Trump Lawyer Shares Image Of Hillary Saying She ‘Murdered An Ambassador’

The Nations editorial cartoonist are totally mocking the Benghazi report and well they should ...these GOP bitches are punk ass nasty...LOL
Oh, I see your Google. What did the committee's see and get reported from the Military? don't think FOX News is factual, do you? :lol:

Probably just as factual as MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. Depends on who you want to believe.

You would have to read that 800 page report to see what the military said.

No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Politics as usual in DC.

As for my way of thinking?? Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it. If I were that incompetent in my job my ass would have been out the door long ago.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?

Of course it was a hit job. Anyone but a blind man could have seen that.

The administration was more concerned with Obama's re-election and Hitlery and State were incompetent. That's how I see it.

So you accept the hit job then? You accept all of the money and time wasted chasing anything that could be used to discredit the admin? Do you believe that this is how presidents and their cabinets should be scrutinized going forward? Do you believe that these types of political attacks damage our democracy?

Isn't the first time nor will it be the last that the Clowns in DC waste taxpayer money.

Its DC. It is what it is and if you haven't figured that out by now you never will.

And yes. It was a GOP hit job and believe me if it had been Reps at Benghazi the Dems would have pulled the same shit. You know it as do I.

It is what it is.

Oh, I see.
I guess it's just fortuitous for you that the dysfunction in Washington provided you these little political nuggets to use against those you don't agree with.

Except the Dems have never pulled this shit, ever. Not with Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9/11, 13 other embassy attacks under Bush, or for
The economic meltdown in'08. This shit is unprecedented.

Bullshit pal. Watergate was a Dem heaven. They wanted Nixon out and they got him out by any and all means.

As for 08.You can blame both parties for that.

And like you don't use your little nuggets against those you don't agree with.

You are beginning to bore the hell out of me so adios idiot.
There were a few soldiers who were ready to go, but the military didn't have transportation that was ready to take them and get them there in time. It would have required changing planes, and they just weren't fueled up and ready to go. You mean they forgot to mention that on all those right wing google sites and fox??

Sorry to disagree but there were troops locked, loaded and ready. They just never got the word to go.

New Voices in Benghazi Investigation: "We Were All Ready to Go" | RedState

I think you will find the same in that 800 page report as well.

They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.

Again, I guess they just forgot to remind you of this.

As I will remind you of this.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks

Again. Tell Goudy. He's your man in charge of the investigation.
Here is some more help for you-
Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]

You really need educate yourself by reading the report. Not left or right wing websites.
Here you go-
Select Committee on Benghazi Releases Proposed Report

I disagree as far as Benghazi. The military was locked, loaded and ready to go but no one gave them to go ahead.

Odd how 9 investigations found that not to be the case.

The military was ready to go. Google is your friend. They just never got the word to do so.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred | Fox News

Hillary Email Shows Forces Were Ready to Respond to Benghazi Attack

There are more. Look it up yourself.

There were a few soldiers who were ready to go, but the military didn't have transportation that was ready to take them and get them there in time. It would have required changing planes, and they just weren't fueled up and ready to go. You mean they forgot to mention that on all those right wing google sites and fox??

And where is the part that says the military was prepared to transport help to the compound?
Hysterical, you say.

From 1998 to 2001, the Army Intelligence and Special Operations Command (AISOC) conducted a highly classified intelligence-gathering endeavor known as Able Danger. Its mission was to investigate the terrorist threat posed by al Qaeda, both inside the United States and abroad. By 1999, Able Danger had identified, by name, four of the future 9/11 hijackers -- including the ringleader, Mohammed Atta – as members of an al Qaeda cell based in Brooklyn, New York. But the AISOC never informed the FBI about the activities of these suspects, thus leaving them free to continue plotting and preparing for the 9/11 attacks with impunity.

On August 15, 2005, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the first member of Able Danger to speak publicly about his rolein the operation, told the press about Able Danger’s findings and detailed the policies that had caused the crucial intelligence to go unheeded. Shaffer explainedthat when Able Danger had tried to arrange a series of meetings in 2000 with the Washington field office of the FBI to share its information about Atta, military lawyers intervened and canceled the meetings, citing fear of controversy “if Able Danger was portrayed as a military operation that had violated the privacy of civilians who were legally in the United States." At the root of this fear was a clearly defined prohibition against inter-agency intelligence-sharing in terror investigations. This prohibition, commonly referred to as the “wall” blocking such communications, dated back to the Carteradministration's 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was enacted to defuse allegations of FBI espionage abuses.

In 1995, while America’s intelligence agencies were still investigating al Qaeda's 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, the Clinton administration strengthened FISA to a degree that was unprecedented. Specifically, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick called for increased restrictions on information-sharing between intelligence (CIA) and law-enforcement (FBI) agencies. In a 1995 memo to then-FBI Director Louis Freeh and U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White, titled “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Gorelick wrote the following:

“We believe that it is prudent to establish a set of instructions that will more clearly separate the counterintelligence investigation from the more limited, but continued, criminal investigations. These procedures, which go beyond what is legally required, will prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

who received this memo

Osama Bin Laden poised to strike inside the US

and did nothing whatsoever ...? who dat ?
Yeah, that's it. Blame all of the investigations as somehow flawed or otherwise in the bag for Clinton. It's a sure sign of emotional immaturity and intellectual dishonesty. How many of those investigations and reports came from Republican led committees?

Do you ever wonder why your way of thinking is always pushed aside in favor of rational thought? It's just easier I guess to discount everything as biased or otherwise a conspiracy rather than rethink your position.

The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Politics as usual in DC.

As for my way of thinking?? Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it. If I were that incompetent in my job my ass would have been out the door long ago.
The investigators were never going to find her or State guilty of anything.

Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?

I agree with you . It was a hit job by the GOP and they found nothing illegal. Which was correct. Nothing illegal was done.

But incompetence is incompetence and if State and Hitlery had done their jobs Benghazi wouldn't have happened.

What incompetent act if done differently would have prevented the entire incident in your mind?

Let's not forget that you're using the benefit of hindsight to reach these conclusions.

Paying heed to the many warning they got. Warnings that others took seriously enough to pull their people out of the are. I.E. The Brits, the Red Cross and others.

If State had done that then there would have been no Benghazi.

You see, that's the beautiful thing about hindsight. It's very easy to say what should have been done after the fact.

Using your standard of hindsight, Stevens should have heeded those same warnings and stayed in Tripoli and none of this would have happened.
GW could have put in anti-air defenses around the NE and prevented 9/11 as well. After all they had Intel that planes could be used.
See how that works? I can change the outcome by simply shifting the responsibility onto or off of whomever I wish. That of course would be dishonest to hold people to that standard. Of course though you have no problem doing so as long as your political opponent takes the hit.
Oh, I see your Google. What did the committee's see and get reported from the Military? don't think FOX News is factual, do you? :lol:

Probably just as factual as MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. Depends on who you want to believe.

You would have to read that 800 page report to see what the military said.

No. This investigation found essentially the same things that all the other investigations found. There is no important new information. If there were, it would be being blasted on all the networks. Just because those right wing stations didn't bother to report all that has been discovered from the previous investigations, doesn't mean it's not common knowledge. I guess they just forgot to mention anything that doesn't support the conspiracy theory they have been selling for so long.
Conspiracy theory? That's your spin?


Yes. The right has claimed that Obama and Hillary and who knows who else conspired to allow those people to die for political purposes. Your bunch spent way too much time and money trying to prove it. Just Another Disproved Conspiracy Theory
Wrong. "The right" didn't say that at all. Ever. We have said all along that they died by incompetent leadership and the deaths were downplayed by the administration, including Hillary, as a spontaneous reaction to a online video. They did so because the election was coming up and the spin was that obama had terrorism under control.

It's been discussed thousands of times here but out of your reach, like I said, you are simply too stupid to talk to.
There were a few soldiers who were ready to go, but the military didn't have transportation that was ready to take them and get them there in time. It would have required changing planes, and they just weren't fueled up and ready to go. You mean they forgot to mention that on all those right wing google sites and fox??

Sorry to disagree but there were troops locked, loaded and ready. They just never got the word to go.

New Voices in Benghazi Investigation: "We Were All Ready to Go" | RedState

I think you will find the same in that 800 page report as well.

They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?
Bias, conspiracy or just incompetence?

This has been the most scrutinized event in American history. Scrutinized even by Obama and Clinton's political rivals who arguably would use anything found to their political benefit.

Why don't you accept that this might just have been what it appears to have been? An attempted political hit job against the Obama administration and Clinton.

Why do you fall back on discrediting the investigators rather than accepting their findings? Is it that you can't accept that maybe you swallowed the bait and now you're left red faced?

Of course it was a hit job. Anyone but a blind man could have seen that.

The administration was more concerned with Obama's re-election and Hitlery and State were incompetent. That's how I see it.

So you accept the hit job then? You accept all of the money and time wasted chasing anything that could be used to discredit the admin? Do you believe that this is how presidents and their cabinets should be scrutinized going forward? Do you believe that these types of political attacks damage our democracy?

Isn't the first time nor will it be the last that the Clowns in DC waste taxpayer money.

Its DC. It is what it is and if you haven't figured that out by now you never will.

And yes. It was a GOP hit job and believe me if it had been Reps at Benghazi the Dems would have pulled the same shit. You know it as do I.

It is what it is.

Oh, I see.
I guess it's just fortuitous for you that the dysfunction in Washington provided you these little political nuggets to use against those you don't agree with.

Except the Dems have never pulled this shit, ever. Not with Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9/11, 13 other embassy attacks under Bush, or for
The economic meltdown in'08. This shit is unprecedented.

Bullshit pal. Watergate was a Dem heaven. They wanted Nixon out and they got him out by any and all means.

As for 08.You can blame both parties for that.

And like you don't use your little nuggets against those you don't agree with.

You are beginning to bore the hell out of me so adios idiot.

Buh, bye.

Facts to the RWNJ are as repellent as a cross to a vampire.
Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
Sorry to disagree but there were troops locked, loaded and ready. They just never got the word to go.

New Voices in Benghazi Investigation: "We Were All Ready to Go" | RedState

I think you will find the same in that 800 page report as well.

They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?
Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
They just didn't have a ride.

The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?

That's why it's called hindsight.
In hindsight, no amount of military support would have arrived in time to save Stevens.

Tell us all who made the call to not send military assets. Why was that determination made? Was that determination made by either Obama or Clinton directly?
They changed clothes 4 times waiting for deployment due to this-
The back and forth over attire occurred on a conference call headed by President Obama's chief of staff Denis McDonough, according to the report.

Patrick Kennedy, the under secretary or Management at State, told the panel in an interview that the agency raised the dress code concerns out of political sensitivity.

He said the agency wanted to 'make sure that the steps we were taking would enhance the security of our personnel, not potentially diminish the security of our personnel.'

So, both were involved State and the Admin.

Stevens was missing at that point. They did not know he was dead until later. Woods and Doherty weren't, nor many that were later injured.
The guys at Benghazi had no choice. They had to fight it out.

American troops had planes but they never got orders to go.
Why is that?
Has it been determined that those aircraft would have been effective in deterring the attack or would have prevented the deaths?

Oh come on. Its not the aircraft dummie. Its the troops in the aircraft. If they could have made it to Benghazi those six men would have had backup. Get real.

You are silly with your little hindsight what if theories.
In hindsight, Stevens was dead long before they would have arrived.

See why we don't use hindsight to judge such things?

Tell us all who made the call to not send military assets. Why was that determination made? Was that determination made by either Obama or Clinton directly?

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