Trump meets with Andrew Wakefield!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Meeting with Trump emboldens anti-vaccine activists

AWESOME! I mean it really doesn't change much of anything because there would be an outright revolt if congress tried to force vaccines down everyone's throats and they would have to murder me before I poisoned my kids with that shit but its really cool to see a President meet with Wakefield!

Oh and save your WHINING about him being discredited because its same old shit we have all heard from the "experts" and its all lies. "experts" at one time said Smoking was good for you as well...
I think it all depends on the child, and then the reactions of these things within the body. Not sure what the negative to positive stats are. Are there alternatives now ??
My grand kids, and my daughter have gotten or still are getting the vaccines while coming up, and they are all just fine.
You are lucky then. I don't care to play Russian Roulette with my kids lives nor mine.
I understand, but what are the statistics of these things going wrong I wonder ??
Not real sure. I do know that BILLIONS have been paid out to vaccine injured people.

Vaccines Injuries and Deaths Increase in Government Vaccine Court – June 2016 Report
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Which is better the 19th Century or the 7th Century, the latter is what Leftists want to help take Western Civilisation back to with their love-in with Islam and Islamists.

What's Islam's position on issues like vaccinations?
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
My grand kids, and my daughter have gotten or still are getting the vaccines while coming up, and they are all just fine.
You are lucky then. I don't care to play Russian Roulette with my kids lives nor mine.
I understand, but what are the statistics of these things going wrong I wonder ??
Not real sure. I do know that BILLIONS have been paid out to vaccine injured people.

Vaccines Injuries and Deaths Increase in Government Vaccine Court – June 2016 Report
. Wonder if the vaccines are of a different quality than in the past, and have they been outsourced like everything else has in this country ? Is the billions hush money as so it can remain business as usual in the corporate world of medicine??? You and others might be on to something, where as we need to look at the cases over the years, and then follow the trail as to what has changed. Could be that the vaccines have been changed, and are actually dangerous because of such changes made in where they come from, whose making them, and what the ingredients are now as opposed to before.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
. Can't go to public schools or daycares if the child isn't vaccinated. Right ?
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
. Can't go to public schools or daycares if the child isn't vaccinated. Right ?

Why are they forcing vaccinations? Again, anything that is forced on people, this isn't a good situation.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
. Can't go to public schools or daycares if the child isn't vaccinated. Right ?
3 of mine are in public schools with no vaccines. Just gotta sign a waiver and sometimes its gotta be notarized.
Meeting with Trump emboldens anti-vaccine activists

AWESOME! I mean it really doesn't change much of anything because there would be an outright revolt if congress tried to force vaccines down everyone's throats and they would have to murder me before I poisoned my kids with that shit but its really cool to see a President meet with Wakefield!

Oh and save your WHINING about him being discredited because its same old shit we have all heard from the "experts" and its all lies. "experts" at one time said Smoking was good for you as well...'s not?
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids.

Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere.

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