Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....

You're such a deranged dumbfuck.

Both chambers have to agree on a bill before it goes to the president's desk.

Why is such a flaming imbecile like you posting on a political forum when you don't even know how your own government functions?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.

I said Obama had to insert cash into an economy that was losing 800,000 jobs a month

I said that Obama had to do what is necessary to save our auto industry

I said that Obama was giving Iran back it’s own money

What is Trumps excuse for borrowing money during a strong economy?

the economy was not in depression in 2008, it was a market correction brought on by bad democrat mortgage policy, nothing more.

Obama did not save the auto industry, he saved the UAW and its contributions to the DNC and used our money to do it.

some of the money sent to Iran was money that was frozen in US banks, the cash on pallets that was sent on an unmarked plane in the middle of the night was not Irans money, it was also not authorized or funded by congress.

When Trump took over our military was devastated and unable to fly planes, sail ships, or fire guns. Obama let that happen while allowing millions of illegals into our country and creating massive unemployment of americans

Then the virus hit.

Our economy will be strong again, the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 should be very good and Trump will get as second term with free reign to identify and prosecute all of the corrupt slugs in DC from both parties as well as continue to out the lying media and the deep state assholes
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.

neither is true. you are a victim of the lying media
Fighting Coronavirus isn't cheap. You liberals act like this is some imaginary ailment.
Trump increased deficits over a trillion long before coronavirus.

and obozo doubled the national debt in 8 years, he added more debt than all previous presidents combined. But you never said anything about that, you are a hypocritical asshole.

BTW, deficit and debt are not the same thing. look them up you might learn something
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

bullshit, 20 of it was there when he was elected. Obozo the kenyan added 10, all previous presidents are responsible for the other 10.

Now, the virus has added 3 or 4 trillion. That belongs to the Chinese, not Trump or democrats.
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....
No they don't, ya dumbshit. Bill bounce back and forth between the two chambers until they agree or until they let a bill die.

All you're doing now is exposing to the forum how rightarded you are.

Here, watch this.... quote the section in the Constitution thst states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........

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Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

bullshit, 20 of it was there when he was elected. Obozo the kenyan added 10, all previous presidents are responsible for the other 10.

Now, the virus has added 3 or 4 trillion. That belongs to the Chinese, not Trump or democrats.
He did not, ya lyin' con.

Thd debt was already $10.6 trillion when he was sworn into Bush's Great Recession and it was $19.3 trillion when Obama handed the key to a strong and expanding economy to Impeached Trump.

Exactly what kind of rightared math are you employing to round 10.6 to 10.0 and 19.3 to 20.0 just so you can lie and falsely claim Obsma doubled the debt from 10 to 20 trillion when he really increased it $9.3 trillion, far less than the $10.6 trillion needed to actually double it.

Meanwhile, in the 3 years and 3 months Impeached Trump has been in office, he's added $5 trillion so far.

Where's your outrage, lyin' con??
Fighting Coronavirus isn't cheap. You liberals act like this is some imaginary ailment.
Trump increased deficits over a trillion long before coronavirus.

and obozo doubled the national debt in 8 years, he added more debt than all previous presidents combined. But you never said anything about that, you are a hypocritical asshole.

BTW, deficit and debt are not the same thing. look them up you might learn something
Yeah, debt and deficits are two different things. Which makes it strange why you would switch to discussing the debt after Brain357 was talking about deficits.
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Like I said
Trump is raising the debt at a faster rate than Obama ever did.
This is BEFORE the virus spending

Now, he is off the charts
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Like I said
Trump is raising the debt at a faster rate than Obama ever did.
This is BEFORE the virus spending

Now, he is off the charts
Dems have the checkbook.....until November that is....
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....
No they don't, ya dumbshit. Bill bounce back and forth between the two chambers until they agree or until they let a bill die.

All you're doing now is exposing to the forum how rightarded you are.

Here, watch this.... quote the section in the Constitution thst states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........

Who does the mark up dumbass?...
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....
No they don't, ya dumbshit. Bill bounce back and forth between the two chambers until they agree or until they let a bill die.

All you're doing now is exposing to the forum how rightarded you are.

Here, watch this.... quote the section in the Constitution thst states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........

Who does the mark up dumbass?...
Both chambers markup bill, con freak.

Why am I still waiting for your answer to this ... ? Quote the section in the Constitution that states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........
What are you talking about? deficit spending?...who has the majority in the house?....and who holds the check book?.....the democrat party.....they are in charge of spending....
Can Trump spend any tax payer dollars?.....its the house that adds to spending bills....not the Pelosi if you are angry about the deficit....
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Who spends the money and passes spending bills Brain?.......answer the question don't run and hide....
Both chambers pass spending bills, moron. :eusa_doh:
But the house can add to them and take away from them...which way do you think Pelosi went?.....hmmmmmm? dumbass?...

So can the Senate, ya fucked in the head, deranged con. :cuckoo:
The house gets the final crack at it dumdass....and then Pelosi goes nuts and puts everything in it but the kitchen sink....
No they don't, ya dumbshit. Bill bounce back and forth between the two chambers until they agree or until they let a bill die.

All you're doing now is exposing to the forum how rightarded you are.

Here, watch this.... quote the section in the Constitution thst states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........

Who does the mark up dumbass?...
Both chambers markup bill, con freak.

Why am I still waiting for your answer to this ... ? Quote the section in the Constitution that states the House gets a "final crack" at any bill..........
Stop it you sound like a fool which body sends it to the president to sign?.....I'll give you time to look it up...

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