Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Is Out Of His Mind


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Trump sure can pick 'em.
What a nutbag.

"Lin Wood, an attorney attempting to help Donald Trump dispute the election returns in Georgia, set off a flurry of controversy on Wednesday night after he tried to implicate Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in the death of late Justice Antonin Scalia, and then suggested that Robert's two children were adopted with the help of Jeffrey Epstein."

'Now you're just sounding insane': Trump fans freak out after attorney Lin Woods claims Jeffrey Epstein is alive - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
This man is really off the deep end. Someone really should get this man some help. Quickly.

This is one of the people representing trump. Wow.

I can't figure out who's the bigger nut: Lin or Sidney Powell. Neither of them want Georgia Republicans to vote btw. Good strategy!
Curious, why is Lin going after Mark Meadows now? Republican nutjobs always seem to eat their own! :laugh:

Roberts has been accused of going to Epstein's pedophile Island. Maybe he is a pedo and maybe someone is using that information to persuade him to vote certain ways. That scenario certainly is very possible. For myself, I don't like the smirk he always has. He reminds me of people like Strzok, Scherilli and Sandusky in that respect. I don't trust him.
Trump sure can pick 'em.
What a nutbag.

"Lin Wood, an attorney attempting to help Donald Trump dispute the election returns in Georgia, set off a flurry of controversy on Wednesday night after he tried to implicate Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in the death of late Justice Antonin Scalia, and then suggested that Robert's two children were adopted with the help of Jeffrey Epstein."

'Now you're just sounding insane': Trump fans freak out after attorney Lin Woods claims Jeffrey Epstein is alive - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
I think the question should be when you lost your mind.

How is trump supposed to get qualified attorneys with integrity when he's pushing a load of bullshit?

Good lawyers won't work for Donald anymore. He won't shut up when they tell him to and he doesn't pay them half the time.
Hence, he is left with dead-ender QAnon conspiracy sorts like Wood, Powell and Rudy!
I can't figure out who's the bigger nut: Lin or Sidney Powell. Neither of them want Georgia Republicans to vote btw. Good strategy!
Curious, why is Lin going after Mark Meadows now? Republican nutjobs always seem to eat their own! :laugh:
More of the "eating your own" types that serve under Trump.

Yep, eventually they all implode.
Trump sure can pick 'em.
What a nutbag.

"Lin Wood, an attorney attempting to help Donald Trump dispute the election returns in Georgia, set off a flurry of controversy on Wednesday night after he tried to implicate Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in the death of late Justice Antonin Scalia, and then suggested that Robert's two children were adopted with the help of Jeffrey Epstein."

'Now you're just sounding insane': Trump fans freak out after attorney Lin Woods claims Jeffrey Epstein is alive - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
I think the question should be when you lost your mind.
Keep thinking.
Roberts has been accused of going to Epstein's pedophile Island. Maybe he is a pedo and maybe someone is using that information to persuade him to vote certain ways. That scenario certainly is very possible. For myself, I don't like the smirk he always has. He reminds me of people like Strzok, Scherilli and Sandusky in that respect. I don't trust him.

Being accused of something isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

You don't know that?

Who accused him of going to epstein's island? What proof do they have and where did they get that proof?

I can accuse you of going to epstein's island and being a pedophile too. That doesn't make it true.

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