Trump loses Utah... In the general

PredFan cracks me up because he discounts the value of polls.

I have been around since Nixon's elections, and I can tell you, while not the end all be all, are very important in politics.
Why here is Fakey now......vowing to throw the election if the establishment doesn't get it's way.
The polls are far more accurate than Freewill's and eagle's failing hopes.

I have every American right to vote against a candidate that I believe does not represent the very best for America. I will vote for Gary Johnson because he is far more preferable to Trump. And more Republicans, as the poll in Utah indicates, will vote for HRC than Trump. If he can't hold even Utah, he can't win.
Starkey commits a breach of etiquette and goes for the koo day tah, the triple dog dare.
And the far right's significant error is that they think Trump can win.

It's a hopey changey kind of thing for them.

And since you and your ilk have been saying for months he can't win then any future predictions from you and your ilk are suspect at best.
More correct than you in fact.

And in act the poll in Utah is the bell signaling the end of Trump.

If Trump is only problematic in the reddest of red states, he will have no chance in purple or blue states.

The desperation demonstrated by you and the others reeks with hopey change. It ain't gonna happen.
Poll: Utah would vote for a Democrat for president over Trump

If Trump is the nominee, he loses Utah in the general. Explain to me how he wins a general election if he can't even win one of the most conservative states in the nation?

I highly doubt this is the only one with the huge negatives he has been getting in the west

Well, I'd like to totally agree with this, but it's way too soon to know if this would really be the case when the country hasn't really gotten into general election mode yet.
Only 37% of Americans trust HRC.

What a chance for Republicans.

But . . . only 27% of Americans trust DT.
And the far right's significant error is that they think Trump can win.

It's a hopey changey kind of thing for them.

And since you and your ilk have been saying for months he can't win then any future predictions from you and your ilk are suspect at best.
More correct than you in fact.

And in act the poll in Utah is the bell signaling the end of Trump.

If Trump is only problematic in the reddest of red states, he will have no chance in purple or blue states.

The desperation demonstrated by you and the others reeks with hopey change. It ain't gonna happen.
How many times have they said the end of Trump....................and been wrong................

Put on some deodorant...............You Reek of desperation..........
No, they are saying "donald is less trustworthy".

What is happening is that Trump is running into that 35% Republican general support ceiling.

He would not get 40% of the vote in a general election.
No, they are saying "donald is less trustworthy".

What is happening is that Trump is running into that 35% Republican general support ceiling.

He would not get 40% of the vote in a general election.
And the establishment candidates GOT 1........2%............FAIL.
No, they are saying "donald is less trustworthy".

What is happening is that Trump is running into that 35% Republican general support ceiling.

He would not get 40% of the vote in a general election.
And the establishment candidates GOT 1........2%............FAIL.
And that does not stop that Donald will be massacred in a general election.
Poll: Utah would vote for a Democrat for president over Trump

If Trump is the nominee, he loses Utah in the general. Explain to me how he wins a general election if he can't even win one of the most conservative states in the nation?

I highly doubt this is the only one with the huge negatives he has been getting in the west

Because it changes the dynamic of every State, not just one.

I also seriously doubt Trump would lose Utah to a Democrat
This shit cracks me up.

I've been following politics since Gerald Ford was POTUS. Polls have been predicting various things every single election. In the end they are usually not much better than a guess. Yet, every single election people quote them and base their hopes and their arguments on them. Never changes.

For the most part, the polls have been pretty accurate measuring Trump's support. I believe that in all the primaries thus far, Trump is winning the percentage of the vote within the margin of error in the Real Clear Politics polls.
This shit cracks me up.

I've been following politics since Gerald Ford was POTUS. Polls have been predicting various things every single election. In the end they are usually not much better than a guess. Yet, every single election people quote them and base their hopes and their arguments on them. Never changes.

For the most part, the polls have been pretty accurate measuring Trump's support. I believe that in all the primaries thus far, Trump is winning the percentage of the vote within the margin of error in the Real Clear Politics polls.
Within the GOP. There is no clear cross over polling. However, the out interviews in OH made it clear that Dems would cross over in far greater numbers to vote against Trump than for him.
No, they are saying "donald is less trustworthy".

What is happening is that Trump is running into that 35% Republican general support ceiling.

He would not get 40% of the vote in a general election.
And the establishment candidates GOT 1........2%............FAIL.
And that does not stop that Donald will be massacred in a general election.
Why should I listen to one who picks losers all the time.............The campaign trail is littered with them.............Spent hundreds of millions to lose............Are you sure they aren't liberals wasting money like that..............
Another interesting point that probably nobody has noticed is that democrats prefer Sanders over Hillary by a wide margin in Utah. It's probably the same in other areas but the DNC has managed to fudge the results. The conclusion is that Hillary is just so damned unlikable that democrat capitalists would rather vote for a socialist
Dem support for Sanders will not translate into refusing to vote for Clinton.

Clinton will destroy Trump in VA.

30 to 45% of GOP in FL, NC, and OH have said they would vote third party rather than vote for Trump.
It also puts some traditional Democrats in play. I want Cruz, not Trump, but we should still look at the whole picture, not just one side

Which ones?

Are there any polls to support this? I've heard it, but I haven't seen any polls to support it.

For example, Clinton is hammering Trump in New York.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - New York: Trump vs. Clinton
The Dems hammer everyone in New York every Presidential election...........It is solid blue and thus can be dismissed other than the Primaries.

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