Trump May Announce For MutherFukin' White House Soon, in Lincoln's Party!(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The GOP leadership promises that somebody, somewhere, anytime soon may really, really, announce a candidacy for the "Black Seat," in the Executive Branch.

And many are opposed to the canonizatin of Jean Paul II, as some nature of "Predatory Saint," it should be noted in the same thread.

At any rate, Blacks and Latinos do seem to be offended, by the whole thing. For now, Trump has been able to attempt to identify with his own view of the minority population, most recently doing his pandering best. making speeches to the Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance And Other Treasure Into the Sea! The Arizona Governor even has a Tea Berserker license plate, in the statutes.

Commentary: Obama needs to increase support among blacks and Latinos | McClatchy

The Make Work Pay tax credit is gone. Many have guessed that the GOP has never really been on board with that, and from their start. The payroll tax holiday is so far temporary, and the cheap SUV's are expensive to drive around, for now.

Will the new rhetoric work at GOP?! Will the new "Holy Spirit," work at. . . .well(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Billions watched the Great Wedding at Westminster Abbey, and even did cartwheels(?)! Millions of those have creature comforts, never even made available to Ancient Royals, of all continents. The Great Socialist Credit Market, exceeding $52.0 tril. in the USA alone, does tend to spread the wealth around. Widespread Wealth Worldwide is the obvious prelude to an anarchy, worldwide!)
The GOP leadership promises that somebody, somewhere, anytime soon may really, really, announce a candidacy for the "Black Seat," in the Executive Branch.

And many are opposed to the canonizatin of Jean Paul II, as some nature of "Predatory Saint," it should be noted in the same thread.

At any rate, Blacks and Latinos do seem to be offended, by the whole thing. For now, Trump has been able to attempt to identify with his own view of the minority population, most recently doing his pandering best. making speeches to the Old, Fat, White People--Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance And Other Treasure Into the Sea! The Arizona Governor even has a Tea Berserker license plate, in the statutes.

Commentary: Obama needs to increase support among blacks and Latinos | McClatchy

The Make Work Pay tax credit is gone. Many have guessed that the GOP has never really been on board with that, and from their start. The payroll tax holiday is so far temporary, and the cheap SUV's are expensive to drive around, for now.

Will the new rhetoric work at GOP?! Will the new "Holy Spirit," work at. . . .well(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Billions watched the Great Wedding at Westminster Abbey, and even did cartwheels(?)! Millions of those have creature comforts, never even made available to Ancient Royals, of all continents. The Great Socialist Credit Market, exceeding $52.0 tril. in the USA alone, does tend to spread the wealth around. Widespread Wealth Worldwide is the obvious prelude to an anarchy, worldwide!)

:eusa_eh: What?
Saw Trump on tv the other day. Said people would be surprised when he made a formal announcement but couldn't until the end of May due to contract agreements with his tv reality show. My crystal ball says he's not going to run for President. He's just hogging up camera time and enjoying all the attention. His ego likes getting all the strokes.
Well, as Joe Biden would say to obama, "this is a big fucking deal."

A woman in the audience was heard shouting, "Donald, we need you to run for President." His was, "I'm going to make you very happy."

I don't think there's any doubt he's running. He knows he can beat the kenyan without much to-do at all, because little lop eared, purple lipped Barry has already beat himself, and not only that, I think Trump has bigger bombs than proving obama's birth certificates are fake to drop when he does run.
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I'm glad he brought up Obama's B.C., but unless he talks about the Federal Reserve and the roll of the CFR, TriLateral Commission and the Bilderberg Groups on American Policy, then he'll be no better than any other candidate.
Ever since the Nixon, "Southern Strategy," millions appear to have been able to guess the The Party of Abraham Lincoln, was not all that sincere about the "freedom" thing, after all.

Admitting that Haldeman's dad was friend of my own--among the first to advertise cars on TV--and that no one famously would buy a used car from Nixon, himself: Still there is an Executive Office seat up for election, in the coming year.

Soon again, millions can ask the famous old question, "What do they Know, and When Did They Know It(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Actually, history records that mainly Lincoln freed the slaves of greater, Washington, D. C.--either before or after, declaring a state of Martial Law to be in place, at the time! The current White House admires that stuff! That may in fact explain how millions. . .well! People do know how politicians tend to waffle on the issues. even now.)
The polls demonstrate that much of the disapproval is coming from segments of the voters who will not support Obama under any circumstances. The voters who are feeling no love for Obama are older, less educated, higher income, more religious - and more white. Among whites, he has only a 39 percent approval rating.

And we have posters in this very thread to prove it.
Saw Trump on tv the other day. Said people would be surprised when he made a formal announcement but couldn't until the end of May due to contract agreements with his tv reality show. My crystal ball says he's not going to run for President. He's just hogging up camera time and enjoying all the attention. His ego likes getting all the strokes.

Is this May Surprise going to be similar to his "surprising" information that we 'won't believe' his investigators found in Hawaii?:lol:
Famously there would be anti-draft riots celebrating Abraham Lincoln's decision to eviscerate and decimate all white people in the United States, 1861-1865. As a part of the agenda, then Maritial Law became a part of the Republican Party, concept of "Freedom," at the very start.

Did President Lincoln suspend the U.S. Constitution?

Some may notice how this applies in Afghanistan, or in Iraq, where many of them have noticed that it applies in those two nations, also: Which are not states of the United States.

The Obama's are clearly on board with Lincoln's concept of what it means to be free, if blacks are let loose. D. C. public schools were not created for attendance by the children of the Obamas, or others. Ivy League educated people do not do, Washington, D. C., public schools: Or do anything to improve them.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And as for White Trash billionaires, that all goes without saying, just like in history or in current events commentary!)
I think trump will run, and if he is not an idiot I am also confident in his ability to win.
I think Trump in the runup to the GOP nomination will make for a very colorful primary process.

I hope Palin runs, too.

The more rabid right wingers running for the GOP nod the better, far as I'm concerned.
This country is so hungry for a Prez with true leadership qualities, even Adolph Hitler could get elected.
At Tea Berserker GOP, Then anyone knows the difference between a "Great Emancipation," and "Freedom." When Lincoln freed the Confederate State slaves, then of course the GOP controlled Northern States were exempt. "True Freedom," is like that: For the Lincoln Administration admiring, and based-party, of people.

Featured Document: The Emancipation Proclamation

It is Known that the Ivy League Obamas actually like the legacy of Lincoln. It is know that the nappie-headed little hopefulls: Have no concept of the D.C. Schools. They are at Sidwell Friends School instead, which believes, just like "real school," in the Ivy League.

Especially in the South, then Lincoln enjoined especially the newly freed, when allowed, to labor for reasonable wages. There was no Minimum Wage law to contend with, which was reasonable at the time.

The Northern States were mercifully under Martial Law!

The Obamas, and the Liberals, and the Ivy League so love the old Lincoln Administration!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so "real leadership" preferences are clearly known to all, more or less as "Human Rights," are also known to all: Even in U. S. foreign policy, and in domestic cases at law!)
Trump has played this game before. He craves the attention that being a potential candidate brings. when it comes down to it....he backs away

Trump will not reveal his tax way he runs
Beatification Day for some, And then it is also likely Disgrace and Remberance Day for others.

In America, we have Amendment XIII: As millions might say so!

"1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

"2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

Easily the ancient Roman Senate could even understand where they were likely to get even more slaves. Lincoln had so fondly, and lovingly, placed the North under martial law at the time. The conquerers were already employing federal troops, in anticipation of, "The Destruction," in the South. There would be no reasonable wages. There would be a criminal court system, wherein the parties that anyone could think of would be duly convicted.

Anyone can see that the Republicans have a very clear concept of Freedom, just like Rome(?)! No doubt should be left that they still have a plan, even for the old and the sick!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirrred!"
(For Jesus so-loved all his. . . .well(?). The Obama White House itself, so fondly admires the Lincoln Administration, too(?)!)
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Well, as Joe Biden would say to obama, "this is a big fucking deal."

A woman in the audience was heard shouting, "Donald, we need you to run for President." His was, "I'm going to make you very happy."

I don't think there's any doubt he's running. He knows he can beat the kenyan without much to-do at all, because little lop eared, purple lipped Barry has already beat himself, and not only that, I think Trump has bigger bombs than proving obama's birth certificates are fake to drop when he does run.
Nahhhhhhhhhhhh.....much like you.....Fat Donny is just regular, average, ordinary, garden-variety White Trash.....​

"Letterman suggests that if he comes back to Late Show — “and I’m not sure that we want him back” — Trump “ought to be prepared to apologize

Of course, Lincoln was one of US history's strongest "Progressives"...

So he probably wouldn't much appreciate anyone in the Republican party nowadays.

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