Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Here's a picture of how anti-fascists folks destroyed Nazi property......with their bodies.......

and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant

"Correct"........and THAT is why ONE anti Nazi person is in a grave.....and why 19 anti-Nazi folks are in hospitals.......right???
Well, if the shoe fits...

Well, Templar......"thank you" for the SIXTEEN "funny faces" you gave my posts......I guess I truly own your sorry, fat ass.................LOL

(what an idiot........)

That's the exact same weapon you use, easily verifiable. Once again, "rules for thee but not for me!" Hypocrite. Just be happy he's doing it. It actually helps your rep, if you care about that.

Edited to add: You've done it over 5000 times in 2 years! It is, by far, your most used reply.
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This is like the 3rd or 4th time Nat and other liberals have tried to push this lie in their rabid hatred of Trump...each time it being debunked.

1. 'Trump refused to criticize white supremacists, defended them, stands with them, blah, blah, blah..."


Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."

2. "Trump declared there to be a 'moral equivalence' between the white supremacists and the violent agitators who protested them" ...."Trump declared EQUAL blame must be shared by both sides..."


Point out where Trump declared there was any equivalence in the two sides and / or where Trump said both sides shared EQUAL blame in the following statement:

"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump said in response to the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend."


3. "Both sides are NOT to blame for any violence in Charlottesville"


Democrats were PISSED that Trump ACCURATELY pointed out that the Liberal agitators who attacked the supremacists were also to blame for the violence....AND HE WAS RIGHT:

"TheDCNF witnessed leftist groups mace white supremacists as a way to start infiltrating Emancipation Park, where the rally was held. The radical left also began throwing a variety of items at the white supremacists, such as balloons filled with urine, paint, or pieces of concrete, as well as soda cans filled with concrete, food, and full water bottles. When they were out of items to throw, the radical left would search the streets for anything they could find to throw.

The left also brought out a “battering ram” made out of plywood and reinforced with a metal step ladder. Radical leftist protesters charged the white supremacists with their hand-made weapon. Enforcers managed to stop the device before it reached the actual shield line, but a new group of protesters tried to push the ram further."

View attachment 144259
Throwing balloons filled with urine...

I am sorry if snowflakes and the Fake News media are offended at the FACT that there are a lot of VIOLENT, criminal PsOS who have and do engage in violence...but instead of wallowing in denial they need to embrace the TRUTH.

During the 2016 and election and since then snowflakes beat and bloodied Trump supporters, rioted, looted, committed arson and terrorism, threatened the lives of Electoral College voters, called for military coups, called for assassinations, and even tried to carry out those assassinations.

I am sure they are extremely eager to distract people from that by claiming Trump supports racists and violent extremists...when the ones who are accusing him of such have been identified by their own leaked e-mails as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, who have engaged in SEDITIOUS acts of political violence they have sought to justify / deny.

Again, this is just another in a long number of BS, FAKE NEWS, LIES, False Accusations, and 'I Hate Trump Threads'....
Where's that balloon? I see NAZIs with sticks and one spraying some yellow smoke from some aerosol can. Pepper spray? Mace?
Actually the two side are much alike. You're just too much of an idiot to realize you're no different than the neo-Nazis. You Antifa thugs like using terror tactics to scare people. I hope you Antifa faggots and neo-Nazis kill each other at your rallies and riots. America will be a much better place without the lot of all of you.

Well, asshole.........In WWII, all the allies including us, were "ANTIFA".....To equate that both Antifa AND Nazi sympathizers as morally "equal: shows what a fuck head you really are.

To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.
You know "antifa" means anti-fascist. I know you're not......but..............

Yet they use fascist tactics.

Even if they are anti fascist that doesn't change the fact that they are violent, hatemongers.

Btw does this mean you finally accept that national socialists are socialists?
You mean like the People's Republic of China is a republic?

Why did the NAZIS throw the socialists into Dachau first once they gained power?
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy and smoke a lib My idea is to take all those statues of American traitors and put them in a hall of shame so all you little righty terrorists can visit them

You realize that all our Founders were traitors. We were founded by traitors to the crown.
Yes they were...and the only thing that saved them from a traitor's fate was that we won. The North was TOO LENIENT to the Southern traitors.
To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.

Define "antifa" and you'll be just a tiny bit smarter.......

"ANTIFA" = Communist faggots.
I know that hearing that someone takes a stand as "anti-fascist" is worrisome to you.

They aren't taking a stand against fascism. This is the same group of people that embrace Islam, the most fascist group of people on the planet.

Anti-Islamists like myself are the true "anti-fascists".
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

How many white supremacists ended up beaten?....ended up in the hospital? ...ended up in the morgue?
and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant

"Correct"........and THAT is why ONE anti Nazi person is in a grave.....and why 19 anti-Nazi folks are in hospitals.......right???

Running over people is illegal, too. WTF are you talking about? It is illegal and WRONG to beat people you disagree with. It is ALWAYS illegal to beat someone into submission, even when your side does it. I know it's shocking after the last several years, but there is one set of laws and it applies to both sides.
What could be easier for a President to do than publically stand on the throats of Nazis? How could a President pass the opportunity or kick the Nazis?

How could Trump wiff on a big fat hanging curveball like "Mr. President! Do you support the actions of the Neo-Nazis?"

Anyone with a pulse, let alone a soul, would take that microphone and proclaim for all the world to hear that he hates, disavows and condemns Nazis!
Why didn't he say so? Maybe because he didn't want to lie. Trump is a real white man and admires men such as Hitler, Putin, etc. They are/were moral men of action.
And you are taking in oxygen that should be used by human beings.
Trump is one of us. God only knows what you are.
Trump is our president

The man we look to for moral guidance. Most of the country is repulsed by him

When Bill was president, we were told morals were irrelevant in a POTUS. When did the rules change?
Who stated that? Name names.
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

can liberals protect themselves or just turn the other cheek?
To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.

Define "antifa" and you'll be just a tiny bit smarter.......

"ANTIFA" = Communist faggots.
I know that hearing that someone takes a stand as "anti-fascist" is worrisome to you.

They aren't taking a stand against fascism. This is the same group of people that embrace Islam, the most fascist group of people on the planet.

Anti-Islamists like myself are the true "anti-fascists".
Yes they are taking a stand against fascism....they did in Charlottesville and kudos to them for standing fast even tho many were injured and one died.
To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.

Define "antifa" and you'll be just a tiny bit smarter.......

"ANTIFA" = Communist faggots.
I know that hearing that someone takes a stand as "anti-fascist" is worrisome to you.

They aren't taking a stand against fascism. This is the same group of people that embrace Islam, the most fascist group of people on the planet.

Anti-Islamists like myself are the true "anti-fascists".
Yes they are taking a stand against fascism....they did in Charlottesville and kudos to them for standing fast even tho many were injured and one died.

You can't be pro-Islam and "anti-fascist".
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

How many white supremacists ended up beaten?....ended up in the hospital? ...ended up in the morgue?

I was addressing this:
If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

This is illegal. Its terrorism. It is wrong no matter which side does it, no matter which side has more casualties and no matter which side you agree with.
Define "antifa" and you'll be just a tiny bit smarter.......

"ANTIFA" = Communist faggots.
I know that hearing that someone takes a stand as "anti-fascist" is worrisome to you.

They aren't taking a stand against fascism. This is the same group of people that embrace Islam, the most fascist group of people on the planet.

Anti-Islamists like myself are the true "anti-fascists".
Yes they are taking a stand against fascism....they did in Charlottesville and kudos to them for standing fast even tho many were injured and one died.

You can't be pro-Islam and "anti-fascist".
What does being "pro-Islam" entail? Does being "pro-1st Amendment" mean someone is "pro-Islam"?
Trump was right again. Both sides of the Charlottesville riot were bad, and there IS a moral equivalency between the Marxist and Fascist. Both are dangerous fanatics who have murdered and oppressed millions. The difference is that today’s Democrats are dangerous far left wing crackpots but the Republicans are just mainstream middle class people who want a decent culture, low taxes, law and order, a strong national defense, an assertive foreign policy and clean fair elections with no voter fraud.
Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.

The whole discussion went right over your half brain.
You're just too dumb for this discussion......Go take a nap (after you have another drink.)
Go take a long walk on a short plank.
It's pier not plank
Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.

The whole discussion went right over your half brain.
You're just too dumb for this discussion......Go take a nap (after you have another drink.)
Go take a long walk on a short plank.
It's pier not plank
All you get is a plank.
Trump was right again. Both sides of the Charlottesville riot were bad, and there IS a moral equivalency between the Marxist and Fascist. Both are dangerous fanatics who have murdered and oppressed millions. The difference is that today’s Democrats are dangerous far left wing crackpots but the Republicans are just mainstream middle class people who want a decent culture, low taxes, law and order, a strong national defense, an assertive foreign policy and clean fair elections with no voter fraud.
And pigs and Palen fly

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