Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

Ya gotta love Trump haters... they went on and on about how Trump was going start WW III, now they're bitching because he isn't "attacking" the president of Russia.

These folks need mental help.

The whole discussion went right over your half brain.
You're just too dumb for this discussion......Go take a nap (after you have another drink.)

As usual, complete blather. Oh, and thanks for making my point. As for the drink, it's a bit early kid.
Well, if the shoe fits...

Well, Templar......"thank you" for the SIXTEEN "funny faces" you gave my posts......I guess I truly own your sorry, fat ass.................LOL

(what an idiot........)
Hey two can play at that stupid little game. And I learned from the best.

But if you don't like that, perhaps you could engage me seriously.

To be frank, you couldn't own your way out of a paper bag much less own someone else.
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The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

Watch the video. The supremacists went there ready for trouble. They found it. The world is condemning them as they should. Only the president and you fools believe otherwise.
The alt right has become an umbrella community for the American far-right, a loosely defined movement with a strong center of gravity online and which encompasses a large number of subnetworks.

Some of these subgroups identify primarily as the alt-right, but many are affiliated with more specific strains of white-nationalist ideology—including the Ku Klux Klan, Odinists, Neo-Nazis, and more, many in full regalia lest anyone miss the point.

Let's be a little more clear. These groups have different agendas and ideas but there is one underling principle that drives them all. The belief in white supremacy.

'The president let a Jew steal his daughter': White nationalist Charlottesville rally co-organizer says he's disgusted to see Jared Kushner with Ivanka as he predicts MORE people are going to die
  • Christopher Cantwell says he hopes somebody 'more racist' and 'capable' than the president will come along to help him spread his racist message
  • 'Somebody like Donald Trump, who does not give his daughter to a Jew,' he said
  • 'I don't think you could feel the way I do about race, and watch that Kushner bastard walk around with that beautiful girl,' he said
  • Cantwell, who had been talking about how he was trying to make himself 'more capable of violence', said he hoped to find someone more 'capable... to do that'
  • 'We're not non-violent. We'll f***ing kill these people if we have to', he said
  • A woman died, and 19 were injured when a white nationalist plowed his car into the crowd at the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally on Saturday
  • But white nationlaist Cantwell said he considered the rally a win for his side
  • 'I think a lot more people are going to die before we're done here,' he said
  • 'People die every day. The fact that nobody on our side died... (and) none of our people killed anyone unjustly, I think is a plus for us'

Read more: Rally organizer: 'President let a Jew steal his daughter' | Daily Mail Online

Trump disagrees with their views. He always has. You are just proving the Right's point.

That's certainly not evident in his behavior.
Hillary's husband abused a female intern and then bombed freaking Europe to deflect attention and lefties think Trump doesn't have moral authority? Will the left wing fantasy never end?
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.
Hillary's husband abused a female intern and then bombed freaking Europe to deflect attention and lefties think Trump doesn't have moral authority? Will the left wing fantasy never end?
Are you gd mad? Clinton was a far better president than the scum you make excuses for And a better man too
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.
So we can blame you too for this pos in our WH ,,,,,Mr pro business as ALL the CEO's walk out on him
The democrats aren't.

Aren't what? Beating people? Seriously?

Watch this and listen to their words.
These people deserve to be run out of town.

If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

Beating people into submission is illegal. You can't do it to your wife, kids, or strangers you find repugnant. It is illegal to beat gay people because you find them repugnant, and it is illegal to beat white supremacists because you find them repugnant. There is not a special set of laws for liberals.

How many white supremacists ended up beaten?....ended up in the hospital? ...ended up in the morgue?

I was addressing this:
If a beating is required to send them scampering back into the darkness, so be it.

This is illegal. Its terrorism. It is wrong no matter which side does it, no matter which side has more casualties and no matter which side you agree with.

Its terrorism

Bullshit. Your rhetoric is getting stupid.

The vast majority of the counter protesters were locals were unarmed and didn't hurt anyone. This narrative that it was antifa and they were armed is ridiculous. Did you even see any of the live coverage?





Who is geared up for a fight?
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.

yes nat, by all means give me a smiley when you lack an intelligent response, as usual. I think it still counts as a post.
This crass tycoon from Queens fights harder for us conservatives than ANY of the Republicans who spent the last two years calling him a fraud.
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.
So we can blame you too for this pos in our WH ,,,,,Mr pro business as ALL the CEO's walk out on him

Gee whiz, why the anger? You can blame whoever you like.
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

He said that white racist, socialists were vile....he said that antifa socialist, racists were vile.....because he said that socialists were vile and that racists were vile, you think he lost moral authority.....

of course, you support the racists in antifa. you support the violent socialists in antifa........and so anyone who does not support racism and socialism is a problem for it.
This crass tycoon from Queens fights harder for us conservatives than ANY of the Republicans who spent the last two years calling him a fraud.

You have so much to show for it as well.

Gorsuch, putting judges on the federal bench at all levels........backing down North Korea, cutting pointless, expensive regulations and now the economy is about to take off, low unemployment, and he is there ready and waiting to sign obamacare repeal and to sign a tax cut bill.......all set to go when the cowards in the Republican party send it to him....

Far more than we would have had if hilary had won.....
Like I said in another thread, it takes two to tango. One side labeled as right wing were protesting the removal of historic monuments. If the left hadn't shown up to rumble, there wouldn't have been a rumble. Notice the owners of this country condemn Trump for condemning both sides? So this goes deeper than some old war monuments. The establishment never like trump, especially after he took out jeb bush. Then keeping hillary from being coronated queen, that was the last straw. I'm not a republican either. Just left the demorats and voted Trump as the better of two choices.
So we can blame you too for this pos in our WH ,,,,,Mr pro business as ALL the CEO's walk out on him

Gee whiz, why the anger? You can blame whoever you like.
Why thank you ,,,and btw mr stocks R US trumps market ,,NAS -119 DOW -257
.....and why 19 anti-Nazi folks are in hospitals.......right???

Oh, that's easy: they were dumbass Darwin Award Winners who thought hanging out in the middle of streets with a collection of violent masked hired thugs engaging in assaults and other criminal acts was a great idea or something. Of course, at least some of them were paid hired thugs themselves, so no need for anybody to feel sorry for them. they wanted to be Players, and got to play entirely of their own choices.
What could be easier for a President to do than publically stand on the throats of Nazis? How could a President pass the opportunity or kick the Nazis?

How could Trump wiff on a big fat hanging curveball like "Mr. President! Do you support the actions of the Neo-Nazis?"

Anyone with a pulse, let alone a soul, would take that microphone and proclaim for all the world to hear that he hates, disavows and condemns Nazis!
Why didn't he say so? Maybe because he didn't want to lie. Trump is a real white man and admires men such as Hitler, Putin, etc. They are/were moral men of action.
And you are taking in oxygen that should be used by human beings.
Trump is one of us. God only knows what you are.
Trump is our president

The man we look to for moral guidance. Most of the country is repulsed by him

When Bill was president, we were told morals were irrelevant in a POTUS. When did the rules change?
No tresha you were told BJ's weren't a bad thing

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