Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.

In your case, it must be nervous laughter, because the right's latest conspiracy theory has been discredited..........just like all the ones before.

You are the only one talking about your supposed conspiracy theory.

State ignored the warnings.

Those trying to get there never got the go order.

Doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me. But then I have common sense. You have none.

The claim has been from the first that Obama and Hillary conspired to let people die for political purposes. It's been said here thousands of times. You trying to pretend it's something else now?

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?
Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.

In your case, it must be nervous laughter, because the right's latest conspiracy theory has been discredited..........just like all the ones before.

You are the only one talking about your supposed conspiracy theory.

State ignored the warnings.

Those trying to get there never got the go order.

Doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me. But then I have common sense. You have none.

The claim has been from the first that Obama and Hillary conspired to let people die for political purposes. It's been said here thousands of times. You trying to pretend it's something else now?

Well the claim is wrong. The investigation was a GOP hit job and the Dems would have done the same if the shoe were on the other foot.

Neither douchebag nor Hitlery conspired to let people die for political reasons.

Douchebag did try to blame it on a video and Hitlery and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

Benghazi didn't have to happen and it wouldn't have happened if State had done its job.
Look, you (and the rest of us) are wasting time trying to convince these ISIS supporters of ANYTHING about Clinton. She is the "New" Messiah of the left, she will lead them to the promised land which is - the destruction of this great country. So, screw it.

Your problem? You posted some thing from FOX - these braindead assholes wouldn't read it simply because of that.

I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?

What I think is that no one would have been held accountable and it turns out I was right.
I wonder when the republicans will place the same Standard on those who ignored 9/11. Oh right, that was only 3000 dead Americans its not like it was 4 whole people
Then why did all those republican investigations specifically say there was no reason to believe they did that. Letting people die for political reasons is a serious claim, and they would have found something to indicate that happened if anything existed. Just another conspiracy theory, just like Death panels, FEMA prisons, Walmart tunnels, Jade Helm attacking Texas, etc,, etc. etc.

You are worth a good laugh. Carry on idiot.

In your case, it must be nervous laughter, because the right's latest conspiracy theory has been discredited..........just like all the ones before.

You are the only one talking about your supposed conspiracy theory.

State ignored the warnings.

Those trying to get there never got the go order.

Doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me. But then I have common sense. You have none.

The claim has been from the first that Obama and Hillary conspired to let people die for political purposes. It's been said here thousands of times. You trying to pretend it's something else now?

Well the claim is wrong. The investigation was a GOP hit job and the Dems would have done the same if the shoe were on the other foot.

Neither douchebag nor Hitlery conspired to let people die for political reasons.

Douchebag did try to blame it on a video and Hitlery and her State Department were grossly incompetent.

Benghazi didn't have to happen and it wouldn't have happened if State had done its job.

Of course it was a hit job. A conspiracy theory hit job. There were several things found to need re evaluation concerning the incident, and the military's preparedness was number one on the list. You really should read at least one of the many completed investigation reports. There have been many, and they all came to basically the same conclusions. The worst right wing claims just don't stand up to facts
I posted something from fox too. I posted a video of Tray Goudy saying there was no doubt that the military just couldn't get troops there in time to save any lives.

Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?

What I think is that no one would have been held accountable and it turns out I was right.

Lots of people have been held accountable. Read the report.
Of course they couldn't get there in time. They never got the go order. Some were only three hours away.

Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?

What I think is that no one would have been held accountable and it turns out I was right.

Lots of people have been held accountable. Read the report.

If not one at State got suspended, fired or got their head removed than no one was held accountable in my book.
Again, you need to tell that to the republican led investigation and the republican head of the committee who said the military was mot capable of getting troops there in time to save lives.

Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?

What I think is that no one would have been held accountable and it turns out I was right.

Lots of people have been held accountable. Read the report.

If not one at State got suspended, fired or got their head removed than no one was held accountable in my book.

They had a list of procedures that needed reevaluation, but if it was't found to be their fault more than all the other departments involved, there was no need to punish them any more than the other departments involved. You're just disappointed because all the lies you heard didn't turn out to be true.
Well since they were only three hours away and the CIA knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack it stands to reason that those waiting to go knew it as well.

The fact tjat tthey didn't get orders to go should tell you something even if you are dumber than a box of rocks.

The investigations tell me more. Do you think Goudy lied to protect Obama and Clinton?

What I think is that no one would have been held accountable and it turns out I was right.

Lots of people have been held accountable. Read the report.

If not one at State got suspended, fired or got their head removed than no one was held accountable in my book.

They had a list of procedures that needed reevaluation, but if it was't found to be their fault more than all the other departments involved, there was no need to punish them any more than the other departments involved. You're just disappointed because all the lies you heard didn't turn out to be true.

I've never seen such a vicious bunch of partisan teabaggers as our current Congress - especially the House.
Notice you didn't lay the blame with one person and claim they "murdered 3000 people".

Now try and tell the public how 4 dead people in another country attacked by terrorists is Hillary's fault and watch everyone look at you like you're speaking Yiddish.

Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

Again, they voted to take Saddam out. Your opinion and personal analysis noted.

Here is exactly what they voted for:


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) Presidential Determination.--In connection with the exercise of
the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President
shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible,
but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make
available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or
other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
protect the national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to
enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
with the United States and other countries continuing to take
the necessary actions against international terrorist and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations,
or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Text - H.J.Res.114 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

It was not a blank check. However Congress is as tough as a limp noodle, and did nothing to the President for making that decision on fixed data. Iraq was no threat and Saddam was no grave threat to the world's remaining super power.
Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?

That's why it's called hindsight.
In hindsight, no amount of military support would have arrived in time to save Stevens.

Tell us all who made the call to not send military assets. Why was that determination made? Was that determination made by either Obama or Clinton directly?

Who's the CIC and who gives the ultimate orders. Where does the buck stop there pal??

Tell us all why ultimately military support was not sent.
They couldn't decide what to wear...
Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?

That's why it's called hindsight.
In hindsight, no amount of military support would have arrived in time to save Stevens.

Tell us all who made the call to not send military assets. Why was that determination made? Was that determination made by either Obama or Clinton directly?

Who's the CIC and who gives the ultimate orders. Where does the buck stop there pal??

Tell us all why ultimately military support was not sent.
All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Yea, that all! All she needed to just know things like they are the past, the way you do. That's all.

Say, while we have your brilliantly informed help, maybe you can tell us where the next attack will be so we can start pulling people now, before there is a problem.

Well she was the SOS and it was well within her means to do so.

They had warning for months and discounted them.

If they had taken them as seriously as the Brits, the Red Cross and others and pulled out people out there would have been no Benghazi.

There was no hindsight. They had the warnings and chose to disregard them.

There was no hindsight. They had the warnings and chose to disregard them.

You are truly dopey aren't you. You are the one making suppositions in hindsight. It all seems easy and straight forward when you already know what happened.
Well, you should have informed Bill, and the rest of the 1st world...
Let me see if I can enlighten your sorry ass. She was the Secretary of State. She was DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for those in that embassy and that compound.

See if this makes any sense to you: A Commander is responsible for the safety and security of their men. The Commander bears responsibility for that. She? Instead ignored their repeated requests for help and for additional security. Because of HER - THEY are dead.

How many lives were lost in Iraq and how many generals went to jail? How many commanders? Now tell everyone how this one and this one only is different. Just yelling "Because" and acting hoity toity doesn't count.

How many Democrats including Hillary herself voted for those lives to go and take out Saddam? Before you start your bullshit about specious accusations about Bush lied, why did Democrats choose to support him on the intelligence that their own had built up? They opposed Bush on everything else except that.

No one in Congress voted to take Saddam out. They abdicated their constitutional responsibly and gave the President the power to decide to go to war and what the scope of that war would be. Less than half of the Democrats in Congress voted yes on that resolution to make President Bush the Decider.

Again, they voted to take Saddam out. Your opinion and personal analysis noted.

Here is exactly what they voted for:


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) Presidential Determination.--In connection with the exercise of
the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President
shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible,
but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make
available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or
other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
protect the national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to
enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
with the United States and other countries continuing to take
the necessary actions against international terrorist and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations,
or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Text - H.J.Res.114 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

It was not a blank check. However Congress is as tough as a limp noodle, and did nothing to the President for making that decision on fixed data. Iraq was no threat and Saddam was no grave threat to the world's remaining super power.
They had warning for months and discounted them.

Do have ANY idea on how many warnings they get? How many are false?

It's judgement call that will, sooner or later be wrong.

Bush as a matter of fact had some warnings about Al Quida and plane attacks, so would you say that those 2000 people died because of his incompetency? How about some consistency here?

Trump also made judgement calls, but the steaks (pardon the pun) are different when you are running the Department of State.

Oh please. Do you think the Brits, the Red Cross and others would have pulled their people out if THEY didn't take those warnings seriously??

The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??
The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

Ambassador Stevens?
What incompetent act if done differently would have prevented the entire incident in your mind?

Let's not forget that you're using the benefit of hindsight to reach these conclusions.

Paying heed to the many warning they got. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out of the are. I.E. The Brits, the Red Cross and others.

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about hindsight. It's very easy to say what should have been done after the fact.

Using your standard of hindsight, Stevens should have heeded those same warnings and stayed in Tripoli and none of this would have happened.
GW could have put in anti-air defenses around the NE and prevented 9/11 as well. After all they had Intel that planes could be used.
See how that works? I can change the outcome by simply shifting the responsibility onto or off of whomever I wish. That of course would be dishonest to hold people to that standard. Of course though you have no problem doing so as long as your political opponent takes the hit.

All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

And again, all as Stevens had to do was stay in Tripoli. He didn't heed the warnings.

See how stupid your game is?

Nope. Even if the Ambo had stayed in Tripoli they still would have attacked because there were still Americans there and in the annex.

See how stupid your game is??

How do you know this?
No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.

Your claim that they were just left to die by Obama and Hillary for political reasons is a conspiracy theory. Sorry if you don't like that term, tough. That's what it is. Are you really that stupid?

Not a conspiracy theory if it actually happened. State didn't heed the warnings.

No. I'm not stupid but you sure as hell are.

Maybe not stupid but definitely dopey.

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