Trump May Override Rosenstein, Declassify Remaining DOJ FISA Docs: Report


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009


After months of dribbling out incomplete document requests made by frustrated GOP lawmakers, President Trump may be about to override Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and use his presidential authority to declassify several caches of information related to the DOJ/FBI's ongoing Trump-Russia counterintelligence operation, according to former IBD Bureau Chief Paul Sperry.

Sperry tweeted on Sunday that President Trump may declassify: 20 redacted pages of a June, 2017 FISA renewal, "and possibly" 63 pages of emails and notes between "Ohr & Steele," and FD-302 summaries of 12 interviews - In reference to twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr and/or his wife Nellie, both of whom were working with opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Trump.

Look this month for POTUS to declassify ...

-- 20 redacted pages of June 2017 FISA renewal

... and possibly ...

-- 63 pages of emails and notes b/t Ohr & Steele

-- FD-302 summaries of 12 FBI interviews w/ Ohr re Steele

... and watch Dems and media toadies become apoplectic

As Cristina Laila of the Gateway Pundit notes, Rosenstein and then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe both signed off on a June 2017 FISA surveillance warrant renewal on former Trump aide Carter Page.

2017 FISA renewal application (screenshot)
Meanwhile, several frustrated GOP lawmakers have called for the full release of the requested documents - with Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) calling for their declassification recently, and Meadows and other members drawing up articles of impeachment against Rosenstein, only to withdraw them shortly thereafter.
It has come to the point that @realDonaldTrump himself needs to & should declassify the Carter Page FISA warrant applications & ONLY redact sources & methods that must be redacted. There is NO good reason why the public has not yet seen this information.

In June, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee asked President Trump to declassify key sections of Carter Page's FISA warrant application, according to a letter obtained by Fox News.

Trump May Override Rosenstein, Declassify Remaining DOJ FISA Docs: Report
Everything which can potentially help to stop expensive witch hunt, to save American taxpayers' money and to fire Deep State agents in Intel and Congress would be very welcome and benefit the country and the whole world.
The boss can overrule the subordinate…

That is how its supposed to work.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.

They already got all of that from your precious Hillary's servers.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.

Compare that to all the fucks you gave when Hillary's private server got our entire Chinese spy network killed
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
From those privy to the classified material before it was redacted stated that it wasn't anything but CYA material.
That doesn't surprise me these days.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
From those privy to the classified material before it was redacted stated that it wasn't anything but CYA material.
That doesn't surprise me these days.
If TRUMP does declassify FISA warrant it will be interesting to see what Republicans in Congress who have seen the unreacted warrant but who have continued to defend it as being valid do.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.

Since the fake dossier used in the warrant came from Russians I'm sure they already know our sources and methods.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
From those privy to the classified material before it was redacted stated that it wasn't anything but CYA material.
That doesn't surprise me these days.
In theory, redacting of official documents prior to public release is supposed to be solely to protect confidential sources, or protect ongoing prosecutions, or otherwise serve legitimate government interests. Redactions to prevent embarrassment or potentially illegal activities on the part of federal officials is not legitimate.
t's clear that DOJ/FBI demanded significant redactions not to protect national security or sources/methods, but to protect potentially corrupt officials from accountability for their actions before and after Trump's election.

The Flynn redactions appear to have been done to protect a false statements case with no evidentiary basis. Others were done to hide apparent conspiracy to spy on and leak against Trump officials out of spite over the election results.

Not surprising at all
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
From those privy to the classified material before it was redacted stated that it wasn't anything but CYA material.
That doesn't surprise me these days.
“BREAKING: @FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ wants all names redacted from #FISAMemo putting pressure on White House and House Intelligence Committee, Government officials say … is releasing names a threat to national security?” Carter tweeted Thursday.
“Having read ‘The Memo,’ the FBI is right to have ‘grave concerns’ – as it will shake the organization down to its core – showing Americans just how the agency was weaponized by the Obama officials/DNC/HRC to target political adversaries. #ReleaseTheMemo,” he tweeted.
Report: FBI and Justice Department Want Names Redacted from the FISA Memo

And there's that
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
From those privy to the classified material before it was redacted stated that it wasn't anything but CYA material.
That doesn't surprise me these days.
“BREAKING: @FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ wants all names redacted from #FISAMemo putting pressure on White House and House Intelligence Committee, Government officials say … is releasing names a threat to national security?” Carter tweeted Thursday.
“Having read ‘The Memo,’ the FBI is right to have ‘grave concerns’ – as it will shake the organization down to its core – showing Americans just how the agency was weaponized by the Obama officials/DNC/HRC to target political adversaries. #ReleaseTheMemo,” he tweeted.
Report: FBI and Justice Department Want Names Redacted from the FISA Memo

And there's that

Those fuckers are dirty. They're all going down.
The New York Times petitioned the FISA court to release the warrant back in February.

They must be Republican and want to damage national security!

The Times Asks Court to Unseal Documents on Surveillance of Carter Page

WASHINGTON — The New York Times is asking the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to unseal secret documents related to the wiretapping of Carter Page, the onetime Trump campaign adviser at the center of a disputed memo written by Republican staffers on the House Intelligence Committee.

The motion is unusual. No such wiretapping application materials apparently have become public since Congress first enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in 1978. That law regulates electronic spying on domestic soil — the interception of phone calls and emails — undertaken in the name of monitoring suspected spies and terrorists, as opposed to wiretapping for investigating ordinary criminal suspect.
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.

Since the fake dossier used in the warrant came from Russians I'm sure they already know our sources and methods.

Democrats wanted their memo released.

They should get their wish!

Release the entire umredacted warrant.

Democrats defend FBI, DOJ in rebuttal to GOP intel memo

Democrats criticized the White House for green-lighting the release of the memo on a weekend afternoon when it would get less attention than the GOP-authored document did. A senior committee official said that there was a good-faith effort between Democratic staff and Justice Department officials to make redactions of sensitive information, but that the White House appeared to sit on the final version for days.

"The White House and the majority say that they’re glad this information is out. That is clearly not the case," Schiff said in an interview at a Democratic convention in San Diego Saturday. "If so they would have released it at the same time as the majority memorandum."
Lefties really wanted to see the unredacted warrant back in February.

Analysis | The case for releasing the FISA warrant application behind these memos

“It is in the best interests of the court and the public to ensure that accurate information is made available to enhance public oversight and confidence in the system,” said Jane Kirtley, a media law specialist at the University of Minnesota Law School. “That said, it is very, very difficult to persuade the FISA court to unseal anything. But the circumstances here might be persuasive, in light of the unusual actions of the president and the Republicans.”

Leonard M. Niehoff, a First Amendment expert at the University of Michigan Law School, agreed that the GOP’s unusual declassification of the Nunes memo makes underlying documents, such as the warrant application, fair game.

“The declassified Republican memorandum raises more questions than it answers, and it seems unlikely that anything short of a significant additional disclosure will allow the public to understand what happened and why,” Niehoff said. “The argument for withholding therefore focuses entirely on security and law enforcement concerns. Where the executive branch has determined those interests to be limited, it is hard to understand how they can outweigh that strong public interest in disclosure.”
Schiff wants the warrant unredacted and released, too.

Rep. Adam Schiff: FBI followed "correct procedures" on Carter Page warrant - CBS News

Schiff disputed the president's claims that Democrats acted in bad faith when crafting their memo, saying "the hypocrisy of this just kind of reaches out and grabs you by the throat."

He added, "What's really going on here... is the president doesn't want the public to see the underlying facts. What is revealed in our memo are quotations from the very FISA application that really demonstrate just how misleading the Republicans have been."
Yes, by all means let Donald Traitor unredact classified material and reveal to the Russians and terrorists our sources and methods for gathering intelligence on hostile enemies.
Nice try but you


Everything which can potentially help to stop expensive witch hunt, to save American taxpayers' money and to fire Deep State agents in Intel and Congress would be very welcome and benefit the country and the whole world.
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