Trump lashes out at ‘Jewish leaders’ for ‘lack of loyalty’ to him: ‘They should be ashamed of themselves’

Do the Dems? What EXACTLY did Obama and now BRANDON do for the Black Community?

When BLM ever comes to mean that Blacks want to conquer the world, or take over the US and do away with the rule of law and the Constitution, you will have a case.

BUT.....since none of that has ever been true about BLM and you are just another racist who cannot help themselves being anti Jews and anti Blacks.....AND anyone else who is not European.....

LOSER. !!!!!!!!!!

Nothing cure about the photos, or nonsense you post. It is very clear that you are of the same groups as those known as Nazis, KKK, Skinheads, and every other white supremacist vomiting hate group ou there.

Except that you are also here.....spewing and hoping you can recruit others to vomit with you.
That's pathetic.
BLM professes that only Black Lives Matter.
Other lives mean nothing.
You can't get more racist and exclusionary than that.
That's pathetic.
BLM professes that only Black Lives Matter.
Other lives mean nothing.
You can't get more racist and exclusionary than that.
Of course you misunderstand the whole movement on purpose.

What else can one expect from a brain full of mud?
Blacks are not going to vote for a party which so clearly hates them.

Every time someone airs another episode of Blacks Behaving Badly on your favorite propaganda channels, try to remember that.

Geez, man. It's like the Republicans looked up the definition of a negro in the Confederate dictionary and then held auditions for a black man who beats his women, forces them to get abortions, lies prolifically, and has the IQ of an eggplant.

Can you possibly insult black people more than that?
I was married to a Black Women and have mixed race children and grandchildren. I'm not a Republican I'm a Conservative and so was my Wife, you know the kind of Black person people like yourself would call an Uncle Tom or house negro. Republicans are no different than Democrats.

Don't pretend you loons give a shit about the Black community. They are useful for their votes only.
Fuck you. Just watching Biden walk around during meetings and events stumbling and shuffling around like a zombie.
You have some nerve, buddy.
I love how partisans respond to criticism of their leaders. They always deflect with criticism of someone else. They rarely object to the actual criticism (implicitly agreeing with it). "I know my guy sucks, but the other team is worse!"
They see that as a feature, not a bug.
They see it as a way to power, where Whites will continue to be the majority, and all minorities will be "taken care of", like no voting, no health care, follow they leader......meaning them, and them only.
Donald Trump is basically a good guy and smart, but nowhere near smart enough. Trump knew 911 was a fraud. But trump failed to properly ID the culprits and motive. Many morons blame

The government
Deep state
Military industrial complex

By appointing chris wray, sessions, and barr, trump was wrong about who did 911, why, and who trump could trust to bring justice.

Zionist fascism is america's worst enemy. The truth of LBJ and the USS Liberty is just as shocking and sick as 911 and the bullshit war on terror.

A failure to properly understand that cost Trump a second term.
"Never trust Jews. They'll stab you in the back."
Have no wish to put any avatar in a bad place, but.....but I think it would be interesting if some of the Jewish contributors would chime in on their perspective on MAGA Man's quote I highlight above.
That whole thing about Trump and Jerusalem?

He didn't do that for the Jews. He did that for the evangelicals who bleev that shit will hasten the return of Jesus.
Of course you misunderstand the whole movement on purpose.

What else can one expect from a brain full of mud?
All you have to do is listen to them and they'll tell you exactly what they're thinking.
Anyone who dares to think other lives matter has come under attack from these con-artists and racists.
It's next to impossible to find videos on YouTube of them mouthing off and demanding cops kiss their feet....but I've seen it when it first came out. All YouTube will show us is their claims that trucks were running them over when they blocked the streets.

I'd say he's now completely unhinged, but that's a tough comparison given his previous behaviors.

He'll always be a child. The question is whether he destroys the sand box before he finally goes away.
Yep. Those securing the border fits he had were pretty bad. That time he said we were stopping unwinnable wars, yet another seizure. And making us energy independent, pure insanity.
Much ado about nothing while the freaking Country goes to hell under a doddering old fool. TDS is real.

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