Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.
There are days I actually find myself wishing Trump would just stay on the fucking golf course for the next four years.

What days are those? The days they won't let you into the bathhouse because your venereal disease rashes are inflamed?
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.
There are days I actually find myself wishing Trump would just stay on the fucking golf course for the next four years.

What days are those? The days they won't let you into the bathhouse because your venereal disease rashes are inflamed?
NO the days where the DOW is off 274 and NAS 123,,,,,,,, Have no fear of NK Iran China Russia Only fear what the asshole trump will fu next
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.
There are days I actually find myself wishing Trump would just stay on the fucking golf course for the next four years.

What days are those? The days they won't let you into the bathhouse because your venereal disease rashes are inflamed?
NO the days where the DOW is off 274 and NAS 123,,,,,,,, Have no fear of NK Iran China Russia Only fear what the asshole trump will fu next

Sorry, but you're a babbling idiot, and suck at trolling; we expect much higher standards here than you're obviously used to, so in the future please stick to the sewing or origami forums or something.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.
There are days I actually find myself wishing Trump would just stay on the fucking golf course for the next four years.

What days are those? The days they won't let you into the bathhouse because your venereal disease rashes are inflamed?
NO the days where the DOW is off 274 and NAS 123,,,,,,,, Have no fear of NK Iran China Russia Only fear what the asshole trump will fu next

Sorry, but you're a babbling idiot, and suck at trolling; we expect much higher standards here than you're obviously used to, so in the future please stick to the sewing or origami forums or something.
Pisshead are you another one we can blame for the AH in our WH ?? I think so
Jerry Brown's daddy compared Reagan to John Wilkes Booth, so liberals do this to ALL populist heroes on the right. by the way, Reagan kicked Brown's ass by 15 points.
This crass tycoon from Queens fights harder for us conservatives than ANY of the Republicans who spent the last two years calling him a fraud.

You have so much to show for it as well.

Gorsuch, putting judges on the federal bench at all levels........backing down North Korea, cutting pointless, expensive regulations and now the economy is about to take off, low unemployment, and he is there ready and waiting to sign obamacare repeal and to sign a tax cut bill.......all set to go when the cowards in the Republican party send it to him....

Far more than we would have had if hilary had won.....
Like I said, so much to show for it.
Trump is correct: Only a country of babies would try to erase their history because their feelings are hurt. That's what we're doing.
Actually the two side are much alike. You're just too much of an idiot to realize you're no different than the neo-Nazis. You Antifa thugs like using terror tactics to scare people. I hope you Antifa faggots and neo-Nazis kill each other at your rallies and riots. America will be a much better place without the lot of all of you.

Well, asshole.........In WWII, all the allies including us, were "ANTIFA".....To equate that both Antifa AND Nazi sympathizers as morally "equal: shows what a fuck head you really are.

To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.
You know "antifa" means anti-fascist. I know you're not......but..............

Yet they use fascist tactics.

Even if they are anti fascist that doesn't change the fact that they are violent, hatemongers.

Btw does this mean you finally accept that national socialists are socialists?
You mean like the People's Republic of China is a republic?

Why did the NAZIS throw the socialists into Dachau first once they gained power?

No. More like how antifa is anti fascist.
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy and smoke a lib My idea is to take all those statues of American traitors and put them in a hall of shame so all you little righty terrorists can visit them

You realize that all our Founders were traitors. We were founded by traitors to the crown.
Yes they were...and the only thing that saved them from a traitor's fate was that we won. The North was TOO LENIENT to the Southern traitors.

With malice toward none and charity toward all was how Lincoln reconciled the nation.

It's also why you don't deserve power
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.
I don't think there is ANY difference in Trump's point of view from the time before he was inaugurated and running for president.

Some people actually expected him to change, joke was on them. Very bad joke too. I blame the people who made up that rumor.
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy and smoke a lib My idea is to take all those statues of American traitors and put them in a hall of shame so all you little righty terrorists can visit them

You realize that all our Founders were traitors. We were founded by traitors to the crown.
Yes they were...and the only thing that saved them from a traitor's fate was that we won. The North was TOO LENIENT to the Southern traitors.

With malice toward none and charity toward all was how Lincoln reconciled the nation.

It's also why you don't deserve power
What reconciled you talking about ? The filthy south still hates the north and still wish they had slavery
and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant

"Correct"........and THAT is why ONE anti Nazi person is in a grave.....and why 19 anti-Nazi folks are in hospitals.......right???

Not the question that was asked.

But to answer your question, it isn't more because somebody can't drive and didn't think to put a nail laden piece of cardboard on the front of their car.

I only regret you were not there to take your share of the load.
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

Watch the video. The supremacists went there ready for trouble. They found it. The world is condemning them as they should. Only the president and you fools believe otherwise.

Except the president and all of us have condemned the supremacists. We just made sure to condemn the other violent rioters as well.

See we oppose all violent hateful bigots. Not Just some of them. And if there were some on our side we would still oppose them.
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

Watch the video. The supremacists went there ready for trouble. They found it. The world is condemning them as they should. Only the president and you fools believe otherwise.

Except the president and all of us have condemned the supremacists. We just made sure to condemn the other violent rioters as well.

See we oppose all violent hateful bigots. Not Just some of them. And if there were some on our side we would still oppose them.

Hear the pigs blood story your president told ? What a comic
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

Watch the video. The supremacists went there ready for trouble. They found it. The world is condemning them as they should. Only the president and you fools believe otherwise.

Except the president and all of us have condemned the supremacists. We just made sure to condemn the other violent rioters as well.

See we oppose all violent hateful bigots. Not Just some of them. And if there were some on our side we would still oppose them.

Yes, you condemn them from one side and support them from the other. There is no equivalency. The counter protesters are not hateful bigots.
When the invasion starts we'll dip our bullets in possum blood before coming for you traitors
A leftist whining about morals. Really?
Since you know Trump has no morals except scamming people out of money and sexually assaulting women you take frustration out on Nat.
All we know about Gnat is that he hates Trump.
We also know Gnat's an asshole.

Majority of Americans hate this boy president.
And that's why the majority of Americans have advanced degrees and work for industry giants...not.
Unfortunately, this thread has turned into a pro and con the Antifa movement....
Actually, I don't condone violence.....I had enough of that during my days of civil rights and anti Vietnam war days.

However, the point was and is this:

One side is full of KKK, white supremacist and Nazi proponents......
The other side if full of those who oppose the objectives of the above proponents.

THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between those two groups and Trump chose to side with the bigots in his wishy-washy statement that both sides are to blame.....and THAT is cowardly bullshit......

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