Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy Seal

View attachment 110074
Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy SEAL - The American Mirror

More than loser Obama has ever done, he was too good for them. Even when he did go visit it was for publicity not from his heart. That two bit bastard doesn't give a damn about fallen soldiers. He didn't even want to salute them, he made sure he did when a video shows him not saluting ..........
I see you like dropping bits of ignorance around the board like a puppy with diarrhea..
Obama visited many of the Fallen.
One difference between he and Pres. Trump...Obama didn't send in teams in order to give hi a photo op and publicity.
Obama directed and listened to the military during the planning, logistics and execution of military operations.
You should get used to fucked up, ill conceived, ill planned, and publicity driven military missions under Pres. Trump

Fixed that shit for you bruh.
View attachment 110074
Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy SEAL - The American Mirror

More than loser Obama has ever done, he was too good for them. Even when he did go visit it was for publicity not from his heart. That two bit bastard doesn't give a damn about fallen soldiers. He didn't even want to salute them, he made sure he did when a video shows him not saluting ..........
I see you like dropping bits of ignorance around the board like a puppy with diarrhea..
Pres. Obama visited many of the Fallen.
One difference between he and Trump...Pres. Obama didn't send in teams in order to give hi a photo op and publicity.
Pres. Obama directed and listened to the military during the planning, logistics and execution of military operations.
You should get used to fucked up, ill conceived, ill planned, and publicity driven military missions under trump.

Riiight Mmm k.
Just acknowledge that you either don't know what the hell you are talking about or are just a partition hack...

The mission was approved several days ago by President Barack Obama and is expected to be the last short-notice military operation ordered by him, according to sources.
Cook said the strike was carried out by two US Air Force B-2 Spirit bombers flying from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, a 30-plus hour roundtrip mission, and that over 100 bombs and missiles were dropped on the targets. It was the first time the aircraft were used in an attack since 2011.

President Obama did this on his way out the door and didn't demand that the press kiss his ass and broadcast it for political points, do you really think trump has that kind of class???
View attachment 110074
Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy SEAL - The American Mirror

More than loser Obama has ever done, he was too good for them. Even when he did go visit it was for publicity not from his heart. That two bit bastard doesn't give a damn about fallen soldiers. He didn't even want to salute them, he made sure he did when a video shows him not saluting ..........
I see you like dropping bits of ignorance around the board like a puppy with diarrhea..
Obama visited many of the Fallen.
One difference between he and Pres. Trump...Obama didn't send in teams in order to give hi a photo op and publicity.
Obama directed and listened to the military during the planning, logistics and execution of military operations.
You should get used to fucked up, ill conceived, ill planned, and publicity driven military missions under Pres. Trump

Fixed that shit for you bruh.
Thank You Sir...
Sure buddy, you try to cover truth all you like...At least Oblama had a military reg hair cut, Trumpet the hippie is above looking like a commander in chief...
Bet you have a problem with his hair too:


Most of Obama lovers who haven't brought themselves out of his trance, are so far gone there is no hope for them to ever see what this crooked pos has done.

He could kill their own kid, and the dumb sob's would make up some bs excuse for him. They are seriously fkd in the head.
Mindwars, YOU are the one who started this OP trying to make Trump look good by slamming Obama, saying Obama NEVER visited families or honored returning fallen troops. And your proof of that is that you never saw it on whichever media you choose to favor. Now you accuse anyone setting the record straight as seriously fkd in the head? Hmmm, isn't there something about motes and beams I could quote here?

ps Obama, nor any of his supporters, ever bragged about being able to shoot someone on 5th Ave and still get votes either. You got that one ass-backwards too.
If it is unannounced, how come the whole world is reading about it? I saw it on Yahoo 1/2 hour ago. You actually believe he would do this quietly without credit for being so solicitous of grieving parents? Fat chance! This is a photo op.
What you are not considering here is those who personally saw him do such a thing. That is another way that things like this are brought to light. Those who witness what is done by another person can always be the person(s) who have a mouth the size of Texas, not that I blame them. In my opinion, stuff like this should be all over the place. Why shouldn't a respectful action be shared with the rest of us? If they were all kept under wraps, it would be nothing but bad that we would be hearing and reading about.

God bless you always!!!

Thread summary:

Trump thugs say it's okay if Trump gets our military people killed through his corruption and incompetence, so long as he gets a photo op out of it.
If it is unannounced, how come the whole world is reading about it? I saw it on Yahoo 1/2 hour ago. You actually believe he would do this quietly without credit for being so solicitous of grieving parents? Fat chance! This is a photo op.

Where are all the photos at?
Thread summary:

Trump thugs say it's okay if Trump gets our military people killed through his corruption and incompetence, so long as he gets a photo op out of it.

Were the funerals that Obama went to a "photo op" as well?
View attachment 110074
Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy SEAL - The American Mirror

More than loser Obama has ever done, he was too good for them. Even when he did go visit it was for publicity not from his heart. That two bit bastard doesn't give a damn about fallen soldiers. He didn't even want to salute them, he made sure he did when a video shows him not saluting ..........

Obama did go to a few funerals in his eight years. Over 2500+ casualties though.
In your wet wild dreams....He visited caskets of fallen soldiers....Partisanship is one thing, out right lying is another...

Yes, I will concede that He did.

However, knowing that American Soldiers tend to be other than extreme leftist liberals, the visit was solely to assure Him that they were really dead.
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View attachment 110074
Trump makes unannounced visit to pay respects to fallen Navy SEAL - The American Mirror

More than loser Obama has ever done, he was too good for them. Even when he did go visit it was for publicity not from his heart. That two bit bastard doesn't give a damn about fallen soldiers. He didn't even want to salute them, he made sure he did when a video shows him not saluting ..........
That's the least he could do, since its his fault.....
You folks on the left are seriously beginning to disgust me. JS
Just now beginning to disgust you? You right winged morons have had me disgusted the very day you existed. Its catch up time and I'm not talkin hot dogs here
Oh stuff it Tiger, you know damn well I'm not a Republican don't try to fly that partisan bullcrap - my political leanings are right in my sig.

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