Trump Meeting with Rocket Man is a Yuge Moment in History

Kim foiled the Dotard once again

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So you show Nixon. Now if Obama or Clinton wanted to meet him, the Conservatives would have a fit, some are.

Clinton negotiated a deal that ensured that the NK's would never get Nukes.
(And he financed their getting of Nukes)

Obama just ignored everything and prayed they wouldn't come and get him.
Besides, Obama couldn't give them any money. He had just sent a plane load
of cash to Iran, to ensure they could continue to finance terrorism throughout
the Middle East.

The all tried, but Trump has Russia in his corner. The OP shows China and Russia in his pics, I'm sure both are happy with Trump playing nice with NK, as well as SK.

I myself would hate to see war, but as I see it they have US over a barrel, they are calling the shots. But make no mistake they are not going to get rid of their nukes, unless they have no oil that we'd want??
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"It’s not that previous presidents didn’t have the option of meeting with the head of the hermit kingdom. “North Korea has been seeking a summit with an American president for more than twenty years,” Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at Middlebury Institute of International studies tweeted Thursday night. “It has literally been a top foreign policy goal of Pyongyang since Kim Jong Il invited Bill Clinton.”

Why Trump's Predecessors Did Not Meet With North Korea
Trump has already walked back his promise to meet with NK ..


so how long is that- how long does NK have to stop all testing and give up their nuclear program before Trumps ass does what his mouth said it would do ?

hell, that could be a decade ...

So you show Nixon. Now if Obama or Clinton wanted to meet him, the Conservatives would have a fit, some are.
Obama and Clinton dropped the ball.
Trump picked it up and ran for a touchdown.
Of course you don’t have the balls to address Penelope’s point.
You’re a dickless wonder.

Penelope had no point, Clinton fucked up on NK and maobama said there was nothing left to sanction in NK, Trump proved him wrong.

So you show Nixon. Now if Obama or Clinton wanted to meet him, the Conservatives would have a fit, some are.
Obama and Clinton dropped the ball.
Trump picked it up and ran for a touchdown.
Of course you don’t have the balls to address Penelope’s point.
You’re a dickless wonder.

Penelope had no point, Clinton fucked up on NK and maobama said there was nothing left to sanction in NK, Trump proved him wrong.


WTF do you mean, nothing to sanction NK about ?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama imposed sweeping new sanctions on North Korea on Wednesday intended to further isolate the country’s leadership after recent actions by Pyongyang that have been seen by Washington and its allies as provocative.

they havent been shooting Roman Candles, those were MISSILES YOU F'N IDGET.
So you show Nixon. Now if Obama or Clinton wanted to meet him, the Conservatives would have a fit, some are.
Obama and Clinton dropped the ball.
Trump picked it up and ran for a touchdown.
Of course you don’t have the balls to address Penelope’s point.
You’re a dickless wonder.

Penelope had no point, Clinton fucked up on NK and maobama said there was nothing left to sanction in NK, Trump proved him wrong.


WTF do you mean, nothing to sanction NK about ?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama imposed sweeping new sanctions on North Korea on Wednesday intended to further isolate the country’s leadership after recent actions by Pyongyang that have been seen by Washington and its allies as provocative.

they havent been shooting Roman Candles, those were MISSILES YOU F'N IDGET.

It was clear what Obama officials were doing in 2013. The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened President Obama’s North Korea “strategic patience” policy -- a policy to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road to the next president. Obama officials tried to downplay the DIA assessment to prevent it from being used to force the president to employ a more assertive North Korea policy.

It’s worth noting that the Trump White House has not condemned the Washington Post story as a leak. That’s probably because it was an authorized disclosure of classified information to advance President Trump’s North Korea strategy. That is, instead of concealing intelligence to avoid taking action against the tough North Korea problem like the Obama administration did, the Trump administration publicized this same intelligence to demonstrate the seriousness of this threat and why decisive action by the United States is required.

Obama administration knew about North Korea's miniaturized nukes

The Senate is set to sanction North Korea on Wednesday, using legislation supporters say counteracts Obama's failure to hit back at the unpredictable regime.

The legislation comes amid a new round of belligerent behavior from Pyongyang that has returned the spotlight to the once tech-averse state. In recent weeks, the reclusive East Asian nation has fired a long-range rocket, restarted a nuclear reactor and claimed to have tested a hydrogen bomb.

Senate to sanction North Korea in rebuke of Obama policy

Historians will always note the key days in history when huge gains towards peace were made.
White House Now Trying To Moonwalk Back Trump's Summit Goof

I don’t think we know that Sarah Sanders either knew what she was talking about in the just concluded press briefing or whether what she says will remain operative through the day or the week. But the upshot of Sanders briefing this afternoon appeared to be to walk back dramatically the announcement last night that President Trump would meet with Kim Jong Un.

Read More →
- Josh Marshall
Historians will always note the key days in history when huge gains towards peace were made.
White House Now Trying To Moonwalk Back Trump's Summit Goof

I don’t think we know that Sarah Sanders either knew what she was talking about in the just concluded press briefing or whether what she says will remain operative through the day or the week. But the upshot of Sanders briefing this afternoon appeared to be to walk back dramatically the announcement last night that President Trump would meet with Kim Jong Un.

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- Josh Marshall

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