Trump meets with Andrew Wakefield!

Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
. Can't go to public schools or daycares if the child isn't vaccinated. Right ?

Why are they forcing vaccinations? Again, anything that is forced on people, this isn't a good situation.
. Well because for the most part they work maybe ?? Don't want a disease to become rampant again do we ?? Remember the polio vaccine, and how it ended the disease ?? They have a worth, but are they caught up in the free market system where they might be doing things cheaper in order to get more bang per shot, and therefore to add to the bottom lines ???? Hmmmm.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids.

Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere.

"Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids."

Newborns shouldn't be having these vaccinations, so no and no my babies weren't used as pin cushions either. Also we have good genes in this family, my Great Grandparents are well into their 90s and when they were young children they didn't have all these vaccinations.

"Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere."

Yes it's a hands-on and busy situation this weekend, it's down to motivation, who is more motivated, as I comment we're in for the 24 hour operation, my whole family, even our little brother aged 10 years-old he's helping also.

You are welcome to come to Europa!
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids.

Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere.
. No circumcisions either ?? I know an old friend/co-worker/employee who has since passed away from lung cancer a while back (rip), but I remember him telling me that he had to get circumcised late in life (had to let him off work for the operation), and this due to constantly getting infections when he had sex with his wife back then, and that there would also be bleeding in the area as well. He probably was in his late thirties when this took place. No more problems after that. My circumcision was done at birth, and I never had such problems like that.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids.

Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere.
. No circumcisions either ?? I know an old friend/co-worker/employee who has since passed away from lung cancer a while back (rip), but I remember him telling me that he had to get circumcised late in life (had to let him off work for the operation), and this due to constantly getting infections when he had sex with his wife back then, and that there would also be bleeding in the area as well. He probably was in his late thirties when this took place. No more problems after that. My circumcision was done at birth, and I never had such problems like that.
Nope no circumcisions. Did a lot of research about the NECESSITY of it and there was none. My son is almost 8 and has had zero problems and any future sons will be the same way. I was and my brothers were and man did we get flack for NOT doing it but go google a video of circumcision. Its a horrific practice and barbaric. I remember sitting in the recovery room after wife gave birth to our last child and listening to the baby next door being circumcised it was just heartbreaking....made me want to puke.
Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.
In most states here they are voluntary. Only West Virginia,Mississippi and California FORCE vaccines. Its still tricky. Some states we can use personal reasons and in North Carolina we can and do use Religions reasons.

Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?

Have you heard of newborns being vaccinated? I mean literally straight from birth.

"Oh and how do you think the election will go on Sunday?"

I've mentioned a few times about my being superstitious, so I'm not going to make a comment pre-election. We were very busy yesterday, a lot of phone stuff, phoning a lot of people on our Leaning List, to remind them what the fundamental difference is between we Patriots and the Commie Traitors.

That it's our fundamental human right to protect our borders and put our own people first.

We will be doing a 24 hour operation beginning Saturday, no sleep and beginning Sunday morning a widespread getting of our people out to vote, also we will have teams of people monitoring the counts, this of course because the Leftist's made us a Banana Republic with the other vote which they stole with the absentee ballots, this is why we must have this election, the longest election in our nations history again.

Also we're in almost hourly contact with our Italian brothers and sisters because also on Sunday they have their referendum, this is important, the unelected Matteo Renzi, a disgusting Leftist who's attempting to destroy Italy by getting the Italian Coastguard at taxpayers expense picking up filthy Sub-Saharan African savages and bringing them to Italy, Renzi needs to go, Italy needs a general election, Renzi is the third in succession to be appointed, the Italian people need to be allowed their democratic right to a vote.
Yes. At Birth here its usually vitamin K shot and a few others but we refuse them. Just like we refused circumcision. We don't even put the eye stuff in their eyes...Got extremely healthy kids.

Sounds like yall have your hands full on Sunday! I hope Austria and Italy choose wisely! If I had one wish right now it would be to move to Europe somewhere.
. No circumcisions either ?? I know an old friend/co-worker/employee who has since passed away from lung cancer a while back (rip), but I remember him telling me that he had to get circumcised late in life (had to let him off work for the operation), and this due to constantly getting infections when he had sex with his wife back then, and that there would also be bleeding in the area as well. He probably was in his late thirties when this took place. No more problems after that. My circumcision was done at birth, and I never had such problems like that.
Nope no circumcisions. Did a lot of research about the NECESSITY of it and there was none. My son is almost 8 and has had zero problems and any future sons will be the same way. I was and my brothers were and man did we get flack for NOT doing it but go google a video of circumcision. Its a horrific practice and barbaric. I remember sitting in the recovery room after wife gave birth to our last child and listening to the baby next door being circumcised it was just heartbreaking....made me want to puke.
. A little weak in the knees eh ? I hate it when the kids get their shots, but so far so good.They might need to start doing evaluations of the children prior to the shots, and this would determine eligibility because of their health make up and such. If a kid has problems with health issues already, then the kid should be studied, and changes made if nessesary to suit the needs of the child.
Ya vaccines are bad I mean with them we just eradicated dozens of deadly man killing bugs and viruses. And without them we are seeing them coming back.
Wrong. Sanitary conditions were improved DRASTICALLY and MANY of the diseases were eradicated that way. Hey you want to be a walking medical experiment BE MY GUEST. Not gonna be forced on me or my family.
Ya vaccines are bad I mean with them we just eradicated dozens of deadly man killing bugs and viruses. And without them we are seeing them coming back.
Wrong. Sanitary conditions were improved DRASTICALLY and MANY of the diseases were eradicated that way. Hey you want to be a walking medical experiment BE MY GUEST. Not gonna be forced on me or my family.
You are beyond ignorant.
Ya vaccines are bad I mean with them we just eradicated dozens of deadly man killing bugs and viruses. And without them we are seeing them coming back.
Wrong. Sanitary conditions were improved DRASTICALLY and MANY of the diseases were eradicated that way. Hey you want to be a walking medical experiment BE MY GUEST. Not gonna be forced on me or my family.
You are beyond ignorant.
Says the dope who refuses to do very very simple research confirming my comment....guess the poisons did their job...made you dumb as a rock....course that's the end game for vaccines anyways.....dumbing a populace down.
Ya vaccines are bad I mean with them we just eradicated dozens of deadly man killing bugs and viruses. And without them we are seeing them coming back.
Wrong. Sanitary conditions were improved DRASTICALLY and MANY of the diseases were eradicated that way. Hey you want to be a walking medical experiment BE MY GUEST. Not gonna be forced on me or my family.
You are beyond ignorant.
Says the dope who refuses to do very very simple research confirming my comment....guess the poisons did their job...made you dumb as a rock....course that's the end game for vaccines anyways.....dumbing a populace down.
I have HISTORY as my proof. I had all my kids vaccinated and they got extra cause we were military. As did I.

So mister bright one if it is just improved sanitary conditions why are they coming back when people refuse to vaccinate and then explain why only the unvacinated catch the disease?
Ya vaccines are bad I mean with them we just eradicated dozens of deadly man killing bugs and viruses. And without them we are seeing them coming back.
Wrong. Sanitary conditions were improved DRASTICALLY and MANY of the diseases were eradicated that way. Hey you want to be a walking medical experiment BE MY GUEST. Not gonna be forced on me or my family.
You are beyond ignorant.
Says the dope who refuses to do very very simple research confirming my comment....guess the poisons did their job...made you dumb as a rock....course that's the end game for vaccines anyways.....dumbing a populace down.
I have HISTORY as my proof. I had all my kids vaccinated and they got extra cause we were military. As did I.

So mister bright one if it is just improved sanitary conditions why are they coming back when people refuse to vaccinate and then explain why only the unvacinated catch the disease?
History also shows what I said. I am not going to do the research for you. Be lazy see if I give a shit. I am not the one using my kids as medical experiments.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.

You couldn't avoid vaccinations in the military when I was in from 1982 until 2002. How do I know this? Because one of the shots we were required to get had something called Thimerserol (which I am allergic to, found out in boot camp the hard way), and instead of giving me the shots that everyone else got, they had something else that was Thimerserol free when vaccinations came around.

No. You STILL had to get your vaccinations.
The next 4 years is going to be a tragedy to science if Trump keeps meeting/associating with these pseudo scientist.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.

You couldn't avoid vaccinations in the military when I was in from 1982 until 2002. How do I know this? Because one of the shots we were required to get had something called Thimerserol (which I am allergic to, found out in boot camp the hard way), and instead of giving me the shots that everyone else got, they had something else that was Thimerserol free when vaccinations came around.

No. You STILL had to get your vaccinations.
Millions would die if it weren't for vaccines. OF course you don't know anything about the 19th century that you fight for.

Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.

You couldn't avoid vaccinations in the military when I was in from 1982 until 2002. How do I know this? Because one of the shots we were required to get had something called Thimerserol (which I am allergic to, found out in boot camp the hard way), and instead of giving me the shots that everyone else got, they had something else that was Thimerserol free when vaccinations came around.

No. You STILL had to get your vaccinations.

Thanks for the link, but like I said, all the way up until 2002, you HAD to get your vaccinations. I know I was required.

Additionally, in your link, yes, it DOES say that there is a one time religious exemption that you can ASK for, but it has to be done at the time of enlistment, and if you don't do it then, you can't ask again. Also says that the service has the ability to refuse the waiver.

Not only that, but the ONLY vaccine that active duty members can refuse is the one concerning the Anthrax vaccine, you still have to get your immunizations.

And this has to have come down after I retired from the Navy, because when I was Head Classifier/LPO at MEPS Amarillo, there were no waiver procedures to allow enlisting members to refuse vaccinations at time of enlistment. If there were, I would have known. Your link is dated for 2009.
Vaccines yes, forced vaccines no. Anything where people are forced to do something isn't a good situation, these things should be voluntary and not compulsory.

You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.

You couldn't avoid vaccinations in the military when I was in from 1982 until 2002. How do I know this? Because one of the shots we were required to get had something called Thimerserol (which I am allergic to, found out in boot camp the hard way), and instead of giving me the shots that everyone else got, they had something else that was Thimerserol free when vaccinations came around.

No. You STILL had to get your vaccinations.

Thanks for the link, but like I said, all the way up until 2002, you HAD to get your vaccinations. I know I was required.

Additionally, in your link, yes, it DOES say that there is a one time religious exemption that you can ASK for, but it has to be done at the time of enlistment, and if you don't do it then, you can't ask again. Also says that the service has the ability to refuse the waiver.

Not only that, but the ONLY vaccine that active duty members can refuse is the one concerning the Anthrax vaccine, you still have to get your immunizations.

And this has to have come down after I retired from the Navy, because when I was Head Classifier/LPO at MEPS Amarillo, there were no waiver procedures to allow enlisting members to refuse vaccinations at time of enlistment. If there were, I would have known. Your link is dated for 2009.
Who knows. I am sure my son will find out. He wants to go in the military eventually. It seems its like it is normally unless you KNOW about it and ASK for an exemption its not spoken about.
You DO realize that the military "forces" vaccines on ALL of it's people, right? Every year, you had to line up for shots, and sometimes, depending on where we were going, we had to get shots for there as well. Should the military get to choose to be vaccinated or not?

Short Why?'re living in close quarters with other people and the military has a vested interest in keeping you healthy so you can fight. If vaccines are so dangerous, why do we force them on the military?

And...............they do the same thing to the kids if they are attending a school on base.
You can actually sign a waiver if you are in the military to not get shots.Oh and military men and women are used as guinea pigs for the government always have been.

You couldn't avoid vaccinations in the military when I was in from 1982 until 2002. How do I know this? Because one of the shots we were required to get had something called Thimerserol (which I am allergic to, found out in boot camp the hard way), and instead of giving me the shots that everyone else got, they had something else that was Thimerserol free when vaccinations came around.

No. You STILL had to get your vaccinations.

Thanks for the link, but like I said, all the way up until 2002, you HAD to get your vaccinations. I know I was required.

Additionally, in your link, yes, it DOES say that there is a one time religious exemption that you can ASK for, but it has to be done at the time of enlistment, and if you don't do it then, you can't ask again. Also says that the service has the ability to refuse the waiver.

Not only that, but the ONLY vaccine that active duty members can refuse is the one concerning the Anthrax vaccine, you still have to get your immunizations.

And this has to have come down after I retired from the Navy, because when I was Head Classifier/LPO at MEPS Amarillo, there were no waiver procedures to allow enlisting members to refuse vaccinations at time of enlistment. If there were, I would have known. Your link is dated for 2009.
Who knows. I am sure my son will find out. He wants to go in the military eventually. It seems its like it is normally unless you KNOW about it and ASK for an exemption its not spoken about.

Doesn't matter if it was known about or spoken about, if it was authorized, I would have known about it because I was the head guy in charge of Navy enlistees that came through Amarillo. My boss was a PNCM in San Antonio.

And.............for the first 3 months that was at Amarillo, I did nothing but read ALL the enlistment manuals (putting a service record together is different than what it takes to maintain it), until I could demonstrate to the PNCM that I knew what I had to, as well as knew how to run the office. Afterwards, he offered me a billet as the Head Classifier and I took it.

Since the link for the memo is dated in 2009, I'd be willing to bet that change came after I retired in 2002.

But if your son is going to enlist and you don't want him to have vaccinations, remember to tell him to ask for the waiver BEFORE he signs his Oath of Enlistment, because after, it is too late. If he doesn't get the waiver before enlisting, the only vaccine that the military will let him opt out of is the Anthrax vaccine.

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