Trump LIED about MBA and Top Grad from Wharton

Who cares...Obama graduated with honors and was a mediocre lawyer, professor, State Senator, US Senator and President. Obviously academic honors means little outside of academia.

Obama didn't lie about going to Columbia (Ivy League) or Harvard Law (Ivy League) or being awarded Harvard Law Review Editor, nor did he lie about teaching Constitution law at the University of Chicago, you sorry POS.

A Law Review Breakthrough - The Boston Globe

Obama lied when he claimed to be a Law Professor - he was just a lecturer.

He published ZERO when he was editor of HLR - something that is Quite Unsual.

And he never released his college transcripts.


Here's an early Christmas Present, bub:

PDF from U of Penn/Wharton Commencement 1968

He's a douchebag lying POS. He did not graduate at the top of his class, not nearly. And he received a Bachelor's, not an Master's.

View attachment 102484
You know that this list is alphabetical. Its not graduate ranking. There is nothing in this that precludes someone with a Batchelor degree not also getting a master's.

"Batchelor" degree? You're as dumb as Trump. No, he did not get an MBA, he fucked himself up by admitting he graduated in 1968. See pages 23-26 showing the MBAs :
Trumps birth certificate is real. Unlike Obastards.

Not relevant to the thread, but thanks for playing.
Simply laying out a comparison between the two, and the cloud hanging over the one. :)

And tell that creepy moderator my cat don't wear foil! Ever. can't defend what your candidate does... so you have to attack someone else. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ADDRESS YOUR CANDIDATE'S ACTIONS?

He is a fucking liar. He's even throwing it in the faces of his supporters now telling them that all his chants and slogans were bogus and just to get you dumb asses riled up. He's fucking mocking you now that he's elected, and you still just don't care.
Trumps birth certificate is real. Unlike Obastards.

Not relevant to the thread, but thanks for playing.
Simply laying out a comparison between the two, and the cloud hanging over the one. :)

And tell that creepy moderator my cat don't wear foil! Ever. can't defend what your candidate does... so you have to attack someone else. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ADDRESS YOUR CANDIDATE'S ACTIONS?

He is a fucking liar. He's even throwing it in the faces of his supporters now telling them that all his chants and slogans were bogus and just to get you dumb asses riled up. He's fucking mocking you now that he's elected, and you still just don't care.

Because they are a bunch of neanderthals who live in Trump's ass with their mouths wide open.
Who cares...Obama graduated with honors and was a mediocre lawyer, professor, State Senator, US Senator and President. Obviously academic honors means little outside of academia.
Mediocre lawyer? Why would you say that?

You're claiming he wasn't a mediocre lawyer? Fine...tell me the cases that he won as a lawyer...the honors he was given as a lawyer...give me ANYTHING that shows Barack Obama was something more than a "token" for a prestigious Chicago law firm who hired him because he was the first black President of the Harvard Law Review!
Who cares...Obama graduated with honors and was a mediocre lawyer, professor, State Senator, US Senator and President. Obviously academic honors means little outside of academia.
Mediocre lawyer? Why would you say that?

You're claiming he wasn't a mediocre lawyer? Fine...tell me the cases that he won as a lawyer...the honors he was given as a lawyer...give me ANYTHING that shows Barack Obama was something more than a "token" for a prestigious Chicago law firm who hired him because he was the first black President of the Harvard Law Review!
They keep saying he graduated with honors, but he refuses to release his school records, so how does anyone know?

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