 2020, DeJoy announced he had reassigned or displaced 23 senior USPS officials, including the two top executives overseeing day-to-day operations.[56][50] He said he was trying to breathe new life into a "broken business model".[57]Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, who chairs the House committee that oversees the USPS, said the reorganization was "deliberate sabotage"

In a letter to postal workers on August 13, 2020, DeJoy confirmed reports of delays in mail delivery, calling them "unintended consequences" of changes that eventually would improve service.[58] At the same time that he was taking measures that postal workers and union officials said were slowing down mail delivery, President Trump told a TV interviewer that he himself was blocking funds for the postal service in order to hinder mail-in voting.[59]

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization.
Mail in voting used to be a mainstay of Republicans

Until Trump came along

Be honest. Many of you Republicans used to vote that way. You know it
They still do. In a perfect world Republicans could block Democrats from doing it while they continue to do it.

My dad would never go in and vote in person. Old people give a bullshit reason. I'm sick, can't walk, will be in Florida and they get their absentee ballots.

Republicans don't like it that Governor Whitmer mailed everyone a absentee ballot. We were in a pandemic. Social distancing. And Republicans wanted us all to get together to vote. Not all of us. Their seniors could continue voting from home. No problem with them doing it. They vote R
like i said bobo it didnt work....and those retired military guys did something you were to chicken shit to do....serve in the sorted mail?....were and when and describe the job you you did....
I was in college and the best job you could get at the time was $5 hr. The post office paid college kids $10 hr to come in and sort mail. Only retired military could work there full time. This mail sorting job was great for college kids because you could come and go whenever you wanted. It was a never ending stack of mail all the way up to the ceiling. And I had to go through and sort them by zip codes. Just non stop sorting. 48390, 48393, 48222, 48232, omg blow my brains out. I only did it 2 days and never went back. Even at $10 hr.
Stop making up excuses especially after we know what happened. Trump appointed this asshole to slow down the mail.

Oh sure he says it was to save money and those sorting machines were getting old. What the fuck do you expect them to say? Of course they have excuses ready. And this guy got caught lying, under oath. You trust him? I remember a time you believe lying under oath was an impeachable offense, even if it's just about getting a bj.

Upon assuming office on June 16, 2020, he began taking measures such as banning overtime and extra trips to deliver mail, to reduce costs. He did not communicate the reasons for such changes within the organization,[22] and such measures also resulted in slowing of the mail service.

On August 7, 2020, DeJoy announced he had reassigned or displaced 23 senior USPS officials, including the two top executives overseeing day-to-day operations.[56][50] He said he was trying to breathe new life into a "broken business model".[57]Rep. Gerald E. Connolly, who chairs the House committee that oversees the USPS, said the reorganization was "deliberate sabotage"

In a letter to postal workers on August 13, 2020, DeJoy confirmed reports of delays in mail delivery, calling them "unintended consequences" of changes that eventually would improve service.[58] At the same time that he was taking measures that postal workers and union officials said were slowing down mail delivery, President Trump told a TV interviewer that he himself was blocking funds for the postal service in order to hinder mail-in voting.[59]

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization.
bobo you already posted all this and i already why dont you prove what i said is wrong? the way this rep come he never said the previous PMG's were deliberately sabotaging the PO when the same shit was happening under them?.....
like i said bobo it didnt work....and those retired military guys did something you were to chicken shit to do....serve in the sorted mail?....were and when and describe the job you you did....
You know what blows my mind? This

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization.

So you're telling me Trump could fire Comey for whatever reason he wanted but he couldn't fire the postmaster general?

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization. Though pressure mounts from Democrats and watchdogs to remove DeJoy from his seat at the top of the agency, Biden lacks the power to do so.
Aug 24, 2022

Fucking crazy.
bobo you already posted all this and i already why dont you prove what i said is wrong? the way this rep come he never said the previous PMG's were deliberately sabotaging the PO when the same shit was happening under them?.....
I don't know. I don't know what you are talking about. You certainly didn't say anything that changes the facts Trump appointed LaJoy to slow the mail for the upcoming election because he knew absentee votes would do him in.

No it didn't work. Because people within the post office made sure the votes showed up on election night. What could Trump do? Turns out he can't fire postal workers. He can fire FBI agents investigating him but not postal workers.
I was in college and the best job you could get at the time was $5 hr. The post office paid college kids $10 hr to come in and sort mail. Only retired military could work there full time. This mail sorting job was great for college kids because you could come and go whenever you wanted. It was a never ending stack of mail all the way up to the ceiling. And I had to go through and sort them by zip codes. Just non stop sorting. 48390, 48393, 48222, 48232, omg blow my brains out. I only did it 2 days and never went back. Even at $10 hr.
what a crock of shit.....ever since i worked there mail went through sorting machines........and anyone who passed the civil service exam could work there not just retired military....and if you didnt take that test and pass it you didnt work there.....come and go whenever you of mail to the ceiling thats even funnier.........
You know what blows my mind? This

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization.

So you're telling me Trump could fire Comey for whatever reason he wanted but he couldn't fire the postmaster general?

The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization. Though pressure mounts from Democrats and watchdogs to remove DeJoy from his seat at the top of the agency, Biden lacks the power to do so.
Aug 24, 2022

Fucking crazy.
thats right....the president cant do jack shit about that....but right now there are more democrats on the board appointed by come dejoy is still there?...ill tell you why,because he aint doing nothing that the other PMG's all tried to do.....cut hours.....and they know this....trump and those who hate him sure have a lot of bullshit dont they?....
I don't know. I don't know what you are talking about. You certainly didn't say anything that changes the facts Trump appointed LaJoy to slow the mail for the upcoming election because he knew absentee votes would do him in.

No it didn't work. Because people within the post office made sure the votes showed up on election night. What could Trump do? Turns out he can't fire postal workers. He can fire FBI agents investigating him but not postal workers.
trump didnt appoint dejoy, the board of governors did.....and like i told all those trump supporters back then,the regular workers are not going to fuck with the mail,especially election mail....they all know its a felony and if you have years in,who would jeopardize that for a handful of ballots.....
Was not debunked at all. Evidence is there, just ignored by the courts in certain swing states. Democrats and RINOS cannot do anything straight up. They can all take a long walk off a short bridge.

So all 50 states election boards were in on a conspiracy, and 70 court rulings were all wring?

Is that the story you’re sticking with?

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