Trump lauds Colonial Airports

>> The date Jultober 35th, 1790 will forever live in infamy as the day of the notorious Bowling Green Massacre. That is the first Bowling Green Massacre. While every young student learns about General Hiram Covfefe’s valliant efforts in the Bowling Green Massacre of 2005, very few ever learn that attack was inspired by the very same one President Washington personally ended in his trusty B-2. It was on that warm winter day in Jultober when the First Galactic Army of Meepzorp attacked the fledgling United States of America, which was actually only known as Not Britain Anymore since the official country name was not chosen until years and years later by a man you might know more commonly as actor Joe Montegna.

The attack was fierce. The Meepzorpian army was equipped with weapons the likes of which the Virginia militia had never seen before. This was, of course, before the U.S. had its mighty Army, Navy, Marines, or Air Force. But that didn’t stop them from having advanced flying warships for some reason that historians can’t figure out because all of the history books were accidentally lost by Billy the librarian’s assistant in 1959. So Washington took it upon himself to jump into his own, personal B-2, and take the fight to the Meepzorp invaders.

... In the ensuing hours, Washington used aerial maneuvering tactics that the Navy still teaches its pilots and were featured in the movie Top Gun, and destroyed wave after wave of Meepzorpian raiders. They would not seize control of the time slicer on his watch, Washington resolved. And so he deftly flew his B-2 stealth bomber all over the continent, becoming the first American to also fly coast to coast on a single day, a feat that still never, ever, ever been done since. Literally no one has flown across the country since. << --- Alternative Facts
President Washington and his wife used to enjoy their trips on Air Force One to their summer retreat at Mt Vernon
More quotes:

"I have not yet begun my flight!" --- John Paul Jones, in a tweet, before running off to play bass for Led Zeppelin

"I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me vectors to the nearest landing strip or give me death!" --- Patrick Hendry, speaking to the Virginia Slims House of Burgesses from 20,000 feet

And the jet fuel's red glare
Stars and planets out there
Gave proof through the night
That our flight was still in the air...
More quotes:

"I have not yet begun my flight!" --- John Paul Jones, in a tweet, before running off to play bass for Led Zeppelin

"I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me vectors to the nearest landing strip or give me death!" --- Patrick Hendry, speaking to the Virginia Slims House of Burgesses from 20,000 feet

And the jet fuel's red glare
Stars and planets out there
Gave proof through the night
That our flight was still in the air...
One if by land... two if by sea... three if by air!
More quotes:

"I have not yet begun my flight!" --- John Paul Jones, in a tweet, before running off to play bass for Led Zeppelin

"I know not what course others may take but as for me, give me vectors to the nearest landing strip or give me death!" --- Patrick Hendry, speaking to the Virginia Slims House of Burgesses from 20,000 feet

And the jet fuel's red glare
Stars and planets out there
Gave proof through the night
That our flight was still in the air...
One if by land... two if by sea... three if by air!

Listen my prompter and you shall hear
Of the red-eye flight of Paul Revere.
On the 18th of April on runway five
Hardly a pilot is now alive
Who remembers how that plane got here

One if by land, two if by sea
And I at Air Traffic Control will be
Readying ILS for VFR;
Through every Midway and EWR
For the baggage claim folk to come back from the bar.

On 'Merkin! On Southwest! On TWA!
United and Delta, New York to L.A.
To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall
Which is paid for by Mexico, rapists and all
Now dash away, dash away, dash away all.

And laying a finger at the side of his nose
He snorted a powder (for luck I suppose),
And I heard him exclaim, ere he flew out of sight,
"Happy landings to all, and to all a good flight!"

Burma Shave
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Trump puts on the best July 4 parade DC has ever seen and all libs can do is complain about his speech.

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