Trump lauds Colonial Airports

I predicted on July 3 that his speech would slaughter some piece of American Revolutionary history. This one though....I think he just put it in there to see if we were awake. A joke, yannow? No?
I doubt that was what was written for him
Probably got lost in the teleprompter and fumbled the ramparts and bombs bursting in air
I think I figured out the airport reference. Sometimes our President communicates like TNHarley--two thirds of his thoughts he fails to share so that what comes out seems to be from left field. It takes some work to get to the point of it.

The President was referring to our Love Tap to Assad following his use of chemical weapons on his rebels in 2017.

I feel much better now.

Trump's love tap killed more than 200 Russians. I'm glad Putin is his pal or that could have gotten ugly....
Report: U.S. Forces Killed More Than 200 Russian Fighters in Syria Attack
I predicted on July 3 that his speech would slaughter some piece of American Revolutionary history. This one though....I think he just put it in there to see if we were awake. A joke, yannow? No?
I doubt that was what was written for him
Probably got lost in the teleprompter and fumbled the ramparts and bombs bursting in air
I think I figured out the airport reference. Sometimes our President communicates like TNHarley--two thirds of his thoughts he fails to share so that what comes out seems to be from left field. It takes some work to get to the point of it.

The President was referring to our Love Tap to Assad following his use of chemical weapons on his rebels in 2017.

I feel much better now.

Trump's love tap killed more than 200 Russians. I'm glad Putin is his pal or that could have gotten ugly....
Report: U.S. Forces Killed More Than 200 Russian Fighters in Syria Attack
Couldn't read your link to the Daily Beast. I tried to shut off my ad blocker but it didn't work.

I had not heard anything close to that in the casualty counts after the attack, not even in the damage reported by the Russians. What is the article saying?

Here are other links. You can google it too.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The true story of the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria

Just putting your "love tap" into context.
I predicted on July 3 that his speech would slaughter some piece of American Revolutionary history. This one though....I think he just put it in there to see if we were awake. A joke, yannow? No?
I doubt that was what was written for him
Probably got lost in the teleprompter and fumbled the ramparts and bombs bursting in air
I think I figured out the airport reference. Sometimes our President communicates like TNHarley--two thirds of his thoughts he fails to share so that what comes out seems to be from left field. It takes some work to get to the point of it.

The President was referring to our Love Tap to Assad following his use of chemical weapons on his rebels in 2017.

I feel much better now.

Trump's love tap killed more than 200 Russians. I'm glad Putin is his pal or that could have gotten ugly....
Report: U.S. Forces Killed More Than 200 Russian Fighters in Syria Attack
I predicted on July 3 that his speech would slaughter some piece of American Revolutionary history. This one though....I think he just put it in there to see if we were awake. A joke, yannow? No?
I doubt that was what was written for him
Probably got lost in the teleprompter and fumbled the ramparts and bombs bursting in air
I think I figured out the airport reference. Sometimes our President communicates like TNHarley--two thirds of his thoughts he fails to share so that what comes out seems to be from left field. It takes some work to get to the point of it.

The President was referring to our Love Tap to Assad following his use of chemical weapons on his rebels in 2017.

I feel much better now.

Trump's love tap killed more than 200 Russians. I'm glad Putin is his pal or that could have gotten ugly....
Report: U.S. Forces Killed More Than 200 Russian Fighters in Syria Attack
Couldn't read your link to the Daily Beast. I tried to shut off my ad blocker but it didn't work.

I had not heard anything close to that in the casualty counts after the attack, not even in the damage reported by the Russians. What is the article saying?

Here are other links. You can google it too.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The true story of the brutal four-hour battle between Russian mercenaries and US commandos in Syria

Just putting your "love tap" into context.

Except that fight had nothing to do with the missile attack on the airfield that she was referring to.

And most of the 200 dead were not Russian hired mercenaries.
I remember studying the Battle of BWI

Donald Trump trips up on history in 4th of July speech, mentions airports during Revolutionary War

In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."
RWinger is GOD!!!!!!!!
never has he made a mistake

But I am not a Stable Genius....

Trump is
Hilarious cartoons, thanks for sharing.

Trump neutralized Obama haters favorite "57 states" GAF.

I give this incident as one of those with a one day shelf-life, well it's Friday and so I'll give it the weekend. Hanging on to these things too long and one tends to look more lame than the incident itself, such as how I look at those who couldn't get over the 57 state thing.
Hilarious cartoons, thanks for sharing.

Trump neutralized Obama haters favorite "57 states" GAF.

I give this incident as one of those with a one day shelf-life, well it's Friday and so I'll give it the weekend. Hanging on to these things too long and one tends to look more lame than the incident itself, such as how I look at those who couldn't get over the 57 state thing.
That one has been going on for 12 years, Colonial Airports should be good for a laugh for quite some time
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War

Yep he misspoke for sure.

Course Obama never did that.

57 states.

Speaking "Austrian"

I'm enjoying the meltdown.
Trump says retarded things on a daily basis. This 57 states crap is all you people have when it comes to Obama.
Hilarious cartoons, thanks for sharing.

Trump neutralized Obama haters favorite "57 states" GAF.

I give this incident as one of those with a one day shelf-life, well it's Friday and so I'll give it the weekend. Hanging on to these things too long and one tends to look more lame than the incident itself, such as how I look at those who couldn't get over the 57 state thing.
I think every time you see 57 states in the future you will see Revolutionary War airfields.
Gen Washington knew that if you control the air, you control the war
I remember studying the Battle of BWI

Donald Trump trips up on history in 4th of July speech, mentions airports during Revolutionary War

In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief. The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis of Yorktown.

"Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket’s red glare it had nothing but victory. And when dawn came, their star-spangled banner waved defiant."

The OP is a perfect example of what lying sacks of shit Democrats are. rightwinger knows damn good and well that this was an error, but he chose to post a bald faced lie (the same way fake news does) and say that Trump intentionally said this, even though he knows its a lie.

Rightwinger has demonstrated that he is a pathological liar, a lowlife vermin not to be given any credibility any all.
You don’t seem do understand what a lie is
Quoting our President directly is not fake news
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
You're right of course, but how "healthy" is your response to the "58 states" comment? [I had/have no problem with it]
Obama obviously simply misspoke. It’s not like you actually believe he thought what he said was true. Don’t pretend otherwise. More importantly, Trump says stupid things on a daily basis and Obama didn’t even come close to his level of stupidity.

You dumb ass Zealot Tard....

Obozo wouldn’t make a pimple on Trump’s ass when it comes to smarts...

Obozo never did shit other than agitate as a “community organizer”

Obozo knew how to manipulate guilt ridden Whites.

If obozo were White, we wouldn’t even know his name.
And if Trump were black you'd want him hung Obama is a better man, a better human being than the POS Trump could ever be

This is what you say about a man that went to a RACIST church for 20years?


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