Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
Fighting Coronavirus isn't cheap. You liberals act like this is some imaginary ailment.
Trump increased deficits over a trillion long before coronavirus.

and obozo doubled the national debt in 8 years, he added more debt than all previous presidents combined. But you never said anything about that, you are a hypocritical asshole.

BTW, deficit and debt are not the same thing. look them up you might learn something
And trump drastically increased Obama deficits during a strong economy. Obama was bad, trump clearly worse.
Obama ran up debt to rescue the economy
Trump ran up debt to give tax cuts to his billionaire buddies


Obama ran up the debt giving free crap to illegals and paying off his buddies in Iran.

The Trump tax cuts cut taxes for EVERYONE THAT PAYS TAXES, rich or poor. but no tax cut could cut taxes for the 50% of americans who pay zero taxes. Sorry, winger, you got no tax cut, can't cut zero.
Imbecile, unfreezing Iranian assets in a bank didn't add one single penny to our debt. You dumbasses are truly fucking stupid.


yes, releasing iranian money that had been held did not increase the debt. Sending 5 billion in cash on pallets in the middle of the night on an unmarked plane, money that was neither authorized or appropriated by congress not only increased the debt but was an act of treason.

and in response to your juvenile radio statement

Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Like I said
Trump is raising the debt at a faster rate than Obama ever did.
This is BEFORE the virus spending

Now, he is off the charts

spending bills come from the house, controlled by democrats, led by crazy nancy.

Trump signs the check
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Like I said
Trump is raising the debt at a faster rate than Obama ever did.
This is BEFORE the virus spending

Now, he is off the charts

spending bills come from the house, controlled by democrats, led by crazy nancy.

Trump signs the check

yep, so did obama and he doubled the debt in 8 years, but you said nothing about that. You are nothing but a partisan hack.

and your beloved dems added funding to a virus bill for abortions, the kennedy center, raises for congresspersons, NPR, and others which had nothing to do with fighting the virus and saving jobs.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out
Never stopped you from blaming Obama. I don't think anyone takes you partisans seriously....
Obama had a dem house and senate when he racked up 18 trillion in debt.....

Obama racked up $18 trillion in debt??

Who knew the debt was only $1.3 trillion when he became president? :dunno:
Trump has $24 trillion in debt and rising dramatically

obama left the debt at 20 trillion, it was 10 when he took office.

crazy nancy and the democrats approved the virus deficit spending and even added a bunch of unnecessary left wing bullshit to it. The corona spending is not on Trump, its on China and we should do whatever is necessary to get it back from them.
Like I said
Trump is raising the debt at a faster rate than Obama ever did.
This is BEFORE the virus spending

Now, he is off the charts

spending bills come from the house, controlled by democrats, led by crazy nancy.

Trump signs the check

yep, so did obama and he doubled the debt in 8 years, but you said nothing about that. You are nothing but a partisan hack.

and your beloved dems added funding to a virus bill for abortions, the kennedy center, raises for congresspersons, NPR, and others which had nothing to do with fighting the virus and saving jobs.
It was Republicans throwing a tantrum for eight years. Republicans demanding a balanced budget amendment.
Once they had power...

They increased the deficit
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out
And even that was just beginning, as these shit loans were packaged into shit CDOs and CMOs, magically received AAA ratings from the ratings agencies, were sold with virtually ZERO regulations, were wiped clean of risk for all concerned with credit default swaps that had NOTHING in reserve if needed, and were BET AGAINST by the very banks that were fucking SELLING them. And much more, of course.

But the Trumpsters don't know any of that, because those facts aren't allowed in the Trumpiverse and are kept from them. Or they're "fake news".
Last edited:
The bigger fraud was to repackage the collapse and blame poor people
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
You can’t blame Democrats for the 2008 financial disaster when Republicans had SEVEN (7) years to prevent that Wall Street GREED.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
You can’t blame Democrats for the 2008 financial disaster when Republicans had SEVEN (7) years to prevent that Wall Street GREED.

what caused the 08 market correction was bad democrat mortgage policy, nothing more. and even so it was not a financial disaster. But you are correct that obama increased our national debt by more than all previous presidents combined.

as to wall street, they have always been greedy and mostly in the pockets of the dems for years.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out
And even that was just beginning, as these shit loans were packaged into shit CDOs and CMOs, magically received AAA ratings from the ratings agencies, were sold with virtually ZERO regulations, were wiped clean of risk for all concerned with credit default swaps that had NOTHING in reserve if needed, and were BET AGAINST by the very banks that were fucking SELLING them. And much more, of course.

But the Trumpsters don't know any of that, because those facts aren't allowed in the Trumpiverse and are kept from them. Or they're "fake news".

and who was president when all this happened???? hint: initials are BHO.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
You can’t blame Democrats for the 2008 financial disaster when Republicans had SEVEN (7) years to prevent that Wall Street GREED.

what caused the 08 market correction was bad democrat mortgage policy, nothing more. and even so it was not a financial disaster. But you are correct that obama increased our national debt by more than all previous presidents combined.

as to wall street, they have always been greedy and mostly in the pockets of the dems for years.
It was “Republican mortgage policy” under the Bush administration for 7 years before the 2008 meltdown.
If Bush and supporters were really concerned about that mortgage policy, they has ample time to change it.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out

no it was not poor people, it was democrats trying to buy the votes of poor people by giving them mortgages that they could never make the payments on. and Yes, obama bailed out his rich friends and the UAW as payback for funding his campaign.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
You can’t blame Democrats for the 2008 financial disaster when Republicans had SEVEN (7) years to prevent that Wall Street GREED.

what caused the 08 market correction was bad democrat mortgage policy, nothing more. and even so it was not a financial disaster. But you are correct that obama increased our national debt by more than all previous presidents combined.

as to wall street, they have always been greedy and mostly in the pockets of the dems for years.
It was “Republican mortgage policy” under the Bush administration for 7 years before the 2008 meltdown.
If Bush and supporters were really concerned about that mortgage policy, they has ample time to change it.

they should not have let it happen, but it was a policy that was started and pushed by dems trying to buy votes.

I am not a Bush fan, he and his family are a big disappointment.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
You can’t blame Democrats for the 2008 financial disaster when Republicans had SEVEN (7) years to prevent that Wall Street GREED.

what caused the 08 market correction was bad democrat mortgage policy, nothing more. and even so it was not a financial disaster. But you are correct that obama increased our national debt by more than all previous presidents combined.

as to wall street, they have always been greedy and mostly in the pockets of the dems for years.
It was “Republican mortgage policy” under the Bush administration for 7 years before the 2008 meltdown.
If Bush and supporters were really concerned about that mortgage policy, they has ample time to change it.

It was “Republican mortgage policy” under the Bush administration for 7 years before the 2008 meltdown.

Bush made Clinton's policy slightly worse.
Holy shit, how much abject DELUSION does it take to say that Obama inherited ANYTHING but a fucking DISASTER.

I realize talk radio avoids obvious stuff like that, but for fuck's sake, you COULDN'T have MISSED it.


Obama inherited a falling stock market brought about by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. Giving mortgages to people who could never make the payments was the height of stupidity and was the direct cause of the 08 market drop.

BTW, it was not a "great depression" as many idiot liberals have labeled it.
That is a myth
It wasn’t poor people instigating the worst recession in 70 years. It was rich people speculating on a real estate bubble, banks giving loans on a speculated market.

When it went bust, it was the poor people who caught the worst of it. The rich were bailed out
And even that was just beginning, as these shit loans were packaged into shit CDOs and CMOs, magically received AAA ratings from the ratings agencies, were sold with virtually ZERO regulations, were wiped clean of risk for all concerned with credit default swaps that had NOTHING in reserve if needed, and were BET AGAINST by the very banks that were fucking SELLING them. And much more, of course.

But the Trumpsters don't know any of that, because those facts aren't allowed in the Trumpiverse and are kept from them. Or they're "fake news".

and who was president when all this happened???? hint: initials are BHO.
You can't possibly be this ignorant.

The shit hit the fan long before he was elected.

Where is the HELL do you get your "information"?

Holy shit.

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