Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

At times of national tragedy. The public looks to the president for leadership

Trump has failed tragically
And now even his own party knows it and the isolation is growing
Trump loves adoration
He lives for praise

It seems he has nobody on his side except the deplorables

I can't see him lasting long before he breaks. His breakdown on Tuesday was just a start
Wait till Mueller gets a hold of him Trump will go nutz
Trump is hanging by a string

Once that report hits he will become unglued
The basket of deplorable is being distilled down to its base alloy. All those Trump supporters who were insulted by Sec. Clinton's alagory are now confronted with the truth at the core of her statement. It's curious to see who will step up and remain steadfast in their support for him given his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville.

Who will take up the mantle of deplorable and who will finally see the forest for the trees?

I'm not sure that the right wing nitwits on here who STILL support the orange clown, are doing so for "true admiration" of the charlatan who [sometimes] sits in the oval office when he's not golfing.

The current "support" for trump is based on their reluctance to admit how truly stupid they were to actually vote for this idiot.
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?

Watch this ya goddamn loon. IGNORED! You bring nothing, you're an idiot and all you do is repeat shit you hear on MSNBC. If you ever had an original thought your head would explode
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?
Yes. You are definitely a fool.
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Bear in mind that for all their bluster, neo-Nazis are cowardly........They NOW want to portray themselves as VICTIMS which kind of negates their feelings that they're SUPERIOR to all others.
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?
Yes. You are definitely a fool.
Smoke you defend this turd in our WH and you call me a fool??
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Bear in mind that for all their bluster, neo-Nazis are cowardly........They NOW want to portray themselves as VICTIMS which kind of negates their feelings that they're SUPERIOR to all others.

If they were so superior they'd all have good jobs and wouldn't need to be marching I ALMOST feel bad for smoke and sassy,,,,,naaaaaaaaaaa not really
The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?
Yes. You are definitely a fool.
Smoke you defend this turd in our WH and you call me a fool??
It's funny they don't realize how sad and comical they sound...they fancy themselves intellectuals while in reality they are clowns
Bear in mind that for all their bluster, neo-Nazis are cowardly........They NOW want to portray themselves as VICTIMS which kind of negates their feelings that they're SUPERIOR to all others.
And thus, their own speech and expression comes back to bite them right on their swastika-tatted asses.

That is what I have been preaching. Let idiots freely speak. Don't shut them down. Defend their right to demonstrate the dumbfuckery.
LOL You're easy to manipulate.

Perhaps.......But it would take a much smarter individual to do that than a moron like you....Go burn a cross on your neighbor's'll feel more "relevant."
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

Look at that, stupid and fascist all in one poster.

You start with a lie, and you build an entire scenario around it.

But that's typical of you.
LOL You're easy to manipulate.

Perhaps.......But it would take a much smarter individual to do that than a moron like you....Go burn a cross on your neighbor's'll feel more "relevant."

No, maybe I should burn something else in your yard... perhaps the communist manifesto for starters? What about a gay pride flag?
No, maybe I should burn something else in your yard... perhaps the communist manifesto for starters? What about a gay pride flag?

You forgot to include in your "brilliant" retort to call me (and others) "snowflakes,' "libtards" etc....Sean Hannity will be pissed at your forgetfulness ..........(What an :asshole: LOL)
The basket of deplorable is being distilled down to its base alloy. All those Trump supporters who were insulted by Sec. Clinton's alagory are now confronted with the truth at the core of her statement. It's curious to see who will step up and remain steadfast in their support for him given his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville.

Who will take up the mantle of deplorable and who will finally see the forest for the trees?

I'm not sure that the right wing nitwits on here who STILL support the orange clown, are doing so for "true admiration" of the charlatan who [sometimes] sits in the oval office when he's not golfing.

The current "support" for trump is based on their reluctance to admit how truly stupid they were to actually vote for this idiot.
And sheer hatred of anyone they perceive as "Left" the point of watching the world burn if it hurts Lefties.
The republican garbage don't like losers ?? WTF was Gen Robert E Lee?

R.E. Lee had a choice to either lead the Union forces....or the Confederate ones....he chose to follow the will of his home state,Virginia......

Lee was himself manipulated by the racists surrounding him when.....while marching north into Pennsylvania, all former slaves who had managed to escape into that state, were rounded up and shipped back to their former "owners"......
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