Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

LOL You're easy to manipulate.

Perhaps.......But it would take a much smarter individual to do that than a moron like you....Go burn a cross on your neighbor's'll feel more "relevant."

No, maybe I should burn something else in your yard... perhaps the communist manifesto for starters? What about a gay pride flag?
You would be more effective if you simply READ the Commie Manafesto aloud to the public. When they hear how idiotic that bullshit is, they will reject it, and the words themselves defeat the commie revolution before it begins.
You would be more effective if you simply READ the Commie Manafesto aloud to the public. When they hear how idiotic that bullshit is, they will reject it, and the words themselves defeat the commie revolution before it begins.

I find it interesting how right wing morons and Trump ass kissers throw out the label of "communist" as a derogatory one.........while "admiring" Trump's love affair with Putin, the KGB thug of a still, basically, communist country...........ignorant IDIOTS !!!
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Well, if the shoe fits...

Well, Templar......"thank you" for the SIXTEEN "funny faces" you gave my posts......I guess I truly own your sorry, fat ass.................LOL

(what an idiot........)
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R.E. Lee had a choice to either lead the Union forces....or the Confederate ones....he chose to follow the will of his home state,Virginia......

Lee was himself manipulated by the racists surrounding him when.....while marching north into Pennsylvania, all escaped slaves who had managed to escape into that state, were rounded up and shipped back to their former "owners"......
This is true, but replace the word racists with slave owners.

The difficult thing for most to accept is, at that time in history, white people believed they were superior to Africans. All of them, including Lincoln. They were All racists.
How come the OP can't be honest and just say "Trump lost me the day he was elected"? All else is BS, because misery loves company.
Trump lost me some time in the mid 80s
My opinion hasn't changed since
This is true, but replace the word racists with slave owners.

The difficult thing for most to accept is, at that time in history, white people believed they were superior to Africans. All of them, including Lincoln. They were All racists.

Excellent point and,of course, you're correct.....Slaves were considered "chattel".....

I find it interesting how right wing morons and Trump ass kissers throw out the label of "communist" as a derogatory one.........while "admiring" Trump's love affair with Putin, the KGB thug of a still, basically, communist country...........IDIOTS !!!
I think we should all agree that communism, or any watered down forms of it, or any other form of authoritarian ideology is foolishness. I agree that we should all be consistent in our message.
You would be more effective if you simply READ the Commie Manafesto aloud to the public. When they hear how idiotic that bullshit is, they will reject it, and the words themselves defeat the commie revolution before it begins.

I find it interesting how right wing morons and Trump ass kissers throw out the label of "communist" as a derogatory one.........while "admiring" Trump's love affair with Putin, the KGB thug of a still, basically, communist country...........ignorant IDIOTS !!!

Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?
Trump was right about the two things he said.

The Alt Left was to blame at Charlottesville. Between the hateful Negroes, stupid White Guilt pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats and paid Soros demonstrators violence erupted. The filthy ass Alt Left being assholes again.

The Alt Left will not be satisfied with just demonizing the brave Confederate veterans and heroes. They have already called for the desecration of our Founding Fathers like Jefferson.
At times of national tragedy. The public looks to the president for leadership

Trump has failed tragically
And now even his own party knows it and the isolation is growing
Trump loves adoration
He lives for praise

It seems he has nobody on his side except the deplorables

I can't see him lasting long before he breaks. His breakdown on Tuesday was just a start
Wait till Mueller gets a hold of him Trump will go nutz
Trump is hanging by a string

Once that report hits he will become unglued
He could go batshit crazy and still smokey and sassy will support him
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy smoke What will you say when trump goes completely batshit crazy? He's half way there now

Yawn.....stop commenting to me, loon. I think you're a goddamn fool
There you go again ,,,,When will you ever be right?? You side with the biggest fool to ever hit the big time and you call me a fool?

Watch this ya goddamn loon. IGNORED! You bring nothing, you're an idiot and all you do is repeat shit you hear on MSNBC. If you ever had an original thought your head would explode
Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?

Well, Trump has attacked all his opponents during the primaries...attacked Clinton, attacks the media, attacks other republicans, attacks his own party, attacks the military, attacks Mexicans, attacks Muslims, attacks Europeans, etc.

Find ONE clear instance when Trump directly attacked Putin...........(and the only reason he reluctantly signed on the extended sanctions against Russia is because he could NOT veto the bill.)
Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?

Well, Trump has attacked all his opponents during the primaries...attacked Clinton, attacks the media, attacks other republicans, attacks his own party, attacks the military, attacks Mexicans, attacks Muslims, attacks Europeans, etc.

Find ONE clear instance when Trump directly attacked Putin...........(and the only reason he reluctantly signed on the extended sanctions against Russia is because he could NOT veto the bill.)

So, he is in love with Putin because he hasn't attacked him? So, anyone who hasn't attacked Putin is "in love" with him... makes perfect sense.

Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.
Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?

Well, Trump has attacked all his opponents during the primaries...attacked Clinton, attacks the media, attacks other republicans, attacks his own party, attacks the military, attacks Mexicans, attacks Muslims, attacks Europeans, etc.

Find ONE clear instance when Trump directly attacked Putin...........(and the only reason he reluctantly signed on the extended sanctions against Russia is because he could NOT veto the bill.)

So, he is in love with Putin because he hasn't attacked him? So, anyone who hasn't attacked Putin is "in love" with him... makes perfect sense.

My guess is putin has the goods on him so he handles him with kid gloves
Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?

Well, Trump has attacked all his opponents during the primaries...attacked Clinton, attacks the media, attacks other republicans, attacks his own party, attacks the military, attacks Mexicans, attacks Muslims, attacks Europeans, etc.

Find ONE clear instance when Trump directly attacked Putin...........(and the only reason he reluctantly signed on the extended sanctions against Russia is because he could NOT veto the bill.)

So, he is in love with Putin because he hasn't attacked him? So, anyone who hasn't attacked Putin is "in love" with him... makes perfect sense.

My guess is putin has the goods on him so he handles him with kid gloves

Your guess? Well, that settles it.

My guess is, Trump left a very expensive pair of shoes over there and he wants them back.
Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.

The whole discussion went right over your half brain.
You're just too dumb for this discussion......Go take a nap (after you have another drink.)
Why do you think Trump has a "love affair" with Putin?

Well, Trump has attacked all his opponents during the primaries...attacked Clinton, attacks the media, attacks other republicans, attacks his own party, attacks the military, attacks Mexicans, attacks Muslims, attacks Europeans, etc.

Find ONE clear instance when Trump directly attacked Putin...........(and the only reason he reluctantly signed on the extended sanctions against Russia is because he could NOT veto the bill.)

So, he is in love with Putin because he hasn't attacked him? So, anyone who hasn't attacked Putin is "in love" with him... makes perfect sense.

My guess is putin has the goods on him so he handles him with kid gloves

Your guess? Well, that settles it.

My guess is, Trump left a very expensive pair of shoes over there and he wants them back.
Did he leave them in a house of prostitution?.....My money is on the KBG guy having the goods on trump
Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.

The whole discussion went right over your half brain.
You're just too dumb for this discussion......Go take a nap (after you have another drink.)
Go take a long walk on a short plank.

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