Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

Nancy doesn’t understand that you should talk face to face even if you are insulting each other. She’s a coward and that’s why she ran.
What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.

You watch her on TV and can’t see through her bullshit? What not dishonest about her, and what is credible? I’ll provide proof, on Election Day when I vote R.

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Republicans are on this committees as well.

Republicans are on the committees, as you said. But they are not being allowed to cross-examine witnesses, subpoena their own witnesses, or otherwise question the proceedings. The entire shitshow is pretty much being conducted in secret, with only what the Democrats want being leaked to the sympathetic press.

Can you say "Kangaroo Court"?
It's not a trial. That comes later, in the Senate.

You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020.

Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then.

"Cheating"? You guys and girls have perfected that to an art form. Why else would you be against voter ID, for open borders, for giving illegals driver's licenses, and for reinstating felon's right to vote?

A little gerrymandering is like stealing a pack of gum, compared to the shit you people try to get away with.
No, thats retarded, and you're a moron. Clearly gerrymandering has had bybfar the largestveffect, amd is why republicans control a disporportionate amount of seats at all levels.
Shortly after Pelosi was seen entering her office


Nah, Pelosi kept her cool. She's under Trump's skin and in his head. And she knows it.

Which is why she just laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed some more.
She stormed out of the oval office...

They cut the camera off on the FOX feed. She was asked point blank if Don called her a communist. She could not give a straight answer. She sounds like Jimmy Stewart, the way she stutters. That’s her tell when she is lying.

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I was wondering if she was half tanked.....because she was wobbling and grinning uncontrollably.

Then you look at how serious and stonefaced Steny Hoyer was.....I kept thinking that Pelosi's facial movements and grinning was a sign of being drunk or high on coke.
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The President is absolutely right!

Pelosi needs help fast! She is a very sick person indeed! :iagree:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 28 minutes ago

Nancy Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her “upstairs,” or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country. She had a total meltdown in the White House today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person!

5:00 PM - 16 Oct 2019
GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.
Holding impeachment behind closed doors and leaking tid bits that make Trump look bad...she is spending our tax dollars on a political inquiry....she should be using DNC dollars...
if you want me to go into her son's sweetheart business deals like Joe's son i will oblige....
Republicans are on this committees as well.

Republicans are on the committees, as you said. But they are not being allowed to cross-examine witnesses, subpoena their own witnesses, or otherwise question the proceedings. The entire shitshow is pretty much being conducted in secret, with only what the Democrats want being leaked to the sympathetic press.

Can you say "Kangaroo Court"?

Bullshit. No they are not. Otherwise you have hundreds of spineless GOPs complaining.
The only jerk that is trying to crash and spy is Rep. Gaetz a Trump protector. So they kicked his ass.

There’s no such thing as kangaroo court because your buddy is scrambling so hard to defend himself.

Just imagine if this asshole Rep. Gaetz allowed to be inside and spy for Trump.
It's not a trial. That comes later, in the Senate.

You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020.

Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then.

So Senator's represent "Districts" you really ARE as stupid as you look.
Not what was meant. When the districts are redrawn, the cheating states will have actual representative state legislatures, and the voting suppression measures will be thrown out.

Wow, you're really unprepared for this, arent you? Yes, the States are going to look very different, when some of the republican cheating is rolled back.


"You guys and girls had better get busy if you're planning on taking control of the Senate in 2020."

"Probably not happening. The cheating districts won't be re drawn by then"

You're out of your league boy.

Better be ready. Can’t wait for 2020. Do you even know hoe many GOPs not running for re-election in 2020?
GOOD she is a dishonest bitch...

What is "dishonest" about her? Please provide "credible" proof.
Holding impeachment behind closed doors and leaking tid bits that make Trump look bad...she is spending our tax dollars on a political inquiry....she should be using DNC dollars...
if you want me to go into her son's sweetheart business deals like Joe's son i will oblige....
Republicans are on this committees as well.

Republicans are on the committees, as you said. But they are not being allowed to cross-examine witnesses, subpoena their own witnesses, or otherwise question the proceedings. The entire shitshow is pretty much being conducted in secret, with only what the Democrats want being leaked to the sympathetic press.

Can you say "Kangaroo Court"?

Bullshit. No they are not. Otherwise you have hundreds of spineless GOPs complaining.
The only jerk that is trying to crash and spy is Rep. Gaetz a Trump protector. So they kicked his ass.

There’s no such thing as kangaroo court because your buddy is scrambling so hard to defend himself.

Just imagine if this asshole Rep. Gaetz allowed to be inside and spy for Trump.

We must also remember that the Republican committee members were already in the hearing. Therefore, Gaetz's illegal attendance would serve no purpose.
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
The Kurds are a mix over the place. We need to bring our boys home. We can send a drone over there if needed. You know to save our troops?
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.

You're an idiot. Please provide one single example of how Donald Trump has profited from being President?

Okay. When he invited hundreds of guest to his Maralago golf course. One of the most expensive club in the world. How many millions $ do you think he has made in last 3 years?
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

Get us out. Soldiers withdrawn from the Kurds assigned somewhere in Syria. They are not going home like he bullshit

What policy got it right? Kurds are getting butchered, people are getting misplaced from their homes and human crisis are in the making.
You call that policy?

At the same time his mouth is foaming trying to defend his garbage policy.
name one president who was on the right side over there, just one.
Trump is trying to get us out of this 17 year old war
Of course its going to be messy
Trump is tired of writing letters to widows of moronic past judgment in the ME
" Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her “upstairs,” or she just plain doesn’t like our great Country. She had a total meltdown today. It was very sad to watch. Pray for her, she is a very sick person!" - Trump

Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

Get us out. Soldiers withdrawn from the Kurds assigned somewhere in Syria. They are not going home like he bullshit

What policy got it right? Kurds are getting butchered, people are getting misplaced from their homes and human crisis are in the making.
You call that policy?

At the same time his mouth is foaming trying to defend his garbage policy.
How many US soldiers died under Bush and Obama again?

Different war different situations.

But allowing or giving a signal to Turkey to invade the Kurds is just unbelievably stupid. Don’t you think?

At the same time he is scrambling for ceasefire. He sent his VP and SOS to beg Endrogan....... please please please to stop the invasion.
Does that make sense to you?
"Schumer says it was more of a “diatribe” than a dialogue and than Trump didn’t have a plan for containing ISIS"

So a few hundred Isis fighters escaped from prison and that means to Schumer that we have not contained Isis?...LMFAO and the retarded anti American media dutifully plays along.....what a joke....Trump's actions in Syria last week would have been done by any of the dems running for president right now and Schumer fucking knows it...and so do the dems in the media....Trump acted like an anti war dem last week and Schumer doesn't like it?...fucking insincere asshole....
You're aware I take it that utterly bipartisanly, over the course of our misadventures in the middle east, we have partnered with Saddam, Osama, ISIS, al Qaida, al Nusra, and of course the public square beheading radical Islamist Saudis who we are also, as the public, are funding and provide troops too.
I dislike the Bush family as much as the Clinton family....

And you love this jerk POTUS regardless how much he lied and abused his power.
Please state the lies and what power he supposedly abused....

You mean to say you are this ignorant that I have to prove to you that Trump is a pathological liar?
Trump is clearly feeling the heat from his Kurd betrayal.
my my lookie at the warmongering liberal folks
We should be celebrating that a prez wants to get us out of the ME.
No president so far has gotten the policy right...except one, Donald J Trump.

Get us out. Soldiers withdrawn from the Kurds assigned somewhere in Syria. They are not going home like he bullshit

What policy got it right? Kurds are getting butchered, people are getting misplaced from their homes and human crisis are in the making.
You call that policy?

At the same time his mouth is foaming trying to defend his garbage policy.
name one president who was on the right side over there, just one.
Trump is trying to get us out of this 17 year old war
Of course its going to be messy
Trump is tired of writing letters to widows of moronic past judgment in the ME

The sad part of that is we are witnessing a slaughter and human crisis in the making by a very bad policy. Done purposely by Trump.

We are only talking 50 US soldiers in that area where the Kurds are as a advisers or trainer. Playing soccer.

You are also forgetting something. The Kurds loss approximately over 10,000 fighting the ISIS on the front line instead of US soldiers.
Trump even claimed and bragged the victory.
Not seeing where President Trump is wrong...

Why would you. You are his Deplorable base. You could walk down main street and shoot somebody and nobody would do anything about it. That's what your country now is. How proud are you!! :113::2up::5_1_12024::backpedal:
Hey, Dump, you have no idea what I believe. Go play in traffic.
"Not seeing where Trump is wrong.."

Yeah,. I have no idea...
Thank you for proving my point.

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