Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

Sorry to disagree but there were troops locked, loaded and ready. They just never got the word to go.

New Voices in Benghazi Investigation: "We Were All Ready to Go" | RedState

I think you will find the same in that 800 page report as well.

They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.

Again, I guess they just forgot to remind you of this.

As I will remind you of this.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks

Again. Tell Goudy. He's your man in charge of the investigation.

Not my man idiot. I'm not a member of the GOP. I'm a registered Indi.

So fuck the hell off you idiot.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Politics as usual in DC.

As for my way of thinking?? Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it. If I were that incompetent in my job my ass would have been out the door long ago.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?

I agree with you . It was a hit job by the GOP and they found nothing illegal. Which was correct. Nothing illegal was done.

But incompetence is incompetence and if State and Hitlery had done their jobs Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

What incompetent act if done differently would have prevented the entire incident in your mind?

Let's not forget that you're using the benefit of hindsight to reach these conclusions.

Paying heed to the many warning they got. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out of the are. I.E. The Brits, the Red Cross and others.

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about hindsight. It's very easy to say what should have been done after the fact.

Using your standard of hindsight, Stevens should have heeded those same warnings and stayed in Tripoli and none of this would have happened.
GW could have put in anti-air defenses around the NE and prevented 9/11 as well. After all they had Intel that planes could be used.
See how that works? I can change the outcome by simply shifting the responsibility onto or off of whomever I wish. That of course would be dishonest to hold people to that standard. Of course though you have no problem doing so as long as your political opponent takes the hit.

All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.
Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?

That's why it's called hindsight.
In hindsight, no amount of military support would have arrived in time to save Stevens.

Tell us all who made the call to not send military assets. Why was that determination made? Was that determination made by either Obama or Clinton directly?

Who's the CIC and who gives the ultimate orders. Where does the buck stop there pal??
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She lied to those families about what caused the attack.

There is no evidence she lied but lets go with that.

She said one thing caused the attack and it turned out to be another thing that caused the attack.

Now, tell us why that is super important. If your answer is "because lies are bad" I'm going to need you to put on your big boy pants and study up on what politics, life and being an adult is.
Let's see. My father/brother/nephew is killed in an obvious terrorist attack and a politician looks me in the eye and tells me a story about the attacks that she knew at the time to be false is unacceptable. What don't you get? How do you defend that? Anyone with an ounce of common sense would say "yeah thats fucked up". You tell the families the truth, you don't make up shit. "It was a planned terrorist attack and we'll find these people" Thats all she needed to say. How hard is that?

Are you saying that is what the entire Benghazi investigation was about? All those years, and all that money because you think she misled the grieving families of four heros? Really?
No. The investigation was a giant waste of time and tax payer money. Driven by politics (surprise)
All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Yea, that all! All she needed to just know things like they are the past, the way you do. That's all.

And by the way, all you have to do to be become a millionaire is write down the correct number on a lottery ticket . That's all! So very simple - go forth and be rich, you got it figured out now.

But while we have your brilliantly informed help, maybe you can tell us where the next attack will be so we can start pulling people now, before there is a problem.
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All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Yea, that all! All she needed to just know things like they are the past, the way you do. That's all.

Say, while we have your brilliantly informed help, maybe you can tell us where the next attack will be so we can start pulling people now, before there is a problem.

Well she was the SOS and it was well within her means to do so.

They had warning for months and discounted them.

If they had taken them as seriously as the Brits, the Red Cross and others and pulled out people out there would have been no Benghazi.

There was no hindsight. They had the warnings and chose to disregard them.
They had warning for months and discounted them.

Do have ANY idea on how many warnings they get? How many are false?

It's judgement call that will, sooner or later be wrong.

Bush as a matter of fact had some warnings about Al Quida and plane attacks, so would you say that those 2000 people died because of his incompetency? How about some consistency here?

Trump also made judgement calls, but the steaks (pardon the pun) are different when you are running the Department of State.
They had warning for months and discounted them.

Do have ANY idea on how many warnings they get? How many are false?

It's judgement call that will, sooner or later be wrong.

Bush as a matter of fact had some warnings about Al Quida and plane attacks, so would you say that those 2000 people died because of his incompetency? How about some consistency here?

Trump also made judgement calls, but the steaks (pardon the pun) are different when you are running the Department of State.

Oh please. Do you think the Brits, the Red Cross and others would have pulled their people out if THEY didn't take those warnings seriously??

The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??
Any of our compounds that have had a hole blown through their wall, as Benghazi did...

Courtesy of

Benghazi Timeline & Analysis
All State and Hitlery had to do was pull our people out of the area and Benghazi never would have happened.

They did nothing. That nothing caused the deaths of four men. They didn't heed the warnings. They did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Yea, that all! All she needed to just know things like they are the past, the way you do. That's all.

And by the way, all you have to do to be become a millionaire is write down the correct number on a lottery ticket . That's all! So very simple - go forth and be rich, you got it figured out now.

But while we have your brilliantly informed help, maybe you can tell us where the next attack will be so we can start pulling people now, before there is a problem.
Oh please. Do you think the Brits, the Red Cross and others would have pulled their people out if THEY didn't take those warnings seriously??

The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

What is it that you think the Brits and the Red Cross knew that self-preservation-interested Stevens did not?
Are you stating the secretary of state should not be involved in issues of safety regarding our Ambassadors?
Oh please. Do you think the Brits, the Red Cross and others would have pulled their people out if THEY didn't take those warnings seriously??

The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

What is it that you think the Brits and the Red Cross knew that self-preservation-interested Stevens did not?
Had the wtc been attacked within the last couple of months prior to 9/11 like the Benghazi compound had and yet no security was added?? It had actually been withdrawn!
The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

"9/11 was coming up" in ENTIRE FN WORLD.

You keep working from this hindsight perspective, but that's not how the world works.
Oh please. Do you think the Brits, the Red Cross and others would have pulled their people out if THEY didn't take those warnings seriously??

The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

What is it that you think the Brits and the Red Cross knew that self-preservation-interested Stevens did not?

Get your head out of your ass. They took the warning seriously which we did not.
The anniversary of 9/11 was coming up. Who in their right mind would have discounted those warnings??

"9/11 was coming up" in ENTIRE FN WORLD.

You keep working from this hindsight perspective, but that's not how the world works.

Hindsight my ass.

If I were in a ME country in a US embassy, had warnings up the ass, with the anniversary of 9/11 coming up you can bet I would have taken those warnings seriously.
It's one thing for partisans to hate Hillary and Obama, but it's quite another to think and/or say that they "intentionally" caused the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. I have never once thought and/or said that Bush "intentionally" caused the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11 or embassies and consulates around the world. I fault the Benghazi Committee for trying to crucify Hillary instead of focusing on how to prevent such future attacks.
Are you stating the secretary of state should not be involved in issues of safety regarding our Ambassadors?

I'm just saying that if Hillary's incompetence was so gross and obvious, then why did Stevens chose to stay?

Maybe it wasn't obvious, maybe things aren't always clear. Maybe we don't always know what is going to happen.
It's one thing for partisans to hate Hillary and Obama, but it's quite another to think and/or say that they "intentionally" caused the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. I have never once thought and/or said that Bush "intentionally" caused the deaths of thousands of Americans on 9/11 or embassies and consulates around the world. I fault the Benghazi Committee for trying to crucify Hillary instead of focusing on how to prevent such future attacks.

They already have by pulling people out.

That's what they did in Libya when the shit hit the fan a couple of years ago.

They didn't wait. They pulled them out immediately. Which is what they should have done in Benghazi.

Seems they learned the lesson of Benghazi.

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