Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Hindsight my ass.

If I were in a ME country in a US embassy, had warnings up the ass, with the anniversary of 9/11 coming up you can bet I would have taken those warnings seriously.

Of course you would, because everyone is stupid and you are shoo shmart.
Hindsight my ass.

If I were in a ME country in a US embassy, had warnings up the ass, with the anniversary of 9/11 coming up you can bet I would have taken those warnings seriously.

Of course you would, because everyone is stupid and you are shoo shmart.

No. Not smarter but certainly not trusting if I'm in a ME country where every jihadist and terrorists wants to kill my ass.

All you are doing is making excuses for the incompetence of Hitlery and her State Department. You keep asking asinine questions. Get your head out of your ass and think for once. Good God.
No. Not smarter but certainly not trusting if I'm in a ME country where every jihadist and terrorists wants to kill my ass.

We today have many embassies in many ME countries, please share with us your expertise and tell us which one we should be evacuating and when.

Thank you. You rock!
Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?

I agree with you . It was a hit job by the GOP and they found nothing illegal. Which was correct. Nothing illegal was done.

But incompetence is incompetence and if State and Hitlery had done their jobs Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

What incompetent act if done differently would have prevented the entire incident in your mind?

Let's not forget that you're using the benefit of hindsight to reach these conclusions.

Paying heed to the many warning they got. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out of the are. I.E. The Brits, the Red Cross and others.

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about hindsight. It's very easy to say what should have been done after the fact.

Using your standard of hindsight, Stevens should have heeded those same warnings and stayed in Tripoli and none of this would have happened.
GW could have put in anti-air defenses around the NE and prevented 9/11 as well. After all they had Intel that planes could be used.
See how that works? I can change the outcome by simply shifting the responsibility onto or off of whomever I wish. That of course would be dishonest to hold people to that standard. Of course though you have no problem doing so as long as your political opponent takes the hit.

All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

And again, all as Stevens had to do was stay in Tripoli. He didn't heed the warnings.

See how stupid your game is?
Oh, I see your Google. What did the committee's see and get reported from the Military? don't think FOX News is factual, do you? :lol:

Probably just as factual as MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. Depends on who you want to believe.

You would have to read that 800 page report to see what the military said.

No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?
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They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.

Again, I guess they just forgot to remind you of this.

As I will remind you of this.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks

Again. Tell Goudy. He's your man in charge of the investigation.

Not my man idiot. I'm not a member of the GOP. I'm a registered Indi.

So fuck the hell off you idiot.

So another republican who's embarrassed to admit it.
She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

Are you saying that is what the entire Benghazi investigation was about? All those years, and all that money because you think she misled the grieving families of four heros? Really?
No. The investigation was a giant waste of time and tax payer money. Driven by politics (surprise)

Of course it was. They are just trying to find a way to blame it on something else.
I agree with you . It was a hit job by the GOP and they found nothing illegal. Which was correct. Nothing illegal was done.

But incompetence is incompetence and if State and Hitlery had done their jobs Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

What incompetent act if done differently would have prevented the entire incident in your mind?

Let's not forget that you're using the benefit of hindsight to reach these conclusions.

Paying heed to the many warning they got. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out of the are. I.E. The Brits, the Red Cross and others.

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about hindsight. It's very easy to say what should have been done after the fact.

Using your standard of hindsight, Stevens should have heeded those same warnings and stayed in Tripoli and none of this would have happened.
GW could have put in anti-air defenses around the NE and prevented 9/11 as well. After all they had Intel that planes could be used.
See how that works? I can change the outcome by simply shifting the responsibility onto or off of whomever I wish. That of course would be dishonest to hold people to that standard. Of course though you have no problem doing so as long as your political opponent takes the hit.

All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

And again, all as Stevens had to do was stay in Tripoli. He didn't heed the warnings.

See how stupid your game is?

Nope. Even if the Ambo had stayed in Tripoli they still would have attacked because there were still Americans there and in the annex.

See how stupid your game is??
Probably just as factual as MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. Depends on who you want to believe.

You would have to read that 800 page report to see what the military said.

No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.
Odd that none of the investigations found incompetence. They found things that needed to be changed just like every other time something like this happens, but not incompetence.

I agree but if you think they would have found either Hitlery or her State Department guilty of gross incompetence then you might as well piss up up a rope. Not going to happen and never will.

Unlike you I don't need an investigation to prove what I see with my own eyes.

Carry on.

Actually, the military had the most things needing to be re evaluated.

I disagree as far as Benghazi. The military was locked, loaded and ready to go but no one gave them to go ahead.

Odd how 9 investigations found that not to be the case.

The military was ready to go. Google is your friend. They just never got the word to do so.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred | Fox News

Hillary Email Shows Forces Were Ready to Respond to Benghazi Attack

There are more. Look it up yourself.

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.
The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.

Again, I guess they just forgot to remind you of this.

As I will remind you of this.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks

Again. Tell Goudy. He's your man in charge of the investigation.

Not my man idiot. I'm not a member of the GOP. I'm a registered Indi.

So fuck the hell off you idiot.

So another republican who's embarrassed to admit it.

Not a Rep there dumbass. I'm a registered Indi.

Stick that up your ass and smoke it you fucking idiot.
No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.
I agree but if you think they would have found either Hitlery or her State Department guilty of gross incompetence then you might as well piss up up a rope. Not going to happen and never will.

Unlike you I don't need an investigation to prove what I see with my own eyes.

Carry on.

Actually, the military had the most things needing to be re evaluated.

I disagree as far as Benghazi. The military was locked, loaded and ready to go but no one gave them to go ahead.

Odd how 9 investigations found that not to be the case.

The military was ready to go. Google is your friend. They just never got the word to do so.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred | Fox News

Hillary Email Shows Forces Were Ready to Respond to Benghazi Attack

There are more. Look it up yourself.

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.
Actually, the military had the most things needing to be re evaluated.

I disagree as far as Benghazi. The military was locked, loaded and ready to go but no one gave them to go ahead.

Odd how 9 investigations found that not to be the case.

The military was ready to go. Google is your friend. They just never got the word to do so.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred | Fox News

Hillary Email Shows Forces Were Ready to Respond to Benghazi Attack

There are more. Look it up yourself.

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.
Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.

In your case, it must be nervous laughter, because the right's latest conspiracy theory has been discredited..........just like all the ones before.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Politics as usual in DC.

As for my way of thinking?? Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it. If I were that incompetent in my job my ass would have been out the door long ago.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?
She better get used to it.....come November....

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you are the one who will have to get used to it?? LOL
It's not going to happen.....and if it did, we'd have a lot more to worry about than some internet embarrassment.

Glad to see your so sure. Must be nice to live in Oz. LOL

Yes...I am sure. Because I have faith in the majority of the American People as opposed to the modern Know Nothings.
I disagree as far as Benghazi. The military was locked, loaded and ready to go but no one gave them to go ahead.

Odd how 9 investigations found that not to be the case.

The military was ready to go. Google is your friend. They just never got the word to do so.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred | Fox News

Hillary Email Shows Forces Were Ready to Respond to Benghazi Attack

There are more. Look it up yourself.

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.

In your case, it must be nervous laughter, because the right's latest conspiracy theory has been discredited..........just like all the ones before.

You are the only one talking about your supposed conspiracy theory.

State ignored the warnings.

Those trying to get there never got the go order.

Doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me. But then I have common sense. You have none.
Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?
She better get used to it.....come November....

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you are the one who will have to get used to it?? LOL
It's not going to happen.....and if it did, we'd have a lot more to worry about than some internet embarrassment.

Glad to see your so sure. Must be nice to live in Oz. LOL

Yes...I am sure. Because I have faith in the majority of the American People as opposed to the modern Know Nothings.

Well if they vote for Hitlery they are nothing but know nothings.

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